Folio Notices

Folio Notices

University of Alberta

Edmonton, Canada

April 18, 1997

Memorial Strickland Supper

The second annual Memorial Strickland Supper will be April 26 at the Faculty Club. The seminar and dinner provide an annual focus for continuing entomological activities at the University of Alberta and are named in honor of Edgar Harold Strickland (1889-1962), founder of the entomology department in 1922.

Saturday, April 26, 1997

Faculty Club, Saskatchewan Room

No-host bar, 6:00 p.m.

Dinner 7:00 p.m.

Tickets: $40 ($25 for students)

Contact: Andrew Keddie, Tel: 492-0455, FAX: 492-1767, e-mail:

SLOWPOKE symposium

The Faculty of Pharmacy is holding a symposium to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the U of A SLOWPOKE Reactor Facility. There are six such reactors in Canada and one in Jamaica.

Forum topics will include the reactor's applications in the fields of geology, environmental sciences, chemistry, archeology and medicine. The forum will provide an opportunity for researchers to share ideas and for senior undergraduate and graduate students in the areas of analytical chemistry, archaeometry-anthropology and geology to meet and discuss their research with recognized Canadian experts in their fields.

The forum takes place

Monday, April 28

8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Business Room 1-6

Please contact Dr. Steve McQuarrie, 492-2905 or Dr. Jon Duke, 492-0754

for details.



CrossFire-Minerva is a project formed through a consortium of universities that have joined to obtain access to the Beilstein CrossFire System. The consortium will provide the member institutions with the most complete knowledge base in the fields of organic, organometallic and inorganic chemistry. The University of Alberta has been invited to become a member of this consortium.

The Science and Technology Library invites researchers in all fields of chemistry to an introduction to this major chemical information system.

Thursday, May 15, 1997

1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

Room 315

General Services Building

Mike Price, CrossFire-Minerva project director of Beilstein Information Systems, will demonstrate the system which will be available at the U of A on a 30 day trial.

To register for the session, contact David Jones, 492-3433; e-mail

For more information on CrossFire, check the web site:

Commercialization Information Session

Find out about the new Canadian Science and Technology Growth Fund (CSTGF), a new venture capital investment fund having unique cooperation agreements with the Natural Sciences

and Engineering Research Council, the National Research Council, and the Canadian Space Agency.

Dr. Peter Morand, president of the CSTGF, will outline:

The Session will be held:

Monday, April 28, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. 3-27 Earth Sciences Building University of Alberta

All are welcome to attend.

More information: David Norwood (

Folio Notices Folio Notices as they appeared April 18, 1997

Folio Information
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[University of Alberta]
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