University of Alberta

Edmonton, Canada

10 January 1997

Sociology Professor Gordon Laxer: We think it's unhealthy to have only one view in a thriving, democratic society.

CD Howe Institute, Fraser Institute and now...the Parkland Institute

New Institute established to broaden debate on public policy issues

Canada's established think tanks have been at the centre of public policy debates, particularly during the last decade. The CD Howe Institute and the Fraser Institute, for example, have played an enormous role in shaping those debates. Canadians have listened, and so have the country's politicians and public servants.

But not everyone in Canada is singing the praises of those Institutes. In fact, some Canadians are critical of the policy options put forward by those decidedly right-of-centre think tanks, and have questioned why the debates among Canadians have been so narrowly defined. A group of Albertans-many of them University of Alberta academics-wants to change that. Full Story

New Hewlett-Packard computer lab puts U of A students on fast track
Students in several departments will be forerunners in digital imaging technology with the help of a new Hewlett-Packard Computer Laboratory on the third floor of the Central Academic Building. The University of Alberta established the lab with a $357,695 Hewlett-Packard instructional grant. It's the first time in its history that the company has made a grant under this program to a Canadian university.

Proportion of women in 33 Canadian engineering schools rising steadily; U of A figures in that trend
University engineering programs across the country-including the University of Alberta's-are attracting more women. According to the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers' 1996 statistics on engineering enrolment in Canadian universities, the proportion of women enrolled in 33 engineering schools has risen steadily since 1989.

University could be big winner if IAAA games come to City of Edmonton
The University of Alberta could be a major beneficiary of the 2001 International Amateur Athletic Association games, if Edmonton ends up hosting the games in 2001, says sports dynamo Bob Steadward.

Eric Newell to receive 1997 Canadian Business Leader Award
The President and CEO of Syncrude Canada Ltd, Eric Newell, has been named the 1997 recipient of the Canadian Business Leader Award, presented annually by the Faculty of Business, University of Alberta, and its Business Advisory Council.

Occupational Therapy professors testing virtual reality technology
Occupational Therapy professors are testing virtual reality software and equipment to determine whether it can be used for assessing people's driving abilities. Working in conjunction with Vancouver company Imago Systems, the developers of DriVR, Lili Liu and co-investigator Masako Miyazaki are among the first occupational therapists on the continent to look at the use of virtual reality technology to simulate aspects of driving.

Dispensing justice information on the Web: U of A site considered by many to be the definitive source for Canadian law and justice information on the internet
Scott McLennan is an RCMP officer in a small community in British Columbia. He doesn't always have access to the latest rulings and journals dealing with justice issues. However, he has found a new source of information he values a great deal: Access to Justice Net, a U of A web site for Canadian justice and legal information and services.

First two students graduate from Faculté Saint Jean's Master's of Education program
The Master's in Education program at Faculté Saint-Jean, introduced in 1993, has produced its first two graduates. Michelle Tardif and Denise Leduc received their degrees at fall convocation.

Women's self defence program benefits from officer's donation
Layne Bjarnason, a patrol sergeant with Campus Security, has asked that his donations to the internal fund-raising campaign over the next five years be earmarked for a women's self defence program offered by his unit. The 14-year veteran of Campus Security is one of the teachers in the program, which provides women with basic skills in awareness, prevention, risk reduction, risk avoidance and physical self defence.

Engineering students receives Provincial Persons Case Scholarship
A Sherwood Park brother and sister have quite a bit in common: they both study engineering, they're both enrolled at the University of Alberta, and they've both won sizeable cash prizes for their efforts.

University Health Centre re-opens its doors in Students' Union Building Student Service's Health Centre is still offering the same comprehensive and convenient service it always has, now that it, along with its Student Services' cousins, has been moved to the Students' Union Building.

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