Folio Notices

Folio Notices

University of Alberta

Edmonton, Canada

May 30, 1997

Call for papers

Call for conference papers for Literacy in the 21st Century, October 24, 1997. Proposals should relate to the conference themes: adult literacy, workplace literacy, school literacy, family and community literacy, media and technological literacies, social

and cultural aspects of literacy, support systems for literacy. Deadline June 16, 1997. For more information, contact Betty Jo Werthmann, 492-2261.

Women's Words: Fourth Annual Summer Writing Week

The Faculty of Extension's Women's Program is holding the Fourth Annual Women's Writing Week from June 2 to 8. Participants can choose from five-day or weekend workshops in life-writing, fiction, poetry or prose. All workshops will be taught by published writers including Gloria Sawai, Ruth Krahn, Di Brandt, Carolyn Redl, Jan Henderson and Eunice Scarfe.

Costs range from $45 to $145 with enrolment limited for some session. All sessions will be held at the University Extension Centre, 8303-112 Street. For more information call 492-3093.

Peter Banks retirement

Peter Banks, a long time employee in the office of the Comptroller, will be retiring from the university on June 30. An invitation is extended to all Peter's friends to attend a reception in his honor Thursday, June 26, 1997 from 3 to 5 p.m. in the MAP Room at Lister Hall

Please RSVP before June 24 to Harriet Campbell (492-5140) or Joyce Assen (492-2895). Contributions for a gift are graciously accepted and may be sent to Room 105 Administration Building, attention Joyce.

Bob Hardin retirement

The Department of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science will be holding a reception to honor Dr. Bob Hardin on the occasion of his retirement as professor, biometrics and poultry genetics on Friday, June 20th, 1997 from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., second floor lounge at the Faculty Club. A brief program will begin at 3:30 p.m. All are welcome!

Contributions to a memorabilia of photographs, humorous articles, poems, congratulatory letters for binding and presentation to Bob Hardin, can be sent to: Frank Robinson, Department of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science, 4-10 Agriculture-Forestry Building, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2P5; fax 403-492-4265, or e-mail to: For further information and to RSVP call Sharon Katzeff at 403-492-9565 by June 9, 1997.

Farewell reception for Dr. Allan Tupper

Members of the University community are invited to join President Rod Fraser and (Acting Vice-President (External) Roger Smith in a farewell reception for Associate Vice-President Allan Tupper. Dr. Tupper is leaving the University of Alberta to begin his new appointment as Vice-President (Academic), Acadia University on July 1, 1997

All friends and colleagues of Allan and Peggy Tupper are welcome to attend: June 24, 1997, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Papaschase Room of the Faculty Club. RSVP Brenda Brammar, 5335.

Friends Need your books

The Friends of the University is a registered charity which actively supports the U of A through awards and the sponsorship of the Henry Marshall Tory Lecture. Their annual used book sale raises between $2,500 and $4,000 per year.

If you have books to donate, please call Deanna Betty 434-3739.

Folio Notices Folio Notices as they appeared May 30, 1997

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[University of Alberta]
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