Publications of Rong-Qing Jia
- R. Q. Jia, A counterexample to a result concerning controlled
approximation, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
97 (1986), 647--654.
- R. Q. Jia, Approximation order from certain spaces of smooth
bivariate splines on a three-direction mesh,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 295 (1986), 199--212.
- R. Q. Jia, Extension of Kergin interpolation operators,
Ke Xue Tong Bao 31 (1986), 805--808.
- R. Q. Jia, Spline interpolation at a biinfinite knot sequence,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 23 (1986), 653--662.
- R. Q. Jia, A note on interpolation inequalities,
J. Zhejiang Univ. 20 (1986), 57--62.
- R. Q. Jia, B-net representation of multivariate splines,
Kue Xu Tong Bao 32 (1987), 804--807.
- R. Q. Jia, $L_\infty$-boundedness of $L_2$-projections
on splines for a multiple geometric mesh,
Math. Comp. 48 (1987), 675--690.
- R. Q. Jia, Recent progress in the study of box splines,
Applied Mathematics of Chinese Universities
3 (1987), 330--342.
- R. Q. Jia, Local approximation order of box splines,
Scientia Sinica 31 (1988), 274--285.
- R. Q. Jia, Spline interpolation at knot averages,
Constr. Approx. 4 (1988), 1--7.
- R. Q. Jia, and Z. C. Wu, Bernstein polynomials on simplicies,
Acta. Math. Sinica 31 (1988), 510--522.
- R. Q. Jia, and S. M. Wang, Approximation by the Bochner-Riesz
means of multiple Fourier series on a set of total measure,
Scientia Sinica, Series A 32 (1989), 1009--1017.
- W. Dahmen, R. Q. Jia, and C.A. Micchelli, Linear dependence
of cube splines revisited, in Approximation Theory VI,
Volume I (C. K. Chui, L. L. Schumaker and J. D. Ward eds.),
Academic Press (1989), pp. 161--164.
- R. Q. Jia, Approximation order of translation invariant spaces
of functions, in Approximation Theory VI, Volume II
(C. K. Chui, L. L. Schumaker and J. D. Ward eds.),
Academic Press (1989), pp. 349--352.
- Z. R. Guo and R. Q. Jia, A B-net approach
in multivariate spline theory,
Chinese Advance in Math. 19 (1990), 189--198.
- R. Q. Jia and N. Sivakumar, On the linear independence
of integer translates of box splines with rational directions,
Linear Algebra Appl. 135 (1990), 19--31.
- R. Q. Jia, Dual bases associated with box splines,
in Multivariate Approximation Theory IV
(W. Schempp and K. Zeller eds.), Birkhauser (1990), pp. 209--216.
- R. Q. Jia, Lower bounds on the dimension of spaces
of bivariate splines,
in Multivariate Approximation and Interpolation
(W. Haussmann and K. Jetter eds.),
Birkhauser Verlag, Basel (1990), pp. 155--165.
- R. Q. Jia, S. D. Riemenschneider and Z. W. Shen,
Multivariate splines and dimensions of kernels of linear operators,
in Multivariate Approximation and Interpolation
(W. Haussmann and K. Jetter eds.),
Birkhauser Verlag, Basel (1990) 261--274.
- R. Q. Jia, Necessary and sufficient conditions for
a local homeomorphism to be a finite covering map,
Chinese Ann. of Math. 11 A (1990), 344--350.
- R. Q. Jia, Subspaces invariant under translation
and the dual bases for box splines,
Chinese Ann. of Math. 11 A (1990), 733--743.