Introduction Soil Science and Soil Resources



Orthic Melanic Brunisol


Orthic Brown Chernozem  



View hi-resolution monolith image here


Monolith No: ISSS1

Series: Grenville
Abbreviation: O.MB
Place Collected: Canada: Ontario, Ottawal

Horizon Sequence: Ap; Bm; Ck

Parent Materials: Glacial Till


Download horizon sequence data here (Excel spreadsheet). Note: the data in M. No. column refers to the ISS number.





Horizon Sequence Start Depth End Depth Texture Colour Structure Consistence Roots Boundary Fibre Note
Ap 0 25 SL 10YR3/2 1mbk mfr 1f aw cloddy surface condition
Bm 25 44 L 10YR4/3 1mbk mfr 1vf aw worm casts, root channels
Ck 44 100 SL 10YR4/2 m mfr 1vf