In many research domains the existing state-of-the-art AI/CI solutions significantly differ from the human competence level. Even though it is generally not clear whether human-like approach would show its upper-hand over existing methods, the exploration of this research path seems to be advantageous and challenging.
The main goal of this task force is to promote research activities related to all facets of human-like intelligence. Since the scope of TF comes across several CI/AI fields the TF should facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers gathered around particular issues.
This interdisciplinary TF combines the ideas from various Computational Intelligence domains including neural networks, genetic/memetic computing, fuzzy logic, reinforcement learning as well as "traditional" Artificial Intelligence techniques related to knowledge representation and acquisition, heuristic search methods and cognitive architecture
4-7th December, 2022, Singapore
We focus on the current research trends in the area of theoretical and practical aspects of systems
suitable for mimicking human intelligence
by applying a variety of techniques and methods developed
in the framework of such disciplines as neural networks
combined with evolutionary computing and fuzzy sets and systems.
Please, join us.