Archival Journals
Schiavone and C. Constanda,
Existence theorems in the theory of thin micropolar
plates, Int. J. Eng. Sci. 27
(1989), 463 - 468.
2. P. Schiavone
and C. Constanda, Uniqueness in the elastostatic
problem of bending of thin micropolar
plates, Arch.
Mech .
41 , 5 (1989), 785 - 791.
3. P. Schiavone,
existence theorems in the theory of extensional motions of thin micropolar plates, Int. J. Eng. Sci . 27 (1989),
1129 - 1133.
4. P. Schiavone,
generalized Fourier approximation in micropolar elasticity, J. Appl. Math. and
Physics (ZAMP) 40 (1989), 839 - 845.
5. P. Schiavone,
sequences of functions in the approximation of solutions to exterior
in the bending of thin micropolar plates, Appl.
Anal. 35 (1990), 263 - 274.
6. P. Schiavone,
Fourier series for exterior problems in extensional motions of thin micropolar plates, Int. J. Eng. Sci . 28 (1990),
1067 - 1072.
7. P. Schiavone, Uniqueness
in dynamic problems of thin micropolar
plates, Appl.
Math. Lett.
4 (1991), 81 - 83.
8. P. Schiavone and C. Constanda,
Oscillation problems in thin plates with
transverse shear deformation, SIAM J. Appl. Math .
53 , 5 (1993),1253 - 1263.
9. P. Schiavone and R.J.Tait, Thermal effects in Mindlin
- type plates, Q. Jl. Mech. Appl. Math.,46 (1993), 27 -
10. C. Constanda and P. Schiavone, Flexural waves in Mindlin-type
plates, ZAMM - J. Appl
Math Mechanics 74 (1994) 492 - 493.
P. Schiavone, Mixed
boundary value problems in the plane, in Integral Methods in
Science and
Engineering, Longman Scientific and Technical, Harlow
(1994), 194 - 201.
P. Schiavone,
Aspects of the
analysis of plate structures, IUTAM Symposium,
Nonlinear Waves in Solids, editors: J.L.Wegner
& F.R. Norwood, ASME Book No. AMR 137
Mechanics Reviews) (1995), 342 - 345.
13. P. Schiavone and R.J.Tait,
Steady time - harmonic oscillations in a linear thermoelastic
plate model, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, Vol. LIII,
No. 2,
June 1995, 215-223.
14. P. Schiavone,
On the third boundary value problem in plane strain, Q. Jl.
Appl. Math , Volume 49, Part 1 (1996) 137 - 145.
15. P.Schiavone,
On the Robin problem
for the equations of thin plates, J. Int. Eqs.
& Appls.
,Volume 8, Number 2, 231 - 238, Spring 1996.
16. P.Schiavone,
Integral equation
methods in plane asymmetric elasticity, J. Elasticity, 43: 31-43,1996 .
17. C-Q Ru* and P. Schiavone, On
the elliptic inclusion in anti-plane shear, Math.
Mech. Solids 1: 327-333, 1996.
18. P. Schiavone and
C-Q. Ru*, On the exterior mixed
problem in
plane elasticity, Math. Mech. Solids 1
335-341, 1996.
19. P. Schiavone, Mixed
problems in the
theory of bending of elastic plates with transverse shear deformation, Q.
Mech. Appl. Math , 50 : 239 - 249, 1997.
20. C.Q. Ru* and P. Schiavone,
Circular Inclusion with Circumferentially
Interface in Anti-Plane Shear, Proc. R Soc. Lond.
A (1997) 453, 2551 - 2572.
21. C-Q Ru* and P.Schiavone,
On Constanda's matrix of non-uniqueness in
theory of plates in asymmetric elasticity, Quart. Appl. Math.,
LVI, Number 1, March 1998, 137 - 145.
22. P. Schiavone
and X.
Shen**, On an Integral Solution of the Anti-Plane Shear Problem, Math.
Mech. Solids 3: 319 - 330, 1998.
23. P. Schiavone and C.Q.
Ru*, Integral
Equation Methods in Plane-Strain Elasticity with Boundary
Reinforcement, Proc.
R Soc. Lond . A (1998) 454, 2223 - 2242.
24. C.Q. Ru, P.Schiavone
& A.
Mioduchowski, Uniformity of Stresses Within
Three-Phase Elliptic Inclusion in Anti-Plane Shear, J. Elasticity,
Volume 52, Issue 2 1999, 121 - 128.
25. L.J. Sudak** , C.Q. Ru, P.
Schiavone, A. Mioduchowski,
Circular Inclusion with Inhomogeneously
Interface in Plane Elasticity, J. Elasticity, 55: 19 - 41, 1999.
26. P.Schiavone and C.Q. Ru, The Traction Problem in a Theory of Plane-Strain
with Boundary Reinforcement, Math. Mech. Solids , 5: 101 - 115,
27. H.Shen**, P.Schiavone,
C.Q. Ru & A. Mioduchowski. An Elliptic
with Imperfect Interface in Anti-Plane Shear, Int. J. Solids &
Structures 37
(33): 4557 - 4575, 2000.
28. H. Shen**, P. Schiavone,
Ru and A. Mioduchowski, Analysis of
Internal Stress
in an Elliptic Inclusion with Imperfect Interface in Plane Elasticity, Math.
Mech. Solids 5: 501 - 521, 2000.
29. Ru, C.Q., Schiavone, P.
and Mioduchowski, A., Elastic Fields in
Two Jointed Half-Planes
with An Inclusion Of Arbitrary Shape, J.
Math. and Physics (ZAMP) 52 (2001)
30. H. Shen**, P. Schiavone,
C.Q. Ru
and A. Mioduchowski, Stress Analysis of an
Inclusion with Imperfect Interface in Plane Elasticity, J.
Elasticity 62:
25 - 46, 2001.
31. H. Shen**, P. Schiavone,
C.Q. Ru
and A. Mioduchowski, Interfacial Thermal
Analysis of an Elliptic Inclusion with a Compliant Interphase Layer in
Elasticity, Int. J. Solids & Structures 38, issues
7587 - 7606, 2001.
32. H. Shen**, P. Schiavone,
C.Q. Ru
and A. Mioduchowski, Effects of a
Interphase Layer on Internal Thermal Stresses within an Elliptic
in an Elastic Medium, J. Appl. Math. and
(ZAMP) 52: pp 317-341, 2001.
33. L.J. Sudak**, C.Q. Ru, P. Schiavone, and A. Mioduchowski,
A Circular Inclusion with Circumferentially Inhomogeneous Non-Slip
Interface in
Plane Elasticity, Q. Jl. Mech. Appl. Math (2001) 54
(3), 449 -
34. P. Schiavone & C.Q. Ru,
Mixed Boundary
Value Problems of the Third Kind in a Theory of Bending of Elastic
Plates, J.
Int. Eqs & Appls.
13, No. 2 ,
(2001), 167 - 180.
35. P. Schiavone, Integral
Solutions of Mixed
Problems in a Theory of Plane Strain Elasticity with Microstructure Int.
J. Engng. Sci. 39 (10) 2001,
1091 - 1100.
36. Y. Liu**, C.Q. Ru, P. Schiavone
& A. Mioduchowski, New Phenomena
Concerning the
Effect of Imperfect Bonding on Radial Matrix Cracking in Fiber
Composites, Int.
J. Engng. Sci. 39 (2001) 2033
- 2050.
37. W. Amenyah**, P. Schiavone,
C.Q. Ru & A. Mioduchowski, Interior
Cracking of a
Circular Inclusion with Imperfect Interface Under Thermal Loading, Math.
Mech. Solids 6 : 525 - 540,
38. P. Schiavone & C.Q. Ru,
Solutions of Boundary Value Problems with Non-standard Boundary
Conditions in a
Theory of Bending of Elastic Plates, J. Appl. Math. and
Physics (ZAMP) 53 (2002) 621 - 633.
39. H. Shen**, P. Schiavone,
C.Q. Ru,
A. Mioduchowski, Thermal Stress Analysis
of an
Elliptic Inclusion with Imperfect Interface Embedded in an Infinite
Medium, in Integral methods in Science and Engineering , Birkhauser, Boston,
2002, ISBN
0-8176-4213-7 ,
pp 227 - 231.
40. P. Schiavone, On an
Elastic Circular
Inhomogeneity with Imperfect Interface in Antiplane
Shear, J. Appl. Mech. (ASME) 69 (2002) 671 - 674.
41. S. Potapenko**, P. Schiavone & A. Mioduchowski,
On the Solution of Mixed Problems in Antiplane
Micropolar Elasticity,
Mech. Solids, 8, 151 - 160, 2003.
42. D. Van Vliet**,
P. Schiavone
& A. Mioduchowski, On the Design of
Elastic Inhomogeneities in the Case of
Loading Math. Mech. Solids 8, 161 - 169, 2003.
43. Y. Antipov
& P.
Schiavone, On the Uniformity of
Stresses Inside an Inhomogeneity of
Arbitrary Shape, IMA J. Appl.
Math. (2003) 68, 299 - 311.
44. P. Schiavone,
Neutrality of the Elliptic Inhomogeneity in the Case of Non-Uniform
Loading, Int.
J. Engng. Sci. 41
Issue 18, 2081-2090.
45. S. Potapenko**, P. Schiavone & A. Mioduchowski,
Generalized Fourier Series Solution of Torsion of an Elliptic Beam with
Microstructure Appl. Math. Letts.
(2): 189 - 192, February 2004.
46. R. Mitric & P. Schiavone, Integral Solution of a Problem
Non-standard Boundary Conditions in an Enhanced Theory of Bending of
Plates, J. Elasticity 75 (1): 57 - 68 2004.
47. E. Lioubimova**
& P.
Schiavone, On the Solution of Mixed
Problems in
Linear Anti-Plane Piezoelectricity, J. Elasticity 77 (1)
48. H. Shen*, P. Schiavone,
S. Potapenko, Thermal Behaviour
of an Elliptic Inhomogeneity Surrounded by a Compliant Interphase
Layer, Mech Mater 37 (2005) 663 - 675.
49. S. Potapenko**, P. Schiavone
& A. Mioduchowski, Antiplane
Shear Deformations in a Linear Theory of Elasticity with Microstructure, J. Appl. Math. and
Physics (ZAMP) 56 (3) (2005) 516 - 528.
50. C.Q. Ru, P. Schiavone,
L.J. Sudak and A. Mioduchowski,
Uniformity of Stresses Inside an Elliptic Inclusion in Finite Plane Elastostatics Int. J. Nonlinear Mechanics
Issues 2-3, 281 - 287, 2005.
51. G.F. Wang *, P. Schiavone
& C-Q Ru, Harmonic Shapes in Finite Elasticity Under Non-uniform
Loading, ASME J. Appl. Mech. 72, 691 - 694
52. M. Mahboob** & P. Schiavone, Designing a Neutral Elliptic Inhomgeneity in the Case of a General Nonuniform
Loading, Appl. Math. Letts.
18 (11), 1312 - 1318 (2005).
53. G.F. Wang *, P. Schiavone & C-Q. Ru, Surface Instability
of a
Semi-Infinite Harmonic Solid Under van der
Attraction, Acta Mechanica
180, 1-10 (2005).
54. P. Schiavone
& C-Q.
Ru, Reducing the Order of the Boundary Condition in
a Theory
of Plane Strain Elasticity with Boundary Reinforcement, J.
(2005) 80: 3-12.
55. M. Vasudevan & P. Schiavone, Design of Neutral Elastic Inhomogeneities in Plane Elasticity in the Case
Non-Uniform Loading, Int. J. Eng. Sci 43,
1081 - 1091 (2005).
56. R. Mitric & P. Schiavone, Mixed Boundary Value Problems of
the Fourth
Kind in an Enhanced Theory of Bending of Elastic Plates
Mech. Solids, 11: 513-526, 2006.
57. S. Potapenko**, P. Schiavone & A. Mioduchowski,
the Solution of the Torsion Problem in Linear Elasticity with
Microstructure, Math.
Mech. Solids 11: 181 - 195, 2006.
58. M. Vasudevan & P. Schiavone, New
Concerning the Identification of Neutral Inhomogeneities
in Plane Elasticity, Arch. Mech. 58, 1, 45 - 58 2006.
59. E. Lioubimova** & P. Schiavone, Steady-state Vibrations of an
Linear Piezoelectric Medium, J.
Math. and Physics (ZAMP) 57,
862 - 874
60. E. Lioubimova** & P. Schiavone, Steady-State Vibrations for the
State of
Generalized Plane Strain in a Linear Piezoelectric Medium, Int. J.
Eng. Sci.
44, 471-483 (2006).
61. G.F. Wang*, P. Schiavone
& C-Q
Ru, Harmonic Shapes in Finite Elasticity, Math.
Mech. Solids 12:
62. G.F. Wang * & P. Schiavone,
Influence of a Thin Film on a Screw Dislocation in a Substrate with ViscoElastic Interface, Math. Mech. Solids 12,
119 - 128
63. E. Lioubimova** & P.
Schiavone, Integral Solutions of
Boundary Value
Problems of Anti-Plane Piezoelectricity, Math. Mech. Solids 12,
24 - 39
64. G.F. Wang, T.J. Wang & P. Schiavone,
The contact problem in a compressible hyperelastic
material, ASME J. Appl. Mech. 74, 829 - 831
65. C.I. Kim** & P. Schiavone,
Circular Inhomogeneity Subjected to Nonuniform
Loading in Finite Plane Elastostatics, Int.
Nonlinear Mech. , 42, 989-999 (2007).
66. C.I. Kim** & P. Schiavone,
Elliptic Inhomogeneity Subjected to a General Class of Nonuniform
Remote Loadings in Finite Elasticity, Math. Mech.
Solids 14/4, 421-442
67. C.I. Kim**, M. Vasudevan
P. Schiavone, Eshelby's
Conjecture in Finite Plane Elastostatics Q.
Mech. Appl. Math. 61, 1, 63
- 73
(February 2008).
68. C.I. Kim** & P. Schiavone,
Designing an Inhomogeneity with Uniform Interior Stress in Finite Plane
Elastostatics, Acta
Mech 197, 285 - 299
69. O. Malysheva**, T.
Tang &
P.Schiavone, Adhesion Between
a Charged Particle in an Electrolyte Solution and a Charged Substrate:
Electrostatic and van der Waals Interactions, J. Colloid Interface
Sci. 327,
251 - 260 (2008).
70. C.I. Kim** & P. Schiavone,
Finite Plane Deformations of a Three-phase Circular
Inhomogeneity-Matrix System, J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 353 161 - 171 (2009).
71. P. Schiavone
& C-Q. Ru, Solvability of Boundary
Value Problems
in a Theory of Plane-Strain Elasticity with Boundary
Int. J. Eng. Sci. 47, 1331 - 1338 (2009).
72. C.I. Kim**, P. Schiavone
C-Q Ru, The Effects of Surface Elasticity on an Elastic Solid with
Crack: Complete Solution, ASME
Appl. Mech. 77, 021011-1 - 021011-7 (March 2010).
73. T. C. T. Ting & P. Schiavone,
Uniform Antiplane Shear Stress Inside
Anisotropic Elastic Inclusion of Arbitrary Shape with
Perfect or
Imperfect Iinterface Bonding,
Int. J. Eng. Sci. 48,
67 -
77 (2010).
74. C.I. Kim**, P. Schiavone
& C-Q Ru, Analysis of a Mode-III Crack in the Presence of Surface
Elasticity and a Prescribed Non-Uniform Surface Traction, Z. angew. Math. Phys. 61, 3,
555 - 564 (2010).
75. Q.F. Zhang, G.F. Wang, & P. Schiavone,
Diffraction of Plane Compressional Waves by an Array of Nano-sized
Holes ASME J. Appl. Mech. 78, 021003-1 - 021003-6
76. O. Malysheva**, T. Tang
& P.Schiavone, Counterion
Condensation on a Polyelectrolyte near an Electronically Responsive
Cylinder, J.
Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 3781 - 3790.
77. C.I. Kim**, P. Schiavone
& C-Q
Ru, Analysis of Plane-Strain Crack Problems (Mode I and Mode II) in the
Presence of Surface Elasticity J.Elasticity
Issue 1 (2011) 397-420.
78. Y.A. Antipov & P. Schiavone, Integro-differential
Equation of a Finite Mode-III Crack in a Strip with Surface Effects Q.
Mech. Appl. Math. Vol. 64. No. 1 (2011)
87 - 106.
79. O. Malysheva**, T. Tang & P.Schiavone, Binding Force between
a Charged
Wall and a Complex formed by a Polyelectrolyte and an Electronically
Cylinder J. Adhesion 87: 251-271, 2011.
80. C.I. Kim**, P. Schiavone
& C-Q
Ru, The Effect of Surface Elasticity on a Mode-III Interface
Crack Arch.
Mech, 63, 3, pp. 267–286,
81. C.I. Kim**, C-Q Ru, L.J. Sudak
& P.
Schiavone, Analysis of Local Singular
Fields Near
the Corner of a Quarter-Plane with Mixed Boundary Conditions in Finite
Plane Elastostatics, Int. J.
Nonlinear Mech. 47
(2012) 151–155.
82. C.I. Kim** P. Schiavone
& C-Q
Ru, Effect of Surface Elasticity on an Interface Crack in Plane
Deformations, Proc.
R. Soc. Lond. A 467,
83. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Three-Phase Inclusions of Arbitrary Shape with Internal Uniform
Stresses in Finite Elasticity ASME J. Appl. Mech. 79
041012-1 -
041012-6 (July 2012).
84. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Neutrality in the Case of N-Phase Elliptical Inclusions with Internal
Hydrostatic Stresses Int. J. Solids Struct.
49 (2012) 800–807.
85. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Design of a Three-Phased Elliptical Inclusion with an Orthotropic
Layer, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 36
(2012) 44 -52.
86. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Coated Circular Inclusions in Finite Plane Elasticity of Harmonic
Materials, European
Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 33 (2012) 75 - 81.
87. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Matrix Crack Penetrating a Partially Debonded
Circular Inhomogeneity Arch. Mech. 64, 3, pp
Warszawa 2012.
88. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Extension of Certain Key Results from Classical Elasticity to Decagonal
Quaicrystalline Composites, IMA J.
Applied Mathematics
(2013) 78 (5): 998 - 1014
89. C.I. Kim**, C-Q. Ru &
P. Schiavone, A Clarification of the
Role of
Crack-tip Conditions in Linear Elasticity with Surface Effects, Math.
Mech. Solids 18(1) 59-66
90. O. Malysheva**, T. Tang & P.Schiavone, A Model for CNT-DNA Hybrid
One-Dimensional Density of States, J. Colloid Interface Sci.
(2012) 25–33.
91. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Multi-Coating an Inclusion of Arbitrary Shape to Achieve Uniformity of
Stresses Math. Mech. Solids
218–227 (2013).
92. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Non-elliptical Harmonic Inclusions with Internal Uniform Hydrostatic
Stresses, Int. J. Engng Sci
63 (2013) 30–39.
93. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Dislocations, Imperfect Interfaces and Interface Cracks in Anisotropic
Elasticity for Quasicrystals Math.
Mech. Compl. Sys.
(2013), 1--17. DOI 10.2140/memocs.2013.1.1.
94. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Interface Cracks in Kirchhoff Anisotropic Thin Plates of Dissimilar
Materials ASME
J. Appl. Mech. 80, 041025-1 to 041025-4, July 2013.
95. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Decagonal Quasicrystalline Circular
Inclusions under
Thermomechanical Loadings, ZAMM - J. Appl
Mechanics, 93, 8 520 - 549 (2013).
96. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
and Interfacial Waves in Anisotropic Elastic Quasicrystals,
Wave Motion 51 (2014) 77-85.
97. T. Lengyel** & P. Schiavone, Displacement Field in an Elastic
Solid with
Mode-III Crack and First-Order Surface Effects, JoMMS
- Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures Vol 7
(2012) No.
8-9, 783-794.
98. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Harmonic Circular Inclusions for Non-uniform Fields through the use of
Multi-coating, Q. Appl. Math. Vol. LXXII, Number 2,
June 2014,
267 - 280.
99. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Neutral Multi-coated Sphere under Non-Uniform Electric Field in
Conductivity Z. angew. Math. Phys (ZAMP) Volume 64,
Issue 3 (2013), pp 895-903.
100. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Deformations of a Composite with Interacting Harmonic Inclusions in the
of Non-Uniform Loading, Q J Mechanics Appl
Math 2013 66 No. 3 : 351-364.
101. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Decagonal Quasicrystalline Elliptic
Inclusions under
Thermomechanical Loading, Acta Mechanica
Solida Sinica,Vol.27, No.5,
518 -
530, October 2014.
102. C.I. Kim**, P. Schiavone
& C-Q
Ru, Effects of Boundary Reinforcement on Local Singular Fields in
Elastic Materials Arch. Mech. 65,
4, pp.
289–300, Warszawa (2013).
103. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Surface Effects in the Deformation of an Anisotropic Elastic Material
with Nono-sized Elliptical Hole Mech
Res Commun 52 (2013) 57– 61.
104. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
of Surface Effects in the Finite Deformation of an Elastic Solid with
Elliptical Hole Int. J. Nonlinear Mech
(2013) 1–4.
105. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Deformation of Harmonic Solids with Cusp Cracks, IMA J. Applied
Mathematics (2014) 79,
106. T. Sigaeva**
& P.
Schiavone, Solvability of the Laplace
Equation in
a Solid with Boundary Reinforcement Z. angew.
Math. Phys
(ZAMP) 65
(2014), 809–815.
107. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Stroh-like Formalism for Kirchhoff Thermoelastic
Anisotropic Plates, Theoret.
Appl. Mech. TEOPM7 Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 543-561 (2013).
108. T. Sigaeva**
& P. Schiavone, Solvability of
a Theory of Anti-plane Shear
with Partially Coated Boundaries, Arch. Mech., 66,
2, pp.
113–125, Warszawa (2014).
109. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Neutrality of Eccentrically Coated Elastic Inclusions, Math. Mech. Compl. Sys.
Vol. 3, No. 2, 2015, pp. 163 - 175. DOI: 10.2140/memocs.2015.3-2
110. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Harmonic Three-phase Circular Inclusions in Finite Elasticity, Continuum
Mech. Therm. 27, 4 (2015) 739 - 747.
111. T. Sigaeva** & P. Schiavone, The
Effect of
Surface Stress on an Interface Crack in Linearly Elastic Materials, Math.
Mech. Solids 21 (6) (2016)
649 - 656.
112. X. Wang & P. Schiavone, Eshelby's
Problem for Infinite, Semi-infinite and Two-bonded Semi-infinite
Anisotropic Thin Plates Arch Appl Mech Volume 85, Issue 5 (2015), Pages
113. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Harmonic Shapes in Isotropic Laminated Plates JoMMS
- Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 10 (2015) 3, 433 - 445 DOI:
114. T. Lengyel**, R. Long & P.
Schiavone, Effect of Friction on the
Near-Tip Fields of
an Interface Crack between a Soft Elastomer and a Rigid Substrate,
Proc. R.
Soc. A, 470: 20140497. (2014).
115. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Interaction of a Screw Dislocation with a Nano-Sized Arbitrary Shaped
Inhomogeneity with Interface Stresses, Proc. R. Soc.
A 470: 20140313.
116. P. Schiavone,
Uniqueness in Inclusion Problems with Imperfect Interface, J.
Theor. Appl. Mech., Vol. 53,
No. 1, pp
255 - 257 (2015).
117. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Screw Dislocation Interacting with an Anisotropic Elliptical
with Interface Stresses, J. Elasticity 120 23 -
(2015) DOI: 10.1007/s10659-014-9500-7.
118. T. Sigaeva** & P. Schiavone, Influence of Boundary
Elasticity on a
Couple Stress Elastic Solid with a Mode-III Crack, Q. Jl. Mech.
Appl. Math.
68 2 195 - 202 (2015) DOI: 10.1093/qjmam/hbv004.
119. X. Wang & P. Schiavone, Two Circular Inclusions with Arbitrarily
Surface Effects Acta Mech
226, 1471 - 1486 (2015): DOI 10.1007/s00707-014-1264-4 .
120. T. Sigaeva** & P. Schiavone, Surface
effects in anti-plane deformations of a micropolar
elastic solid: Integral equation methods, Continuum Mech.
Thermodyn. (2016) 28:105
- 118. DOI
121. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Deformations near an Elliptical Hole with Surface Effect in a Laminated
Anisotropic Thin Plate, ZAMM · Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 95, No. 12, 1574–1581 (2015) / DOI
122. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
A Mode
III Interface Crack with Surface Strain Gradient Elasticity, J. Integral Equations and Applications
28 1 (Spring 2016) pp 123
- 148.
123. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Crack with Surface Elasticity in Finite Plane Elastostatics,
Math. Mech. Compl. Sys. 3 4 (2015) 365 - 384.
124. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
between an Edge Dislocation and a Crack with Surface Elasticity ASME
J. Appl. Mech. 82, 021006-1 - 021006-8 Feb 2015.
125. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Effects of Anisotropic Surface Elasticity on the Contact Problem in an
Anisotropic Material, J. Eng.
Math. (2016) 101: 141
- 151.
126. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Screw Dislocation Interacting with a Bimaterial
Interface Incorporating Surface Strain Gradient Elasticity, E.
Journal of Mechs A/Solids 53 (2015)
254 - 258.
127. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Green’s Functions for an Anisotropic Half-Space and Bimaterial
Incorporating Anisotropic Surface Elasticity and Surface van der Waals
Forces, Math. Mech. Solids
2017, 22(3) 557 - 572.
128. X. Wang & P. Schiavone, Singularities
Interacting with Interfaces Incorporating Surface Elasticity under
Plane Strain
Deformations, Theoret. Appl. Mech. TEOPM7 Vol.
41, No.4, pp. 267 - 282,
Belgrade 2014.
129. T. Belay**, C.I. Kim and P. Schiavone,
Analytical Solution of Lipid Membrane Morphology Subjected to Boundary
on the Edges of Rectangular Membranes, Continuum Mech. Therm. 28 1 (2016) pp 305 - 315.
130. X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
A Nanosized Circular Inhomogeneity in
Finite Plane Elastostatics Z. Angew.
Math. Phys
(ZAMP) 66 5 (2015),
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133. T. Belay**, C.I. Kim and P. Schiavone, Interaction Induced Morphological
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134. X. Wang & P. Schiavone, Bridged cracks of
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136. M. Dai **, P. Schiavone & Cun-Fa Gao,
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Nano-inclusion with Uniform Internal Strain Induced by a Screw
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Cun-Fa Gao, Surface Tension-Induced Stress Concentration Around an
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Neutrality of an Elliptic Inhomogeneity in Finite Plane Elastostatics
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M. Dai**, P. Schiavone &
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M. Dai**, P. Schiavone &
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X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
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M. Dai**, P. Schiavone &
Cun-Fa Gao, Periodic cracks in an infinite electrostrictive plane under
the influence of a uniform remote electric field, Eng Fract Mech 157 (2016) 1-10.
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Cun-Fa Gao, Uniform strain fields inside periodic inclusions
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T. Belay**, C.I. Kim and P. Schiavone, Budding
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X. Wang & P. Schiavone, A
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151. X. Wang, Cuiying
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162. X. Wang, Moxuan Yang** & P. Schiavone, Debonding of an
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A. Gharahi**, M. Dai**, GF Wang & P.
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Mechanics of lipid bilayers subjected to thickness distension and
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M. Dai**, A. Gharahi**, & P.
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X. Wang, L. Chen** & P. Schiavone,
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M. Dai** & P. Schiavone,
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Effective Elastic Properties of Plane Micropolar Nano-composites with
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M. Dai, Y-J Wang & P. Schiavone,
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M. Dai, A. Gharahi** & P.
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A Screw Dislocation near a Coated Non-elliptical Inhomogeneity with
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207. X.
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X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
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Piezoelectric Laminate, J Theor Appl
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209. M.
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Effects of Surface/Interface Elasticity on the Screw
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K. Song**, H. P. Song, P. Schiavone
and C. F. Gao, Thermal Stress around an Elliptic Hole Weakened by
Electric Current in an Infinite Thermoelectric Plate, J Mech Mater Struct 14 (1) 2019 179-191.
M. Dai & P. Schiavone,
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K. Song**, H. P. Song, P. Schiavone
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K. Song**, H. P. Song, P. Schiavone and
C. F. Gao, Electric current induced thermal stress around a bi-material interface
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A. Gharahi** & P. Schiavone,
Uniqueness of Solution for Plane Deformations of a Micropolar Elastic
Solid with Surface Effects, Continuum
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K. Song**, H. P. Song, M. Li, P.
Schiavone and C. F. Gao, Effective Properties of a
Thermoelectric Composite containing an Elliptic Inhomogeneity, Int J Heat Mass Tran 135 (2019) 1319-1326.
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K. Song**, H. P. Song, P. Schiavone
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around a Circular Nano-hole in a Thermoelectric Material, Math. Mech. Solids (2019) Vol 24 (10) 3156 - 3166.
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X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Effect of a Circular Eshelby Inclusion on the Non-elliptical Shape of a
Coated Neutral Inhomogeneity with Internal Uniform Stresses, Z Agnew Math Mech 99 (6) 2027-2034 (2019) DOI:
X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Two Interacting Non-Elliptical Rigid Harmonic Inclusions Loaded
by Couples, Theor Appl Mech 46 2 (2019) 151-171.
224. K. Song**, H. P. Song, P. Schiavone
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Effective Properties of a Thermoelectric Material, Acta Mech 230 3693-3702 (2019).
225. M.
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Stress Concentration around an Elliptical Hole with Surface Tension
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Interaction between a Completely Coated Semi-Infinite Crack and a Screw
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K. Song**, H. P. Song, P. Schiavone
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Asymptotic Field Near the Tip of a Debonded Anticrack in an
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A. Gharahi** & P. Schiavone,
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Uniform Fields inside an Anisotropic Elastic Open Inhomogeneity, Arch Appl Mech (2020) 90:987-992.
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251. X.
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Elastic Fields for a Parabolic Hole Endowed with Surface Effects, J Mech Mater Struct 15 2 (2020)
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Deformation: Modified Boundary Conditions and Related Analytical
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X. Wang, P. Yang** & P. Schiavone,
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K. Song & P. Schiavone,
Thermally Neutral Nanohole and its Effect on the Elastic Field, Eur J Mech A/Solids 81 (2020) 103973.
K. Song & P. Schiavone,
Thermal Conduction around a Circular Nanoinhomogeneity, Int J Heat Mass Tran 150 (2020) 119297.
K. Song, D. Yin & P.
Schiavone, Conversion Efficiency and Effective Properties of
Particulate Reinforced Thermoelectric Composites, Z. Angew. Math. Phys (2020) 71:54.
M. Dai & P. Schiavone,
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H. P. Song, K. Song, P.
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X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
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322. P.
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323. Y.
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C. Yin**, Q. Quan, D. Tang, P.
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331. P.
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Y. Yang**, P. Schiavone, X-F
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335. P.
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337. X.
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Dislocation-free zone at a mode II edge crack tip (Invited paper. S.I.
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338. Y-M.
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P. Yang**, X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
A three-phase laminated anisotropic elliptical inhomogeneity with
internal uniform stress resultants, Z.Angew.Math.
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347. C.
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theory in conjunction with a two-variable shear deformation assumption Compos Struct 312 (2023) 116780.
X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
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K. Song, Nian Li, Xiang Ling & P.
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367. M.
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KK. Xie**, HP. Song, P. Schiavone
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372. X.
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373. X.
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Damping behavior of a particulate composite with interface slip and
diffusion under a deviatoric far-field load, Continuum Mech. Thermodyn (2023) 35:2043-2052.
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X. Wang & P. Schiavone, A
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376. P.
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Qing, A unified local-nonlocal integral formulation for dynamic
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nonlocal Winkler-Pasternak foundation, Compos Struct 322 (2023) 117416.
X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
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378. K.
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P. Zhang, P. Schiavone &
H. Qing, Dynamic stability analysis of porous functionally graded beams
under hygro-thermal loading using a nonlocal strain gradient integral
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X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Uniform in-plane stresses and strains inside an incompressible
nonlinear elastic elliptical inhomogeneity, Eur J Mech A/Solids 102 (2023) 105085.
X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Uniform elastic field within an imperfectly bonded isotropic or
anisotropic ellipsoidal inhomogeneity, Z. Angew. Math. Phys (2023) 74:85.
382. X.
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Uniform anti-plane stress field within two nonlinear elastic
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X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Harmonic and Neutral spherical elastic inhomogeneities with a
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386. X.
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Uniformity of anti-plane stresses within a three-phase nonlinear
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Interaction between an edge dislocation and a circular incompressible
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M. Dai & P. Schiavone,
Harmonic wave scattered by an inclusion in an elastic plane: The
complete Gurtin-Murdoch model, Proc.
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X. Wang & P. Schiavone, A
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X. Wang & P. Schiavone, An
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X. Wang & P. Schiavone,Green's
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X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
An Incompressible Liquid Slit Between Dissimilar
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X. Wang & P. Schiavone, A
Liquid Inclusion having an n-Fold Axis of Symmetry in an Infinite
Isotropic Elastic Matrix, Continuum
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P. Zhang, P. Schiavone &
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discontinuity for longitudinal vibration analysis of cracked rods, Acta Mech 235, 7419-7440 (2024).
396. X.
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397. Kosar
Samadi-Aghdam**, C.Q. Ru & P.
Schiavone, Reflection of plane waves from the free surface of a
hard sphere-filled elastic metacomposite, Math Mech Solids (Accepted).
398. KK.
Xie**, HP. Song, P. Schiavone &
C-F. Gao, Analytical results describing plane thernoelastic fields and
effective thermal expansion under the assumption of temperature
dependency Acta Mech
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Edge Dislocation Interacting with a Hypotrochoidal Compressible Liquid
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Interaction between a
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401. X.
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402. X.
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coupled thermoelectric matrix, J.
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403. X.
Wang & P. Schiavone, An
elliptical incompressible liquid inclusion in an infinite
anisotropic elastic space, Math Mech
Complex Sys 12-2 (2024)
217-232: DOI 10.2140/memocs.2024.12.217.
M. Sun**, M. Dai & P. Schiavone,
An alternative stress boundary condition in small deformations and its
application to soft elastic composites and structures, Int. J. Solids Struct 305 (2024) 113088.
X. Wang & P. Schiavone, A
spheroidal compressible liquid inclusion in an infinite transversely
isotropic elastic matrix, Arch.
Appl. Mechs (2024) 94:
406. X.
Wang & P. Schiavone,
Interaction between an edge dislocation and a rigid hypotrochoidal
inhomogeneity, Arch. Mech 76 (1-2) 143-153.
X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Multiple screw dislocations and a mode III Zener-Stroh crack in a
Nanowire, Acta Mech 235, 4887-4894 (2024).
408. KK. Xie**, HP. Song, P.
Schiavone & C-F. GaoThermoelastic fields of an
inhomogeneity embedded in a matrix under thermoelectric loads based on
a temperature dependent model, Proc.
R. Soc. A (Accepted).
X. Wang & P. Schiavone, A
partially debonded rigid elliptical inclusion with a liquid slit
inclusion occupying the debonded portion, Math Mech Solids 2024, 29 (11) 2224-2235.
410. Kun
Song, Xiang Ling, Shuang Wang, Meihua Huang, Qiang Zhang, Zhe Guo,
Lidong Chen,Wei Zhao, Zhijie Liu, Yiwei Duan, Jun Jiang & P. Schiavone, Evaluation Metric of
temperature-dependent material parameters for efficient
thermoelectric generators (Submitted).
X. Wang
& P. Schiavone, An
elliptical incompressible liquid inclusion in a compressible
hyperelastic solid of harmonic type, J
Elasticity (2024) 156:
X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Uniform elastic field inside an elliptical inhomogeneity with Neuber’s
nonlinear stress-strain law under generalized plane strain
deformations, Mech Adv Mater Struct (Accepted).
P. Zhang, P. Schiavone &
H. Qing, Stress-driven nonlocal integral model with discontinuities for
transverse vibration of multi-cracked non-uniform Timoshenko beams with
general boundary conditions, Compos
Struct 353 (2025)
X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
The Steady-State Response of a Three-Phase Elliptical Inhomogeneity
with Interface Slip and Diffusion Under an Edge Dislocation in the
Matrix, Q. Jl. Mech. Appl. Math,
Volume 77, Issue 3 (2024) hbae010,
X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Interface Design of a Neutral Spheroidal Piezoelectric Inhomogeneity in
a Transversely Isotropic Piezoelectric Matrix, Int J. Mech Mater Des (Accepted).
416. X. Wang
& P. Schiavone, A
Symmetric Liquid Lip Inclusion in an Infinite Isotropic Elastic Matrix,
Math Mech Solids (Accepted).
417. Y.
Yang, X-F Li, P. H. Wen, P. Schiavone,
J. Sladek, V. Sladek , Surface Effects in Mode III Fracture of
Flexoelectric Bodies Eng Fract Mech
313 (2025) 110665.
X. Wang & P. Schiavone, A
Coated Hypotrochoidal Compressible Liquid Inclusion Neutral to a
Hydrostatic Stress Field After Relaxation by Interface Slip and
Diffusion, Math Mech Solids (Accepted).
419. X.
Wang & P. Schiavone, A
Crack in a Confocal Elliptical Inhomogeneity Embedded in an Infinite
Matrix Subjected to Uniform Heat Flux, J. Therm. Stresses (2024) 47 (10)
X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Compressibility and Shear Compliance of a Pore Possessing an (n+1)-Fold
Axis of Symmetry via the Use of a Conformal Mapping Function Containing
an Arbitrary Number of Terms, Int.
J. Solids Struct, 306
(2025) 113075.
X. Wang & P. Schiavone, A
Zener-Stroh Crack along the Interface of a Rigid Elliptical
Inhomogeneity in an Anisotropic Elastic Matrix, Acta Mech 236, 139-151 (2025).
X. Wang & P. Schiavone, A
Neutral Isotropic Elastic Ellipsoidal Inhomogeneity with a Spring-Type
Imperfect Interface Q. Jl. Mech.
Appl. Math, Volume 77, Issue 4, November 2024, hbae012,
X. Wang & P. Schiavone,
Uniform Electroelastic
Field within a spheroidal inhomogeneity imperfectly bonded to an
infinite tranversely isotropic piezoelectric matrix, Continuum Mech Thermodyn (2025) 37:16.
424. X.
Wang & P. Schiavone, An
Arbitrarily Curved Crack under Uniform Remote In-Plane Stresses, Z. Angew. Math. Phys (2025) 76: 19.
425. X. Wang
& P. Schiavone, A
Spheroidal Dielectric Compressible Liquid Inclusion in an Infinite
Transversely Isotropic Piezoelectric Matrix, Nano Micro Mechanics Review (Accepted).
426. X. Wang
& P. Schiavone, Uniform
Elastic Field Within a Parabolic Inhomogeneity Obeying Neuber’s
Nonlinear Stress-Strain Law under Generalized Plane Strain
Deformations, Mech Adv Mater Struct
427. X. Wang
& P. Schiavone, Internal
Uniform Hydrostatic Stress Field Within a Double, Triple or Quadruple
Coated Elastic Inhomogeneity Possessing an (n+1)-fold Axis of
Rotational Symmetry, Z. Angew. Math.
Phys (Accepted).
428. X.
Wang & P. Schiavone,
Interaction Between an Edge Dislocation and a Partially Debonded
Circular Elastic Inhomogeneity with the Debonded Portion Occupied by a
Liquid Slit Inclusion, Math Mech
Solids (Accepted).
429. X.
Wang & P. Schiavone, Two
Non-Circular Compressible Liquid Inclusions in an Infinite Elastic
Matrix, Z. Angew. Math. Mech (Accepted).
430. R.
Ardeshiri Jouneghani**, X. Wang & P.
Schiavone, A Compressible Liquid Inclusion of Arbitrary Shape in
an Isotropic Elastic Matrix, Math
Mech Solids (Accepted).
M. Dai**, P.
Schiavone, The design of nano-inhomogeneities with uniform
internal strain in anti-plane shear deformations of composite solids in
“Micromechanics and Nanomechanics of Composite Solids”,
eds. S.A. Meguid, G. Weng, pp 179-203.
Springer 2018: ISBN-978-3-319-52794-9.
** Graduate Student
* Post-doctoral Fellow
Schiavone, P., 2007 "
ENGINEERING SUCCESS " 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall, New
188 pp ISBN 0-13-613053-4
2. Schiavone,
P., 2005, Statics Study Pack (Supplement
to Engineering Mechanics : Statics,
by A.
Bedford & W. Fowler, 4th Edition), Prentice Hall Inc,
New Jersey, 132 pp.
3. Schiavone, P., 2005,
Study Pack (Supplement to Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics,
Bedford & W. Fowler, 4th Edition), Prentice Hall Inc,
New Jersey, 132 pp.
4. Schiavone,
P., 2004, Statics
Pack (Supplement to Engineering Mechanics by R.C. Hibbeler, 10th Edition), Prentice Hall Inc,
New Jersey, 144 pp.
5. Schiavone,
2004, Dynamics Study Pack (Supplement to Engineering
Mechanics by R.C. Hibbeler, 10th
Prentice Hall Inc, New Jersey, 144 pp.
Schiavone, P. ,
Constanda, C. & Mioduchowski,
A, Editors, 2002, Integral Methods
in Science
and Engineering
2002, 264 pp. ISBN 0-8176-4213-7
7. Schiavone,
P., 2002 "
ENGINEERING SUCCESS " 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, New
188 pp ISBN 0-13-041827-7
8. Schiavone,
P., 2002, Free-body
Statics, a Workbook and Study-Guide,
(Supplement to Engineering Mechanics by
Bedford & W. Fowler, 3rd Edition), Prentice Hall Inc,
New Jersey, 132 pp.
9. Schiavone,
P., 2002, Free-body
Dynamics, a Workbook and Study-Guide
(Supplement to Engineering Mechanics by
A. Bedford
& W. Fowler, 3rd Edition), Prentice Hall Inc,
Jersey, 132 pp.
10. Schiavone,
P., 2001, Free-body
Statics, a Workbook and Study-Guide,
(Supplement to Engineering Mechanics by R.C. Hibbeler, 9th Edition), Prentice Hall Inc,
New Jersey, 110 pp.
11. Schiavone,
P., 2001, Free-body
Dynamics, a Workbook and Study-Guide,
(Supplement to Engineering Mechanics by R.C. Hibbeler, 9th Edition), Prentice Hall Inc,
New Jersey, 110 pp.
12. Schiavone,
P., 2000, "
Jersey, 141 pp ISBN 0-13-011501-0
13. Schiavone,
P., 1999 "
ENGINEERING SUCCESS " 1st Edition, Prentice-Hall, New
157 pp ISBN 0-13-080859-8
14. Schiavone,
P., 1998, "
STUDY MATHEMATICS: Effective Study Strategies for College and
Students "
Prentice-Hall Canada, 79 pp ISBN
15. Schiavone,
P., 1998, "ORDINARY
Prentice-Hall Canada, 218 pp ISBN
16. Schiavone,
P., 1997, "CALCULUS
REFRESHER for the Fundamentals of Engineering Examination";
Professional Publications,
California, 120 pp ISBN 1-888577-01-0
1997, " CALCULUS SOLUTIONS: How to Succeed in Calculus: From
Essential Prerequisites to Practice Examinations" ;
Prentice-Hall Canada, 248