Policy about the course outlines can be found in Section 23.4(2) of the University Calendar.



Class Code: MPPOGOSIAN78425

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Physics 130 EA01/A01 Wave Motion, Optics, and Sound,
Course Outline (Fall 2010), University of Alberta

Calendar description:
Geometrical optics, optical instruments, oscillations, waves, sound, interference, diffraction.
Prerequisites: Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 31, Physics 30. Corequisite: MATH 100 or equivalent.
Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive *3.0.

Lecture Time & Place:   Section EA01/A01: 9:00am-9.50am, MWF,  ETLC1-007

Instructor: Prof Dmitri Pogosian
 Email: pogosyan@ualberta.ca (best way to contact me)
 Phone: 492-2150
 Office: CEB Room 254-B
 Office Hours: Tuesdays from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
 Any other time: set an appointment (use email).

Course Text: University Physics (12th Edition), by Young and Freedman. Published by Addison Wesley 2007
(ISBN 13: 978-0-321-50121-9)

Course Pre-requisites: Phys 30, Math 30, Math 31.  If you do not have the necessary pre-requisites, you must have written permission from the Department of Physics to take this course (application forms "Waiver of a Prerequisite" are available from Ms Janet Couch in office CEB 248A).

Tutorials: Open/Optional - Physics Tutorial Help Center (CEB 1-13): Certain times are specifically assigned to Phys 130, but you should be able to get answers to your questions anytime they are open.

Course Grading:  
Online Assignments
11 Assignments*
Minimum 50% required to pass course
Mid-term exam
Friday, October 22, In class, self-made formula sheet.
Final Exam
9:00am, Saturday, December 18, Location TBA, CONSOLIDATED, self-made formula sheet.


* Online assignments are done electronically using the Mastering Physics system (www.masteringphysics.com).
Access is free with purchase of new textbook or available separately. Registered students will receive an email with the course code. There will be approximately 1 assignment per week. If all 11 assignments are attempted, only the best 10 will be counted towards the final grade. Late assignments will be accepted until the end of term, but with an increasing penalty. Registered students will receive an email with the course code.

Labs: Obtain lab manual in bookstore. Check your lab section and start date in lab manual. Lab schedules are available online and are also posted outside the labs.

Mid-term Exam: Formula sheet and calculator required. Formula sheet: one sheet of paper 11 x 8.5 inch, both sides. Calculator: any calculator with no communication features. Mid-term will cover Parts 1,2,3,4 up to the topic covered in class. Explicitly, Sections 1.1-1.6, 13.1-13.5, 13.7-13.8, 15.1-15.8 and 16.1-16.3. Here you can find practice midterm questions And here you can find last year midterm
New: Midterm results can be seen through Mastering Physics. The class average is 8.1 among those who returned the midterm and 7.9 among all of them who are on the original class list.
Final Exam: Formula sheet (one sheet of paper 11 x 8.5 inch, both sides) and a calculator required. Calculator: any calculator with no communication features. Final will cover everything that was covered on midterm and in addition Sections 16.14-16.18, 33.1-33.3, 33.5, 33.7, 34.1-34.4, 35.1-35.5, 36.1-36.5, 36.7. There will be approximately 40 questions in approximately equal number per section groups 13/15, 16, 33/34, 35 and 36.

Deferred Exam: January 29, 2011.


This course is designed to be an introduction to the University Level Physics, specifically for students interested in Engineering. It is assumed that these students have mastered or at least been exposed to certain basics in physics (Classical Physics - forces, Newton's Laws, momentum, geometrical optics, waves, etc.), plus some more advanced topics including some quantum physics (The Hydrogen atom, energy levels, the electromagnetic spectrum, etc). The course covers periodic motion, oscillations, mechanical waves, sound waves and light (properties, geometrical optics and interference).

Part 1: Introduction (Ch. 1)

A brief introduction to problem solving in physics Physical quantities (Standards and Units) Error and uncertainty, and some math.

Part 2: Oscillations and Waves (Ch. 13)


Simple harmonic motion

Harmonic motion and circular motion

The force law

Energy in simple harmonic oscillators

Damping and forced oscillations

Part 3: Mechanical Waves (Ch. 15)

Characteristics of waves

Wavelength and frequency

Speed and energy in a travelling wave

Standing waves

Part 4: Sound Waves (Ch. 16)

The characteristics of sound waves

The speed of sound

Intensity of sound waves

Superposition of sound waves (interference and beats)

Musical instruments

The Doppler effect

Part 5: Geometrical Optics and Optical Instruments (Ch. 33,34)

The nature of light (particle vs. wave)

Reflection and refraction

Total internal reflection

Huygens' principle

Plane and spherical mirrors

Plane and spherical lenses

Thin lenses and multiple lens systems

Other optical instruments (the eye, telescopes, microscopes)

Part 6: The Wave Nature of Light: Interference (Ch.35)

Interference and coherent sources

Two slit interference: Young's experiment

Interference in thin films

The Michelson Interferometer

Part 7: Diffraction (Ch. 36)

 Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction

Single slit diffraction

Multiple slits

Diffraction gratings, X-Ray diffraction

Circular apertures and resolving power

This list is general. Not all topics listed above will be
covered with the same degree of detail.
Additional/alternate topics may be covered depending on
time constraints and student interest.



2. MID-TERM EXAMINATIONS MISSED FOR ANY REASON WILL NOT BE RESCHEDULED. Students not writing the midterm exam, with a valid excuse (as defined by University policy) will have the midterm weight added to the final exam. This is not automatic, and if you miss the mid-term, you should follow all University guidelines and contact your instructor as soon as possible.

3. CALCULATOR POLICY: Any type of calculator without communications features may be used during examinations. Palm pilots, Blackberries, laptop computers, etc. are prohibited. Cellular phones must be shut off during exams.

 "The University of Alberta is committed to the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty. Students are expected to be familiar with these standards regarding academic honesty and to uphold the policies of the University in this respect. Students are particularly urged to familiarize themselves with the provisions of the Code of Student Behaviour (online at www.ualberta.ca/secretariat/appeals.htm) and avoid any behaviour which could potentially result in suspicions of cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation of facts andor participation in an offence. Academic dishonesty is a serious offence and can result in suspension or expulsion from the University." (GFC 29 SEP 2003)