Policy about the course outlines can be found in Section 23.4(2) of the University Calendar.



Course ID: MPPOGOSIAN44971

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Syllabus in PDF


Physics 124 A02 Particles and Waves,
Course Outline (Fall 2014), University of Alberta

Calendar description:
This course is an algebra-based introduction to physics, covering the motion of matter and of waves. We will study how to mathematically model the universe, discussing topics like Newton's laws, energy, momentum, gravity, waves, and (time permitting) a taste of quantum physics.

Lecture Time & Place:   Section A02: T-Th 2:00pm-3.20pm   CCIS 1-430 Lecture Hall

Instructor: Prof Dmitri Pogosian
 Email: pogosyan@ualberta.ca (best way to contact me)
 Phone: 780-492-2150
 Office: CCIS 2-205
 Office Hours: Tuesdays from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
 Any other time: set an appointment (use email).

Course Text: Physics, Custom 2nd Edition (or 4th Full Edition), by James S. Walker
(ISBN 13: 978-0-321-50121-9)

Course Pre-requisites: Phys 20, Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1.   If you do not have the necessary pre-requisites, you must have written permission from the Department of Physics to take this course (application forms "Waiver of a Prerequisite" are available from Ms Janet Couch in Physics Dept office CCIS 4th floor).

Tutorials: Tutorial help is available at CCIS L2-181, 5 days a week. Check here for exact schedule (updated info will be posted shortly)

Course Grading:  
Online Assignments
11 Assignments* www.masteringphysics.com
iClicker participation
Register your IClicker here
Minimum 50% required to pass course
Mid-term exam I
Tuesday, October 7th, in class, self-made formula sheet.
Mid-term exam II
Thursday, November 6th, in class, self-made formula sheet.
Final Exam
expected 2:00pm, Wednesday, December 10, Location TBA, CONSOLIDATED, self-made formula sheet.


* Online assignments are done electronically using the Mastering Physics system (www.masteringphysics.com).
Access is free with purchase of new textbook or available separately. Registered students will receive an email with the course code. There will be approximately 1 assignment per week. If all 11 assignments are attempted, only the best 10 will be counted towards the final grade. Late assignments will be accepted until the end of term, but with an increasing penalty. Registered students will receive an email with the course code.

Labs: Obtain lab manual in bookstore. Check your lab section and start date in lab manual. Lab schedules are available online and are also posted outside the labs.

Mid-term Exam: Only formula sheet allowed and calculator required. Formula sheet: one sheet of paper 11 x 8.5 inch, both sides. Calculator: any calculator with no communication features. What chapters midterm will cover will be announced here and on eClass in due time
Final Exam: Only formula sheet (one sheet of paper 11 x 8.5 inch, both sides) is allowed and a calculator required. Calculator: any calculator with no communication features. Details on the Final will be posted here and on eClass in due time
Deferred Exam: January 24, 2015, 9am in CCIS L1-029.



2. MID-TERM EXAMINATIONS MISSED FOR ANY REASON WILL NOT BE RESCHEDULED. Students not writing the midterm exam, with a valid excuse (as defined by University policy) will have the midterm weight added to the final exam. This is not automatic, and if you miss the mid-term, you should follow all University guidelines and contact your instructor as soon as possible.

3. CALCULATOR POLICY: Any type of calculator without communications features may be used during examinations. Palm pilots, Blackberries, laptop computers, etc. are prohibited. Cellular phones must be shut off during exams.

 "The University of Alberta is committed to the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty. Students are expected to be familiar with these standards regarding academic honesty and to uphold the policies of the University in this respect. Students are particularly urged to familiarize themselves with the provisions of the Code of Student Behaviour (online at www.ualberta.ca/secretariat/appeals.htm) and avoid any behaviour which could potentially result in suspicions of cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation of facts andor participation in an offence. Academic dishonesty is a serious offence and can result in suspension or expulsion from the University." (GFC 29 SEP 2003)