News from the U of A Squash Club

News, Sept 27

Membership fee is $10. The fees are paid at the Campus Rec Office. Members who are not affiliated with the University (who do not have OneCard) will be given access to the change room and courts only during the rec play time.

Club Meeting

The U of A squash club meets on

  • Thursdays 6 - 8pm and
  • Sundays 1 - 3pm

  • at the squash courts in Van Vliet Centre.

    Edmonton Squash League Deadline

    Deadline for the Edmonton Squash League (Women's and Men's, from novice to level A's) will be Sunday, September 25th. For more information regarding league rules, level of commitment and skill levels please visit Edmonton Squash League. If you are interested in playing at any level at the university, please contact us at

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