Lecture 3: Period, Phase, Amplitude and Energy of SHM
Readings: Textbook , Chapter 13.5
Equations of SHM
x = A cos(ω t + φ0)
v = - A ω sin(ω t + φ0)
a = -A ω2 cos(ω t + φ0)
ω = ( k/m )1/2
Energy in SHM
We consider physical Harmonic Oscillator - mass m moving
under the action of restoring force Fx = - k x .
One can think spring and Hooke's law, but this is a general setup for Harmonic Oscillator
Physical system has energy, E . It is the sum of the kinetic and
potential energy
E=K+U = ½ m vx2 + ½ k x2
- Compute E in SHM
E = ½ m A2ω2 sin2(φ)
+ ½ k A2 cos2(φ)
= ½ k A2 [sin2(φ)+cos2(φ)]
- Total energy of SHM is conserved !
E = ½ k A2 = constant