Geophysics 210 : Physics of the Earth
B:Gravity exploration
B1 Size and shape of the Earth (PPT)
B4 Gravity anomalies (PPT)
B4 Sample CGSN station
B5 The geoid (PPT)
B6 Isostacy (PPT)
B7 Rotation of the Earth (PPT)
B8 Variation of density with depth (PPT)
C1 Basics of seismology (PPT)
C2.1 Introduction to earthquake seismology (PPT)
C2.2 Physics of earthquakes (PPT)
C2.3 Plate boundary earthquakes - strike slip faults (PPT)
C2.3 Plate boundary earthquakes - convergent margins (PPT)
C2.4 Intra-plate boundary earthquakes (PPT)
C2.5 Seismic detection of nuclear explosions (PPT)
C3.1 Travel time curves (PPT)
C3.2 Earth models (PPT)
C3.3 The Crust (PPT)
C3.4 The Mantle (PPT)
C3.5 The Core (PPT)
C3.6 Historical perspective (PPT)
D: Geomagnetism
D1 Basics of geomagnetism (PPT)
D2 The Earth's magnetic field (PPT)
D3 Magnetic anomalies (PDF)
D4 Paleomagnetism (PPT)
D5 Magnetization of the crust (PPT)
2008 Sichuan Earthquake
Sichuan earthuake talk(PPT)
Sichuan earthuake movie(AVI)
Course Summary
Summary (PPT)
Last updated November 25 2008