University of Alberta

Edmonton, Canada

18 April 1997

Creative writing student wins international prize

Tim Bowling to accept prestigious award at the Canadian High Commission in London, England

Tim Bowling, a U of A creative writing graduate student, has won the Petra Kenney Memorial Prize. The international poetry award includes a trip to London, England to accept the prize at a special reception at the Canadian High Commission; 1,000 pounds; and a Royal Brierley Crystal vase.

"I've already told my mother she can have the vase," says Bowling. The winning entry is titled "Dying Scarlet," an homage to a favourite British poet John Keats. Bowling is currently finishing his thesis, a collection of poems also entitled "Dying Scarlet. While Bowling says he's both delighted and surprised by the win, he's no stranger to prizes. In 1994, he won the National Poetry Contest, one of Canada's top poetry prizes.

Tim Bowling's poem, Dying Scarlet

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