Folio April 30, 2004
Volume 41 Number 16 Edmonton, Canada April 30, 2004

Newell elected as chancellor

Former board chair returns to campus for four-year term

by Geoff McMaster
Folio Staff
Eric Newell, former board chair and retired chief executive officer and chairman of Syncrude Canada Ltd., has been elected to a four-year term as chancellor.
Eric Newell, former board chair and retired chief executive officer
and chairman of Syncrude Canada Ltd., has been elected to a four-year
term as chancellor.

Former Uversity of Alberta board chair Eric Newell has been named the university's new chancellor.

Starting in June, Newell will assume the role of titular head of the university, taking over from local developer John Ferguson, who held the position for four years. As chair of the senate, the chancellor represents the university at all ceremonial occasions, presides over convocation to confer all degrees and acts as liaison between the U of A and the community.

"I'm happy - it's a wonderful day," Newell said at a press conference held to announce the appointment. Stressing that he regards education funding as the number-one public investment priority, "even ahead of health care," he added he'd like to see a greater participation by aboriginal youth in the post-secondary education system.

"By the year 2015, one in five youths will be aboriginal," he said, pointing out that the aboriginal birth rate is three times higher than it is for non-aboriginals in Canada. "We have to have a lot more inclusive approach so that these young people can benefit and then as a society we benefit."

He also cited access to university education as one of his primary areas of concern: "This is not a university for the elite and we would not be well served if we ever tried to take it that way."

Now retired, Newell has had a long career in the oil business, most recently as chief executive officer and chairman of Syncrude Canada Ltd., the world's largest producer of crude oil from oil sand. Under his leadership, the company became a central player in the economy of Western Canada, known for its dedication to reliable operation, environmental efficiency and social responsibility.

One of Syncrude's most celebrated programs is an initiative providing employment opportunities to aboriginals, making it the largest employer of that group in Canada.

Newell is well known for his efforts to champion corporate responsibility and to strengthen partnerships between education and business. He served on the U of A's Board of Governors for six years from 1996 - 2002, serving as board chair for the last four years. He is an Officer of the Order of Canada and has honorary degrees from the universities of Alberta and British Columbia and Athabasca University.

He currently serves as chairman of Careers: The Next Generation Foundation, director of Nexen Inc., Canfor Corporation and Terasen Inc., and policy advisor to The Learning Partnership. He holds a masters of science in management studies from the University of Birmingham, England, and a bachelor of applied science in engineering from the University of British Columbia.

Ferguson, who had worked with Newell on the Board of Governors, said the university made the right choice in selecting his successor.

"I'm thrilled that Eric, who is truly a champion of education, has been chosen," said Ferguson in announcing Newell's appointment. "He's an outstanding Canadian in many areas . . . and is a totally committed person to education."

Newell was elected the university's 18th chancellor by the senate in a private vote. The senate is an independent, 62-member advisory body of community leaders that examines, fosters and celebrates the diversity and excellence of the University of Alberta.