German 476

Course Description and Syllabus


German 476
Modern German Drama II

The official course description, etc., is in progress.


The main focus is on modern German dramas, from Goethe into the twentieth century, that focus on the role of the inidividual "hero" figure in times of historical upheaval, rebellion, or revolution.

During the first half of the semester, classes will focus on three major "Heldendramen": Goethe's Egmont (1787), Heinrich von Kleist's Prinz Friedrich von Homburg (1811), and Georg Büchner's Dantons Tod.

During the last half of the semseter, classes will focus on a selection of subsequent historical plays of the nineteenth- and twentieth centuries (for example, by Grabbe, Hebbel, Hauptmann, Ebner-Eschenbach, Hauptmann, Toller, Brecht), whereby students will focus on a drama of their choice, upon which they base reports and essays counting towards the final grade.

More details soon! In the meantime:

Contact, re placement, permission, details: Raleigh Whitinger, 308-A, 492-4110



Detailed Syllabus

Under construction, coming soon


Assignments and topics:

TBA, contact