Volume 36 Number 3 Edmonton, Canada October 2, 1998


laurels opinion focus notices ads
laurels opinion focus notices ads

More than 1,400 t-shirts adorn the lawn
at Corbett Hall - one for every person
killed by injury last year

New centre tackles number one killer - injuries

More than 1,400 Albertans die needlessly each year

Full story inside.

Faculty of Arts goes Italian
Students can soak up four months worth of sun in Tuscany and earn U of A credits while they're at it with the opening of the U of A's new field school in Cortona, Italy.

FOIPPED again!
The deadline for implementation of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation is upon us. What will it mean for the way we do business?

Alberta's nursing architect
Our continuing 90th Anniversary series looks at the impact Dr. Shirley Stinson has had on the profession of nursing.

New drug targets hamburger disease in children
Treatment for the nasty E. coli bacteria may be just around the corner thanks to research by Dr. Glen Armstrong.

Hard lessons in Grapes of Wrath still timely
Studio Theatre opens its season with an ambitious production of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, Oct. 1-10.

The truth is out there...
Humans have been observing the sky for centuries, but missing most of what the heavens have to tell us, according to researcher Dr. Dave Routledge.

Keeping an eye on outer space
Dr. Robert Smith, new chair of the history and classics department, has an inside view of the Hubble Space telescope.

The race for inner space
A team of U of A professors and grad students has a role to play in development of the world's largest highest energy accelerator at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland.

NFB documents psychology of getting lost
The National Film Board was on campus last week looking into Dr. Ed Cornell's groundbreaking research on strategies people use when they're lost.

Quilt me a story
Dr. Elizabeth Richard's family quilt is a testament to the spirit that binds families together, and the spirit at the heart of the art of quilting.

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University of Alberta
University of Alberta