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2006 Project Report
Project Report for CHE 624 & ENCH 633: Chemical Engineering ThermodynamicsThe goal of this TTI project was to assist in the multiplexing of teaching a graduate level course in thermodynamics, at the University of Alberta and at the University of Calgary. The lectures ran synchronously in both places with the two instructors alternating in the delivery of the course material. While the project started with the assumption that only the video-conferencing technologies available at both ends would be used for the course, we later migrated towards using a web-based technology (Elluminate) for the presentation of the material, and using the video-conferencing for broadcasting the instructor video and audio. There were several iterations to determine the most optimal and convenient amalgamation of various technologies in this project. These iterations are described below: 1. We began with using video-conferencing over IP for transmission of audio-video (of the instructor) and text data (ppt/pdf documents). However the resolution of the text when viewed at the remote location was severely degraded. Text from the visualizer (equipment that captures live drawings on a piece of paper, by an overhead camera) was only satisfactory in resolution when drawn on a large magnified scale. 2. We then moved towards using Elluminate (web based live information sharing application) for transmitting the text information. At this time we were using the podium computer to log into Elluminate sessions, thus the instructor had to keep switching between video-conferencing and computer display, while lecturing. We found that this was quite tiresome and would disrupt the normal flow of the class if the switch was not made at the right time. 3. Consequently, in the last iteration of the system setup, we brought in a portable projector and screen which was setup to one side in the classroom. This projector along with a laptop computer was dedicated to the Elluminate session. Thus, on the main display students could see the instructor from the remote location lecturing and on the portable screen they could simultaneously view the course material that was being discussed. The project had settled down to the final system setup by the end of the first month of classes. It is important to note here, that during the class, the students could simply push a button to pose a question (video of the student asking his/her question is transmitted) to the remote instructor and they would receive a live personalized answer. We were also able to display course material in various formats: powerpoint presentations, pdf documents, and whiteboard format. Overall from a teaching assistant’s point of view, the TTI project was quite successful as it gave the students a chance to interact with both the instructors live, and the various technologies used in the project were a big asset to the instructors in achieving this synchronous mode of instruction. |
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