Select Bibliography of


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Colleagues working in women's writing may welcome the English translation of an 1899 short story by Lou Andreas-Salome, a potentially useful addition to any syllabus on women's fiction ca. 1900. Click here for more.


Johannes Schlaf and German Naturalist Drama. Columbia: Camden House, 1997. 190 pp.

Books edited

Seminar 36.1 (February 2000). Special Theme Issue on Lou Andreas-Salomé. 160 pp.

Chapters in books

"Introduction." Seminar 36 (2000). Special Theme Issue on Lou Andreas-Salomé. 1-4.

"Illusionäre Größe. Zu den poetologischen Elementen in Grabbes Napoleon oder die hundert Tage und Hannibal." Analogon Rationis. Festschrift für Gerwin Marahrens zum 65. Geburtstag. Edited by Marianne Henn and Christoph Lorey. Edmonton: Marianne Henn and Christoph Lorey, 1994: 313-330.


"Schnitzler, Kubrick, and 'Fidelio.'" Mosaic. A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature. 25 pp. ms. Forthcoming. Joint article with Dr. S. Ingram.

"Olivier's Jewel Box: A Reassessment of the ‘Usual Suspects' in Hoffmann's Das Fräulein von Scuderi." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 101 (2002): 68-89. Joint article with C. N. Brooks.

"Tales and Texts: Patterns of Self-Reflexivity in Kleist's Michael Kohlhaas." Michigan German Studies 25.2 (1999[appeared 2001]): 167-187.

"Rolf Thiele's Film Version of Thomas Mann's Homotext Tonio Kröger: A Reconsideration." Torquere 2 (2000). 80-104.

"Echoes of Lou Andreas-Salomé in Thomas Mann's Tonio Kröger. Eine Ausschweifung and its Relationship to the Bildungsroman Tradition." Germanic Review 75 (2000): 21-36.

"Lou Andreas-Salomé's Fenitschka and the Tradition of the Bildungsroman." Monatshefte 91 (1999): 464-480.

"The Anti-Heroic Consistency of C.D. Grabbe's Historical Dramas. Poetological Discourse and Intertextuality in Gothland, Hohenstaufen, and Napoleon." Colloquia Germanica 29/1 (1996): 39-60. Joint article with J.L. Plews.

"Hoffmann's Das Fräulein von Scuderi and Süskind's Das Parfum: Elements of Homage in a Postmodernist Parody of a Romantic Artist Story." The German Quarterly 67 (1994): 222-234. Joint article with M. Herzog.

"Rethinking Anna Mahr: The Emancipated Woman in Gerhart Hauptmann's Einsame Menschen." Seminar 29 (1993): 233-252.

"Johannes Schlaf." Dictionary of Literary Biography. Volume 118. Twentieth-Century German Dramatists, 1889-1918. Edited by James Hardin and Wolfgang Elfe. Detroit, London: Bruccoli Clark Layman, 1992: 172-180.

"Gerhart Hauptmann's Metadramatic Use of ‘Das Blutgericht' in Die Weber." Germanic Review 66 (1991): 141-147.

"Self-Consciousness in Die Ehre. A Revised View of Hermann Sudermann's First Drama." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 89 (1990): 461-474.

"Elements of Self-Consciousness in Adalbert Stifter's Der Nachsommer." Colloquia Germanica 23 (1990): 240-252.

"Echoes of Romanticism in Adalbert Stifter's Der Nachsommer." Monatshefte 82 (1990): 62-72.

"Gerhart Hauptmann's Vor Sonnenaufgang: On Alcohol and Poetry in German Naturalist Drama." The German Quarterly 63 (1990): 83-91.

"Echoes of Novalis and Tieck in Büchner's Lenz." Seminar 15 (1989): 324-338.

"Novalis's Influence on Ludwig Tieck's Der Runenberg." Carleton Germanic Papers 17 (1989): 53-65.

"Törless' Moral and Ethical Development. Reflections on a Problem of Robert Musil-Criticism." Modern Austrian Literature 22 (1989): 19-34.

"Art Works and Artistic Activity in Holz/Schlaf's Die Familie Selicke." Michigan Germanic Studies 14 (1988): 139-150.

"From Confusion to Clarity. Further Reflections on the Revelatory Function of Narrative Technique and Symbolism in Annette von Droste-Hülshoff's Die Judenbuche." Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift 54 (1980): 259-283.

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Areas and Authors of Interest

Raleigh Whitinger has publications dealing with a variety of authors of the Goethezeit and Romanticism (Tieck, Novalis, Kleist, Hoffmann), realism of the nineteenth century (Büchner, Grabbe, Droste-Hülshoff, Stifter), naturalism (Holz/Schlaf, Schlaf, Hauptmann, Sudermann), and early twentieth century (Th. Mann, Andreas-Salomé, Musil, Schnitzler).

His interests cover modern drama, irony and narratology, the Bildungsroman, naturalism, women's writing, and the relationship of literature and film.



Current Projects

The most important include:
– A monograph on Eduard Mörike's 1832 novel Maler Nolten, its relationship to the development of modern German prose and the Bildungsroman.
– An annotated English translation of Mörike's novel.


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