Rong-Cai Yang, PhD (University of Saskatchewan)
ARD Professor of Statistical Genomics

Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science

University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta

Canada T6G 2P5

Tel:  (780) 492-3728 or  (780) 415-2716

Fax: (780) 248-1900


Primary Research Area:
Statistical Genomics and Quantitative Genetics

Research Interests:
Research focus is on the development of new theories and analytical methods for studying genetic and breeding data from crop plants and farmed animals and for designing experiments to increase the efficiency of gene discovery and mapping. I am currently very active in the following two lines of research. First, a new likelihood-based method has been developed to characterize and test for different causes of genotype-environment interactions observed in a typical plant breeding or agronomic study. Second, new multilocus statistics have been developed to describe linkage disequilibrium and other genic disequilibria in non-equilibrium populations such as hybrid populations. The study of these multilocus statistics have important applications to the development of disequilibrium-based gene mapping methods that will be of great value to mapping genes controlling complex traits in farmed animals and human.

Refereed Journal Publications:


Yang, R.-C. 2009. When Is Early Generation Selection Effective in Self-Pollinated Crops? Crop Science (in press, Nov/Dec issue).

Yang, R.-C., J. Crossa, P. L. Cornelius, and J. Burgueño. 2009. Biplot analysis of genotype × environment interaction: Proceed with caution. Crop Science 49:1564-1576.

Yang, R.-C., and J. M. Álvarez-Castro. 2009. Functional and statistical genetic effects with multiple alleles. Current Topics in Genetics (in press).

McPherson, M.A., R.-C. Yang, A. G. Good, R. L. Nielson and L. M. Hall. 2009. Potential for seed-mediated gene flow in agroecosystems from transgenic safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) intended for plant molecular farming. Transgenic Research 18(2):281-299.

McPherson, M.A., A. G. Good, A. K. C. Topinka, R.-C. Yang, R. H. McKenzie, R. J. Cathcart, J. A. Christianson, C. Strobeck and L. M. Hall. 2009. Pollen-mediated gene flow from transgenic safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) intended for plant molecular farming to conventional safflower. Environ. Biosafety Res. 8: 19–32.

Nielson, R.L., M. A. McPherson, J T. O’Donovan, K. N. Harker, R.-C. Yang and L. M. Hall. 2009. Seed Mediated Gene Flow in Wheat: Seed Bank Longevity in Western Canada. Weed Science 57(1):124-132.

Rahman, M.H., K.C. Falk and R.-C. Yang. 2009. Inheritance of Susceptibility to Ethametsulfuron Herbicide “Muster ®” in summer turnip rape (Brassica rapa L.). Crop Science 49:819-824.

Reid, T.A, R-C. Yang, D. F. Salmon and D. Spaner. 2009. Should spring wheat breeding for organically managed systems be conducted on organically managed land? Euphytica (DOI 10.1007/s10681-009-9949-9)


Yang, R.-C. 2008. Why is MIXED analysis underutilized? Canadian Journal of Plant Science 88: 563-567.

Yang, R.-C. 2008. Effects of linkage and epistasis on inter-generation correlations in self-pollinated species. Crop Science  48:2074-2085.

Burgueño, J., J. Crossa, P.L. Cornelius and R.-C. Yang. 2008. Using factor analytic models for joining environments and genotypes without crossover genotype x environment interaction. Crop Science 48:1291–1305.

Broatch, J.S., L.M. Dosdall, R.-C. Yang, K. N. Harker, and G.W. Clayton.  2008.  Emergence and seasonal activity of the entomophagous rove beetle Aleochara bilineata (Coleoptera:   Staphylinidae) in canola in western Canada.  Environmental Entomology 37: 1451-1460.


Yang, R.-C. 2007. Mixed-model analysis of crossover genotype-environment interactions. Crop Science 47: 1051-1062.

Yang, R.-C. and F.C. Yeh. 2007. Differential growth and rooting of upland and peatland black spruce, Picea mariana, in drained and flooded soils. Silvae Genetica 56:73-80.

Yang, R.-C., F.C. Yeh and T.Z. Ye. 2007. Multilocus Structure in Pinus contorta - Pinus banksiana Complex. Canadian Journal of Botany 85:774-784.

Rweyongeza, D. M., R.-C. Yang, N. K. Dhir, L. K. Barnhardt, and C. Hansen. 2007. Genetic variation and climatic impacts on survival and growth of white spruce in Alberta, Canada. Silvae Genetica 56:117-127.

Rweyongeza, D.M., N. K. Dhir, L. K. Barnhardt, C. Hansen and R.-C. Yang. 2007. Population differentiation of the lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and jack pine (P. banksiana) complex in Alberta: growth, survival and responses to climate. Canadian Journal of Botany 85:545-556.

Iqbal, M., A. Navabi, R.-C. Yang, D.F. Salmon, and D. Spaner. 2007. Molecular characterization of vernalization response genes in Canadian spring wheat. Genome 50:511-516.

Iqbal, M., A. Navabi, D.F. Salmon, R.-C. Yang, B.M. Murdoch, S.S. Moore, and D. Spaner. 2007. Genetic analysis of flowering and maturity time in high latitude spring wheat. Euphytica 154:207-218.

Iqbal, M., A. Navabi, R.-C. Yang, D.F. Salmon, and D. Spaner. 2007. The Effect of Vernalization Genes on Earliness and Related Agronomic Traits of Spring Wheat in Northern Growing regions. Crop Science 47: 1031-1039.

Iqbal, M., A. Navabi, D.F. Salmon, R.-C. Yang, and D. Spaner. 2007. Simultaneous selection for early maturity, increased grain yield and elevated grain protein content in spring wheat. Plant Breeding 126:244-250.


Yang, R.-C., D. Stanton, S. F. Blade, J. Helm, D. Spaner, S. Wright and D. Domitruk. 2006. Isoyield Analysis of Barley Cultivar Trials in the Canadian Prairies. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 192: 284-294.

Yang, R.-C., M. R. Thiagarajah, V. K. Bansal, G. R. Stringam and M. H. Rahman. 2006. Detecting and estimating segregation distortion and linkage between glufosinate tolerance and blackleg resistance in Brassica napus L. Euphytica 148: 217-225.

Navabi, A., R.-C. Yang, J. Helm and D. M. Spaner. 2006. Can spring wheat-growing mega-environment in the northern Great Plains be dissected for representative locations or niche-adapted genotypes? Crop Science 46: 1107-1116.

Cathcart, R.J., A.K. Topinka, P. Kharbanda, R. Lange, R.-C. Yang and L.M. Hall. 2006. Rotation length and canola variety and herbicide resistance system affect weed populations and yield. Weed Science 54: 726-734.

Broatch, J.S., L.M. Dosdall, G.W. Clayton, K.N. Harker and R.-C. Yang. 2006. Using Degree-day and Logistic Models to Predict Emergence Patterns and Seasonal Flights of the Cabbage Maggot and Seed Corn Maggot (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) in Canola. Environmental Entomology 35:1166-1177.

Iqbal, M., A. Navabi, D. F. Salmon, R.-C. Yang, and D. Spaner. 2006. A genetic examination of early flowering and maturity in Canadian spring wheat. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 86: 995-1004.


Yang, R.-C., S. F. Blade, J. Crossa, D. Stanton, and M. S. Bandara.  2005. Identifying isoyield environments for field pea production. Crop Science 45: 106-113.

Wang, Z., L. A. Goonewardene, R.-C. Yang, M. A. Price, M. Makarechian, J. Knapp, E. K. Okine and R. T. Berg. 2005. Estimation of Genetic Parameters and Trends in Pre-Weaning Traits of Beef Lines Subject to Phenotypic Selection. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 4: 202-209.


Yang, R.-C. 2004. Epistasis of quantitative trait loci under different gene action models.  Genetics 167: 1493-1505.

Yang, R.-C. 2004. Likelihood-based approach to estimating and testing for isolation by distance. Evolution 58:1839–1845.

Yang, R.-C., T. Z. Ye, S. F. Blade, and M. Bandara. 2004. Efficiency of spatial analyses of field pea variety trials. Crop Science 44: 49-55.

Crossa, J., R.-C. Yang and P.L. Cornelius. 2004. Studying crossover genotype × environment interaction using linear-bilinear models and mixed models. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 9: 362-380.


Goonewardene, L.A., R.K. Hand, Z. Wang, L. Al-Ani, R. Carlyon, E.K. Okine and R.-C.Yang. 2004. A Study on the Occurrence of Sand Cracks in Commercial Beef Cattle. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 3: 872-880.

Yang, R.-C. 2003. Gametic and zygotic associations. Genetics 165:447-450.

Ye, T.Z., R.-C. Yang and F.C. Yeh. 2003. Coevolution in natural pathosystems: effects of dominance on host-pathogen interactions. Phytopathology 93:633-639.

Goonewardene, L.A., Z. Wang, M.A. Price, R.-C. Yang, R.T. Berg and M. Makarechian. 2003. Effect of udder type and calving assistance on weaning traits of beef and dairy x beef calves. Livestock Production Science 81:47-56.


Yang, R.-C. 2002. Likelihood-based analysis of genotype-environment interactions. Crop Science 42: 1434-1440.

Yang, R.-C. 2002. Analysis of multilocus zygotic associations. Genetics 161:435-445.

Ye, T.Z., R.-C. Yang and F.C. Yeh. 2002. Population structure of a lodgepole (Pinus contorta) and jack pine (P. banksiana) complex as revealed by random amplified polymorphic DNA. Genome 45: 530-540.

Dosdall, L.M., R.-C. Yang and P.M. Conway. 2002. Do applications of sulfur or sulfate to canola influence infestations of root maggots (Delia spp.) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae)? Canadian Journal of Plant Science 82: 599-610.

2001 and earlier

Olson, M.A., R.-C. Yang and S.F. Blade. 2001. Nutrient concentrations and nutritive values of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) straw in south central Alberta.  Can. J. Plant Sci. 81: 419-423.

Yang, R.-C. 2000. Zygotic associations and multilocus statistics in a nonequilibrium diploid population. Genetics 155: 1449-1458.

Tarocco C, F. De Rensis, R.N. Kirkwood and R.-C. Yang. 2000. Effect of split weaning interval on return to estrus and sow fertility.  Swine Health and Production 8:221-223.

Yang, R.-C., Z. Ye and Y. Hiratsuka. 1999. Susceptibility of Pinus contorta - banksiana       

complex to Endocronarium harknessii: Host-pathogen interactions. Can. J. Bot. 77:1035-1043.

Wang, Z., R.-C. Yang, L.A. Goonewardene and C. Huedepohl. 1999. Genetic analysis of velvet antler yield in farmed elk (Cervus elaphus). Can. J. Anim. Sci. 79:569-571.

Yang, R.-C. 1998. Estimating hierarchical F-statistics. Evolution 52:950-956.

Yang, R.-C., N.K. Dhir and F.C. Yeh. 1998. Intraclass correlation of polychotomous responses of lodgepole pine to infection of western gall rust: A simulation study. Silv. Genet. 47:108-115.

Yang, R.-C., N.K. Dhir and L.K. Barnhardt. 1998. Comparative assessment of genetic variation of young high elevation lodgepole pine for height and western gall rust resistance across two sites in Alberta. Can. J. For. Res. 28:478-484.

Yang, R.-C., N.K. Dhir, F.C. Yeh and Y. Hiratsuka. 1997. Geographic variability in

susceptibility of Alberta lodgepole pine to western gall rust.  Can. J. For. Res. 27:1398-1405.

Yang, R.-C., F.C. Yeh and A.D. Yanchuk. 1996. A comparison of isozyme and quantitative genetic variation in Pinus contorta spp. latifolia by FST.  Genetics 142:1045-1052.

Yang, R.-C., and F.C. Yeh. 1995.  Patterns of gene flow and geographic structure in Pinus contorta.  Forest Genetics 2:65-75.

Yeh, F.C., D.K.X. Chong and R.-C. Yang. 1995. RAPD variation within and among natural populations of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.). J. Heredity 86: 454-460.

Chong, D.K.X., R.-C. Yang, and F.C. Yeh. 1994. Nucleotide divergence between populations of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) estimated with RAPDs. Current Genetics 26:374-376.

Yeh, F.C., J. Shi, R.-C. Yang, J. Hong and Z. Ye. 1994. Genetic diversity and

multilocus associations in Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook. from People's Republic of China. Theor. Appl. Genet. 88:465-471.

Yang, R.-C., and F.C. Yeh. 1993. Multilocus structure in Pinus contorta Dougl. Theor. Appl. Genet. 87:568-576.

Shi, J., Z. Ye, F.C. Yeh, R.-C. Yang and J. Hong. 1993. Genetic diversity and multilocus structure in Chinese fir.  J. Nanjing For. Univ. 17:9-15.

Ye, Z., J. Shi, R.-C. Yang and F.C. Yeh. 1993. AMMI adjustment for analysis of genotype-environment interaction for Chinese fir. J. Nanjing For. Univ. 17:15-21.

Yang, R.-C., and F.C. Yeh. 1992. Genetic consequences of in situ and ex situ conservation of forest trees. For. Chron. 68:720-729.

Yang, R.-C., S. Jana, and J.M. Clarke. 1991. Phenotypic diversity and associations of some potentially drought-responsive characters in durum wheat. Crop Sci. 31:1484-1491.

Yang, R.-C., and R.J. Baker. 1991 Genotype-environment interactions in two wheat crosses. Crop Sci. 31:83-87.

Yang, R.-C., and R.J. Baker. 1990. Effects of epistasis on tests for linkage in self-pollinated species. Theor. Appl. Genet. 79:219-224.

Yang, R.-C., and G.R. Hughes. 1986. Pathogenic variation among isolates of Septoria nodorum. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 8:356.


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