Hi! I'm glad you decided to visited my animal page. It has stuff about animals that are in danger and some very neat animals that aren't. I hope you like it.

Terra's Animal Page

I'm interested in wild animals and plants. Are you? Some animals where I live in Alberta, Canada are in danger of becoming extinct. Do you know what that means?

Below are some of the animals that are endangered near where I live. Do you know that their names are and where they live?

I bet you think that the little owls in the box below live in a tree. Guess again!! Press on the box they are in to find out all about them!

owlcariboufrogblue flag flowerbull trout

Here are some things that you might like to know about animals
Facts about endangered species.
What are endangered species?
Portland Zoo's 101 Things you can do to help animals.
Lindsay's Endangered Species Page.
Endangered Species by State.
Endangered Species in Canada.

Kids write about about Endangered Animals!!!
Joel & Manish homepage of two from Canada.
JAGUA RS Dawn, Jessica and David write about Jaguars.
DOLPH INS Sara, Kip and Erin write about Dolphins.
SEATU RTLES Dallas writes about Sea Turtles.
EAGLE. Joe and David write about an Eagle.

These pages are about interesting animals.
BATS!!!Scared of bats? This page will make you love them.
Bat Page : Everything about bats.
Bear Page this is a beautiful page about bears.
Butterfly Website .
The Penguin Page .
Heatherks Gecko Page .
Frogs on the Web
The Froggy Page
Jeff's Frog page
The Cyberpond
ANIMAL TRACKS tells you a lot about wild animals.

Organizations that Help Wild Animals
Audubon Society.
World Wildlife Fund.
Canadian Parks & Wilderness Society
Canadian Nature Federation
Canadian Wildlife Federation
Sierra Club
Greenpeace International
Rainforest Action Network
Marine Mammal Ass'n
The Wildlife Coalition

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