Nielsen, S.E., Bayne, E., Scheick, J., Herbers, J., and Boutin, S.A. 2007. A new method to estimate species and biodiversity intactness using empirically derived reference conditions. Biological Conservation, 137, 403–414.

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., Stenhouse, G.B., 2006. A habitat-based framework for grizzly bear conservation in Alberta. Biological Conservation, 130, 217-229.

Munro, R.H.M., Nielsen, S.E., Price, M.H., Stenhouse, G.B., and Boyce, M.S., 2006. Seasonal and diel patterns of grizzly bear diet and activity in west-central Alberta. Journal of Mammalogy, 87, 1112-1121.

Gillies, C.S., Hebblewhite, M., Nielsen, S.E., Krawchuk, M.A., Aldridge, C.L., Frair, J.L., Saher, D.J., Stevens, C.E., Jerde, C.L., 2006. Application of random effects to the study of resource selection by animals. Journal of Animal Ecology, 75, 887-898.

Johnson, C.J., Nielsen, S.E., McDonald, T.L., Merrill, E., Boyce, M.S., 2006. Resource selection functions based on use-availability data: theoretical motivation and evaluation methods. Journal of Wildlife Management, 70, 347-357.

Nielsen, S.E., Johnson, C., Heard, D.C., and Boyce, M.S., 2005. Can models of presence-absence be used to scale abundances? Two case studies considering extremes in life history. Ecography 28, 197-208.

Nielsen, S.E., 2005. Habitat ecology, conservation, and projected population viability of grizzly bears (Ursus arctos L.) in west-central Alberta, Canada. PhD Dissertation, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. [High resolution 65MB]

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., and Stenhouse, G.B., 2004. Grizzly bears and forestry I: selection of clearcuts by grizzly bears in west-central Alberta, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management 199, 51–65.

Nielsen, S.E., Munro, R.H.M., Bainbridge, E., Boyce, M.S., and Stenhouse, G.B., 2004. Grizzly bears and forestry II: distribution of grizzly bear foods in clearcuts of west-central Alberta, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management 199, 67–82.

Nielsen, S.E., Herrero, S., Boyce, M.S., Benn, B., Mace, R.D., Gibeau, M.L., and Jevons, S., 2004. Modelling the spatial distribution of human-caused grizzly bear mortalities in the Central Rockies Ecosystem of Canada. Biological Conservation 120, 101-113.

Frair, J.L., Nielsen, S.E., Merrill, E.H., Lele, S., Boyce, M.S., Munro, R.H.M., Stenhouse, G.B., and Beyer, H.L., 2004. Approaches for removing GPS-collar bias in habitat-selection studies. Journal of Applied Ecology 41, 201-212.

Nielsen, S.E., and Haney, A., 2003. Vegetation composition, dynamics, and management of a bracken-grassland and northern-dry forest ecosystem. Environmental Management 31, 810-821.

Nielsen, S.E., Kirschbaum, C.D., and Haney, A., 2003. Restoration of Midwest oak barrens:
Structural manipulation or process-only?
Conservation Ecology 7(2), 10. [online] URL:

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., Stenhouse, G.B., and Munro, R.H.M., 2003. Development and testing of phenologically driven grizzly bear habitat models. Ecoscience 10, 1-10.

Boyce, M.S., Vernier, P.R., Nielsen, S.E., and Schmiegelow, F.K.A., 2002. Evaluating resource selection functions. Ecological Modelling 157, 281-300.

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., Stenhouse, G.B., and Munro, R.H.M., 2002. Modeling grizzly bear habitats in the Yellowhead Ecosystem of Alberta: Taking autocorrelation seriously. Ursus 13, 45-56.

Nielsen, S.E., and Haney, A., 1998. Gradient responses for understory species in a bracken-grassland and northern-dry forest ecosystem of Northeast Wisconsin. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters 86, 149-166.


Book Chapters:
Noss, R., Vance-Borland, K., Nielsen, S. Prioritizing ecosystems, species, and sites for restoration. In: Spatial Conservation Planning: Quantitative Methods and Computational Tools; Moilanen, A., Possingham, H., Wilson, K. Eds.; Oxford University Press. In Review (published in January of 2009).

In Press:


In Review:
Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., Beyer, H., Huettmann, F., and Stenhouse, G.S Can natural disturbance-based forestry rescue a declining population of grizzly bears? Biological Conservation, In review.

Aldridge, C.L., Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., Knick, S.T., Schroeder, M.A., and Connelly, J.W. Range-wide patterns of sage-grouse extirpation: lessons from the past, predictions for the future. Diversity and Distributions, In review.

Nielsen, S.E., Haugland, D., Bayne, E., and Schieck, J. Detecting trends in species occurrence for a large-scale, long-term biodiversity monitoring programme. Biodiversity and Conservation, In review.


In Preparation:
Nielsen, S.E., Aldridge, C.A., Leu, M., Hanser, S., Knick, S. Landscape patterns and anthropogenic factors predicting the occurrence and abundance of dominant invasive plants of the Wyoming Basin. In preparation.

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., and Stenhouse, G. Maternal-offspring rearing shapes post-natal habitat selection in brown bears. In preparation.

Nielsen, S.E., McDermid, G., Stenhouse, G., Boyce, M.S. Temporally dynamic food-based habitat model for grizzly bears in west-central Alberta. In preparation.

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., Stenhouse, G.B. Grizzly bear habitat segregation from resource competition. In preparation (dissertation manuscript).

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., Stenhouse, G.B. Does learning or genetic relatedness shape habitat selection in grizzly bears? In preparation (dissertation manuscript).


Non-Refereed Reports:
Nielsen, S.E., and Bjork, R. 2007. Past trends and possible futures in surface disturbances and biodiversity condition for the Great Sand Hills of Saskatchewan. Submitted to the Great Sand Hills Regional Environmental Study, January 2007, 33 pp.

Nielsen, S.E., and Bjork, R. 2007. Biodiversity Assessments for the Great Sand Hills: Response of Focal Species to Livestock Grazing and Gas Development. Submitted to the Great Sand Hills Regional Environmental Study, February 2007, 40 pp.

Nielsen, S.E., and Bayne, E. 2006. A Manual for Estimating Biodiversity Intactness for the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Program: Description and Working Example. Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) Delivery Team, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Program, University of Alberta, March 2006, 51 pp.

Nielsen, S.E., and Boyce, M.S. 2006. Dynamic grizzly bear habitat maps: Spatial-temporal predictions of food resources for a generalist species. Pages 62-68 in Stenhouse, G.B. and Graham, K. (eds.) Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Research Program 2005 Annual Report.

Nielsen, S.E., and Boyce, M.S. 2006. Grizzly bear habitat modeling and mapping for the Grande Cache toWaterton region of Alberta's foothills and mountains. Pages 57-61 in Stenhouse, G.B. and Graham, K. (eds.) Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Research Program 2005 Annual Report.

Nielsen, S.E., Munro, R.H.M., and Boyce, M.S. 2006. A Preliminary Assessment of Grizzly Bear Activity Patterns in the Swan Hills, Alberta. Pages 16-20 in Stenhouse, G.B. and Graham, K. (eds.) Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Research Program 2005 Annual Report.

Nielsen, S.E., Munro, R.H.M, and Boyce, M.S. 2006. Modeling grizzly bear activity by time of day and habitat in west-central Alberta. Pages 9-15 in Stenhouse, G.B. and Graham, K. (eds.) Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Research Program 2005 Annual Report.

Nagy, J.A., Derocher, A.E., Nielsen, S.E., Wright, W.H., and Heikkila, J.M. 2006. Modelling Seasonal Habitats of Boreal Woodland Caribou at the Northern Limits of their Range: A Preliminary Assessment of the Lower Mackenzie River Valley, Northwest Territories, Canada. Preliminary Report to the Northwest Territories. 36 pp.

Herrero, S., Gibeau, M., Garshelis, D., Benn, B., Theberge, J., Stevens, S., Stelfox, B., Nielsen, S., Proctor, M., Jevons, S., Cattet, M., and Felicetti, L. 2005. Summary: Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project Final Report. Pages vii-xviii in S. Herrero (ed.). Biology, demography, ecology and management of grizzly bears in and around Banff National Park and Kananaskis Country: The final report of the Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project. Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Nielsen, S., Herrero, S., Boyce, M., Mace, R., Benn, B., Gibeau, M., and Jevons, S. 2005. Modelling the spatial distribution of human-caused grizzly bear mortalities in the Central Rockies Ecosystem of Canada. Pages 95-110 in S. Herrero (ed.). Biology, demography, ecology and management of grizzly bears in and around Banff National Park and Kananaskis Country: The final report of the Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project. Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Nielsen, S.E., and Boyce, M.S. 2005. Grizzly Bears And Forestry: Selection Of Clearcuts By Grizzly Bears and associated habitat quality based on food resources, Pages 124-142 in Stenhouse, G.B. and Graham, K. (eds.) Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Research Program 1999-2003 Final Report, 289 pp.

Nielsen, S.E., and Boyce, M.S. 2005. Grizzly bears and forestry II: Distribution of grizzly bear foods in clearcuts of west-central Alberta, Canada, Pages 143-161 in Stenhouse, G.B. and Graham, K. (eds.) Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Research Program 1999-2003 Final Report, 289 pp.

Nielsen, S.E., and Boyce, M.S. 2005. Grizzly bear habitat segregation from resource competition, Pages 162-197 in Stenhouse, G.B. and Graham, K. (eds.) Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Research Program 1999-2003 Final Report, 289 pp.

Nielsen, S.E., and Boyce, M.S. 2005. A habitat-cased framework for grizzly bear conservation in Alberta, Pages 198-218 in Stenhouse, G.B. and Graham, K. (eds.) Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Research Program 1999-2003 Final Report, 289 pp.

Nielsen, S.E., and Boyce, M.S. 2005. A comparison of two-pass and natural disturbance-based forestry on grizzly bear population persistence in west-central Alberta, Canada, Pages 219-263 in Stenhouse, G.B. and Graham, K. (eds.) Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Research Program 1999-2003 Final Report, 289 pp.

Nielsen, S.E., 2004. Habitat and grizzly bear density estimates for the 2004 DNA census of grizzly bear management areas 3B & 4B, west-central Alberta, Canada. A report for Foothills Model Forest, 20 pages.

Nielsen, S.E., and Boyce, M.S., 2003. Grizzly bear habitat selection and mortality coefficients: Estimates for the Southern Alberta Regional Strategy (SARS)-ALCES project. A report for Forem Technologies, 21 pages.

Nielsen, S.E., Huettmann, F., McDermid, G., Boyce, M.S., Franklin, S.E., Stenhouse, G.B., Munro, R.H.M., and Dugas, J., 2003. A comparison of mapping products for predicting grizzly bear habitat quality in west-central Alberta. 28 pages.

Nielsen, S.E., Munro, R.H.M., Bainbridge, E.L., and Boyce, M.S., 2003. Distribution of grizzly bear foods in clearcuts and reference forest stands of west-central Alberta. Pages 45–67 in Stenhouse, G., R. Munro, and K. Graham (eds.) “Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Research Program 2002 Annual Report (year 4 of a 5 year study)”, 162 pp.

Nielsen, S.E., and Boyce, M.S., 2003. Grizzly bear habitat use of clearcuts in west-central Alberta: Influence of site, silviculture, and landscape structure. Pages 24–44 in Stenhouse, G., R. Munro, and K. Graham (eds.) “Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Research Program 2002 Annual Report (year 4 of a 5 year study)”, 162 pp.

Nielsen, S.E., Munro, R.H.M., and Boyce, M.S., 2003. A summary of the 2002 field research programme: Foods, berries, and microsite habitat selection. Pages 17–18 in Stenhouse, G., R. Munro, and K. Graham (eds.) “Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Research Program 2002 Annual Report (year 4 of a 5 year study)”, 162 pp.

Munro, R.H.M., Nielsen, S.E., Dugas, J., Stenhouse, G.B., and Boyce, M.S., 2002. The influence of habitat quality and human activity on grizzly bear home range size and selection. Pages 14–16 in Stenhouse, G., and R. Munro (eds.) “Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Research Program 2001 Annual Report (year 3 of 5 year study)”, 127 pp.

Munro, R.H.M., Nielsen, S.E., Stenhouse, G.B., and Boyce, M.S., 2002. Microsite habitat selection by female grizzly bears. Pages 43–49 in Stenhouse, G., and R. Munro (eds.) “Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Research Program 2001 Annual Report (year 3 of 5 year study)”, 127 pp.

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., and Stenhouse, G.B., 2002. Grizzly bear habitat model coefficients: Comparisons and estimates for NES and FMF products. A report for the IRM-NES-ALCES grizzly bear modeling project. 21 pages.

Nielsen, S.E., and Boyce, M.S., 2002. Resource selection functions and population viability analyses. Pages 17–42 in Stenhouse, G., and R. Munro (eds.) “Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Research Program 2001 Annual Report (year 3 of 5 year study)”, 127 pp.

Nielsen, S.E., and Boyce, M.S., 2001. Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Research Program- RSF report, Year 2000. Pages 42–46 in Stenhouse, G., and R. Munro (eds.) “Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Research Program 2000 Annual Report”, 87 pp.


Local and National Conferences (Paper, Poster, or Invited Seminar):
Nielsen, S. 2007. Habitat-based assessments of grizzly bears in Alberta with implications of future land-use activities on habitat quality, mortality risk, and population viability. Invited Seminar for the Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Canmore, Alberta, March 18-21, 2007.

Boutin, S., Bayne, E., Nielsen, S.E., Schieck, J., and Herbers, J. 2006. The consumer price index for biodiversity. Invited Seminar, Department of Biological Sciences Ecology Seminar Series, University of Alberta. March 24, 2006.

Schieck, J., Nielsen, S.E., Bayne, E., Herbers, J., Boutin, S., Haughland, D., 2005. Raising the bar: New robust indices for measuring and reporting changes in biodiversity. Paper presented at the 2005 Annual Conference and Meeting of the Alberta Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Nisku, Alberta, March 11-12, 2005.

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., Stenhouse, G.B., 2005. A habitat-based framework for grizzly bear conservation in Alberta. Poster presented at the 2005 Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) Partners In Conservation (PIC) conference, Calgary, Alberta, January 26-27, 2005 [3rd place poster award].

Nielsen, S.E., 2005. Grizzly bear habitat and mortality risk: Model for resource management. Invited Seminar presented at the 'Introducing Grizzly Bear Planning Tools' workshop for Alberta's oil and gas producers, Calgary, Alberta, January 19, 2005.

Nielsen, S.E., 2005. Grizzly bear habitat and mortality risk: Model for resource management. Invited Seminar presented at the 'Introducing Grizzly Bear Planning Tools' workshop for Alberta's forest industry, Edmonton, Alberta, January 17, 2005.

Nielsen, S.E., 2004. A spatial-temporal GIS analysis for grizzly bear conservation. Invited Seminar presented at GIS Day: A Showcase of GIS Applications at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, November 17, 2004 [Awarded best student presentation by ESRI Canada - Edmonton].

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., and Stenhouse, G.B., 2003. Habitat selection of cut-blocks by grizzly bears: When, where, and why? Paper presented at The Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Red Deer, Alberta, February 28-29, 2003.

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., Stenhouse, G.B., and Munro, R.H.M., 2001. Using Resource Selection Functions in Population Viability Analysis of Yellowhead Grizzly Bears. Paper presented at Alberta Conservation Association "Partners in Conservation Conference", Nisku, Alberta, February 10, 2001.

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., and Stenhouse, G.B., 2003. Habitat selection of cut-blocks by grizzly bears: When, where, and why? Paper presented at the Alberta Conservation Association "Partners in Conservation Conference", Edmonton, Alberta, January 24-25, 2003.

Nielsen, S.E., and Boyce, M.S., 2002. Grizzly bear habitat ecology in west-central Alberta. Invited Seminar, Sherwood Park Fish & Game Association, Fall of 2002.

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., Stenhouse, G.B., and Munro, R.H.M., 2002. Putting the resource into resource selection functions: Food phenology models for grizzly bear predictions. Paper presented at The Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Edmonton, Alberta, March 7-9, 2002.

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., and Stenhouse, G.B., 2001. Can you have too much data? The Problem of spatial autocorrelation in habitat selection studies. Paper presented at the Northwest Section/Alberta Chapter of The Wildlife Society Conference, Banff, Alberta, March 2-4, 2001.

Nielsen, S.E. 2001. The ecology and restoration of North American Midwest savannas. Invited Seminar, Department of Biological Sciences Ecology Seminar Series, University of Alberta. January 26, 2001.


International Conference Presentations (Poster or Paper):
Proctor, M., Boulanger, J., Servheen, C., Kasworm, W., Paetkau, D., Nielsen, S., Boyce, M. 2007. Regional-based research and management of small, fragmented, and threatened Canada-USA trans-border grizzly bear populations. Paper presented at the International Bear Association conference in Monterrey, Mexico, November 8, 2007.

Bjork, R., Nielsen, S.E., Noss, R., Vance-Borland, K., 2007. Conservation planning in the Great Sand Hills grasslands: Integrating focal species responses to gas development and grazing. Poster presented at the Society for Conservation Biology 21st Annual Meeting in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, July 1-5, 2007.

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., Stenhouse, G.B., 2005. Use of relative fitness states for grizzly bear conservation: Habitat selection and mortality. Paper presented at the Wildlife Society 12th Annual Conference in Madison, Wisconsin, September 25-29, 2005.

Nielsen, S.E., 2005. Habitat Conservation Models for Grizzly Bears in Alberta. Poster presented at the annual ESRI International User Conference, San Diego, California, USA, July 25-29, 2005.

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., Stenhouse, G.B., Huettmann, F., 2004. A habitat-based population viability assessment for west-central Alberta grizzly bears. Paper presented at the Wildlife Society 11th Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, September 18-22, 2004.

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., Stenhouse, G.B., Huettmann, F., 2004. A habitat-based population viability assessment for west-central Alberta grizzly bears. Paper presented at the Wildlife Society 11th Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, September 18-22, 2004.

Boyce, M.S., Aldridge, C.L., Lingle, S., Nielsen, S.E., Varley, N., 2004. Scale of availability in the estimation of resource selection functions. Paper presented at the Wildlife Society 11th Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, September 18-22, 2004.

Aldridge, C.L., Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., Knick, S.T., Schroeder, M.A., Connelly, J.W., 2004. Range-wide patterns of sage-grouse extirpation: lessons from the past, predictions for the future. Paper presented at the Wildlife Society 11th Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, September 18-22, 2004.

Kirschbaum, C.D., Nielsen, S.E., and Haney, A., 2004. Restoration of Midwest Oak Barrens: Structural Manipulation or Process Only? Paper presented at the Lost Mound Sand Prairie Conference, Galena, Illinois, USA, April 15-17.

Nielsen, S.E., Munro, R.H.M., Stenhouse, G.B., and Boyce, M.S., 2004. The distribution of grizzly bear foods in clear-cuts of west-central Alberta, Canada. Poster presented at the 15th International Conference on Bear Management and Research, San Diego, California, USA, February 8-13, 2004.

Nielsen, S.E., Johnson, C., Heard, D.C., and Boyce, M.S., 2003. Modeling species distribution and abundance: Does probability of occurrence reflect population density? Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Resource Selection Functions, Laramie, Wyoming, USA, January 13-15, 2003.

Boyce, M.S., Vernier, P.R., Nielsen, S.E., and Schmiegelow, F.F.K., 2002. Evaluating resource selection functions. Paper presented at The Wildlife Society 9th Annual Conference, Bismarck, North Dakota, USA, September 24-28, 2002.

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., Stenhouse, G.B., and Munro, R.H.M., 2002. Food phenology models for grizzly bear predictions. Paper presented at The Wildlife Society 9th Annual Conference, Bismarck, North Dakota, USA, September 24-28, 2002.

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., and Stenhouse, G.B., 2001. Habitat selection by Yellowhead grizzly bears. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Reno Nevada, USA, September 24-29, 2001.

Frair, J.L, Merrill, E.H., Boyce, M.S., Lele, S., Stenhouse, G.B., Munro, R.H.M., and Nielsen, S.E., 2001 Incorporating habitat-biased locational error into habitat use models. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society. Reno, Nevada, September 24-29, 2001.

Nielsen, S.E., Boyce, M.S., Stenhouse, G.B., and Munro, R.H.M., 2001.Resource selection of grizzly bears in the Yellowhead Ecosystem of Alberta, Canada. Poster presented at the 13th International Conference on Bear Research and Management. Jackson, Wyoming, USA, May 21-25, 2001.

Munro, R.H.M., Nielsen, S.E., Stenhouse, G.B. and Boyce, M.S., 2001. The influence of habitat quality and human activity on grizzly bear home range size. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Bear Research and Management. Jackson, Wyoming, USA, May 21-25, 2001.