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International Journal of Approximate Reasoning

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International Journal of Approximate Reasoning


The International Journal of Approximate Reasoning is dedicated to the dissemination of research results from the field of approximate reasoning and its applications, with emphasis on the design and implementation of intelligent systems for scientific and engineering applications. Approximate reasoning is computational modeling of any part of the process used by humans to reason about natural phenomena. The journal welcomes archival research papers, surveys, short notes and communications, and book reviews. Current areas of interest include, but are not limited to, applications and/or theories pertaining to computer vision, engineering and expert systems, fuzzy logic and control, information retieval and database design, machine learning, neurocomputing, pattern recognition, and robotics.


Piero P. Bonissone
General Electric
Corporate Research and Development

Associate Editors

Wyllis Bandler, Florida State University Marc Roubens, Faculte Polytecnique de Mons
James C. Bezdek, University of West Florida Prakash Shenoy, University of Kansas
Gautam Biswas, Vanderbilt University Enrique Ruspini, SRI International
Bruce D'Ambrosio, Oregon State University P.H. Smets, Universite Libre de Bruxelles
James Keller, University of Missouri Enric Trillas, Universidad Politecnica de Barcelona
Tod Levitt, Stanford University I.B. Turksen, University of Toronto
Hung T. Nguyen, New Mexico State University Marco Valtorta, University of South Carolina
Nikhil R. Pal, Indian Statistical Institute Maria Zemankova, National Science Foundation
Helen Rasiowa, Uniwersytet Warszawski  

Advisory Board

Didier Dubois, Universite Paul Sabatier Michio Sugeno, Tokyo Institute of Technology
George Klir, SUNY, Binghamton R.R. Yager, Iona College
Sankar K. Pal, Indian Statistical Institute Takeshi Yamakawa, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Henri Prade, Universaite Paul Sabatier Lotfi Zadeh, University of California at Berkeley
Glenn Shafer, University of Kansas Hans Zimmermann, Institute for Operations Research

Founding Editor:

James C. Bezdek, University of West Florida

International Journal of Approximate Reasoning is published eight times a year in January, February, May, June, August, September, October, and November by Elsevier Science Inc. Society rate available through the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS). Contact Dr. Thomas Whalen, Dept. of Decision Science, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia 30303, U.S.A., for more information. Outside the United States, add $49.00 for postage and handling.

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Further information concerning the journal can be found at International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.


Information for Authors

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  • Authors are encouraged to submit their papers electronically by using online manuscript submission at http://www.elsubmit.com/esubmit/ija. Authors interested in online submission are requested to go to the website and upload their manuscript and its associated artwork. An electronic (PDF) proof is generated and the reviewing process is carried out using that PDF. The PDF file may be edited after acceptance to follow journal standards. Authors and editors send and receive all correspondence by email via the website and no paper correspondence is performed.
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For the up to date address of the editor-in-chief, please refer to the list of editors in each issue of the journal or on the journal's homepage.


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[2] A.B. Jones, C.D. Smith, Title of article, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on AI Pittsburgh, Penn., 1998, pp. 33-44

[3] A.B. Jones, Title of Book, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1998, pp.33-44.
[4] A.B. Jones (Ed.), Title of Book, vol. 1, part 2,....

Chapters of Books
[5] A.B. Jones, Chapter title, in: C.D. Smith, E.F. Marks (eds.), Book Title, Annals of Math. Studies, No. 22, Elsevier, New York, 1998, pp. 33-44.

Reports, Special Publications, Theses
[6] A.B. Jones, Paper title or report title, Tech. Report #3D-4D, SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif., 1998.
[7] A.B. Jones, Title of dissertation, PhD Thesis, Univ. Of Wisonsin, Madison, Wis., 1998.

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Further Information

Further information can be found at the Elsevier Science Author Gateway.




IFSA Publication

As an institutional member of the International Fuzzy System Association (IFSA), NAFIPS can offer personal subscriptions to several outstanding journals on fuzzy sets, knowledge based systems, and soft computing at reduced rates. These rates are applicable to members of NAFIPS only, to join NAFIPS and subscribe to any of the journals listed below, download the PDF form with payment and mailing instructions.

Member Subscription Rates
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning $83
Fuzzy Sets and Systems $235
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness, and Knowledge Based Systems $77
International Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence $70
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems $157

Subscriptions obtained through NAFIPS are for individual use only and may not be placed or used in institutional or university libraries or other libraries or organizations, nor may any of these subscriptions be used for library purposes.


Related Publications

International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
Elsevier Science
Official Publication of NAFIPS.

IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
IEEE Press
The Fuzzy journal of IEEE's Neural Network Council.

Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Elsevier Science
Official Publication of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA).

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B
IEEE Press
Features many fuzzy papers and allows for electronic submission.

International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness, and Knowledge Based Systems
World Scientific Publishing Company

International Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence
Fuji Press

Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making
Kluwer Academic Publishers


Research Groups

Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC)
University of California at Berkeley, USA
Lotfi A. Zadeh's research group at UC Berkeley. Check web site for Special Interest Groups and subscribe information for the BISC mailing list.

The European Network of Excellence on Intelligent Technologies
for Smart Adaptive Systems

Fuzzy Image Processing
by Hamid R. Tizhoosh, PAMI Research Group, University of Waterloo, USA
Nice site summarizing a lot of research in this field.

Fuzzy Logic in Integrated Reasoning
Knowledge Systems Lab of National Research Council of Canada
Home of FuzzyCLIPS, the Fuzzy Java Toolkit and FuzzyJESS.

Fuzzy Logic Laboratory Linz-Hagenberg
Linz and Hagenberg, Austria
Research group founded by E.P. Klement in 1991. Projects applying fuzzy technologies with different industrial partners in the areas of control, signal and image processing, finance, etc.

Knowledge-Based Technology - KBT
Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Austria
The knowledge-based technology (KBT) area of SCCH devotes its research to methodological issues in fuzzy rule-based machine learning, along with the necessary theoretical foundations.

Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
University of Magdeburg, Germany
Software for fuzzy control, classification, clustering, and function approximation.



Knowledge Systems Lab of National Research Council of Canada
FuzzyCLIPS is an extension of the CLIPS (C Language Integrated Production System) expert system shell. It enhances CLIPS by providing fuzzy reasoning capabilities. <

The FuzzyJ ToolKit and FuzzyJess
Knowledge Systems Lab of National Research Council of Canada
The FuzzyJ Toolkit is a set of Java classes that can be used to build fuzzy logic systems. It can also be used with Jess, the Java Expert System Shell, which is similar but more flexible than FuzzyCLIPS.

Jan E. Mortensen, Denmark
JFL is a special-purpose language used to write functions. It combines features from traditional programming languages like (C, Pascal, Basic etc) with fuzzy logic and machine learning. JFL is typical used for writing functions, where only informal descriptions exists (rule of thumbs, example values, etc). The syntax of a JFL program is close to the syntax of traditional programming languages (sample (non-fuzzy) jfl-program: idweight).
Jfs is copyrighted freeware. Versions exist for Windows 95/98/NT (binary+source code), and Linux (source code in ansi C with makefile).

FOOL & FOX: Fuzzy system development tools
Fuzzy Organizer OLdenburg
FOOL: Fuzzy system development tool with interactive 'foolproof' graphical user interface to develop fuzzy rulebases.
FOX: A small but powerful fuzzy engine. It works based on the databases created with FOOL and reads input from shell and writes new control values back to the shell. This allows you to include fuzzy routines in almost every programming environment.


Web Links

Fuzzy Logic Resources
Researchers, Journals, Professional organizations and networks, Research groups. Maintained by Robert Fullér.

New fuzzy archive by thread.

Fuzzy-Mail Archives
Archives of the European Fuzzy Mailing List. Fuzzy-Mail is managed by Wolfgang Slany. The Asian Fuzzy Mailing List is managed by Mikio Nakatsuyama. The European, Asian and NAFIPS-L Fuzzy Mailing Lists are interconnected.


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