November 27, 1998

U of A Bookstores win again!

The University of Alberta Bookstore has received an unprecedented third consecutive Canadian Publishers’ Council WCCSA Bookstore of the Year Award.

Presented by the Post-Secondary Publishers’ Group, the award is for "a bookstore team that exemplifies a customer-oriented, supplier-supportive relationships throughout the year."

Ranta honored with foreign language award

Leila Ranta, assistant professor in the TESL Program of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta has been selected as the co-recipient of the 1998 ACTFL-MLJ Paul Pimsleur Award for Research in Foreign Language Education. The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The Modern Language Journal will present the award to Ranta Friday, November 20 during a ceremony at the ACTFL annual convention in Chicago. She will receive a commemorative plaque and a $250 cash award. She won the award for her article entitled, "Corrective Feedback and Learner Uptake: Negotiation of Form in Communicative Classrooms" (Studies in Second Language Education 19: 37-66), which she co-authored with Dr. Roy Lyster of McGill University, the other award recipient.

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