Lectures |
Assignments |
- Lecture 1
- Olbers Paradox:
- The night sky is Dark (Photo: ForestWander.com)
- Faint galaxy counts (1991)
- Faint galaxy counts - Durham group compilation (2010)
- Lecture 2:
- State of extragalactic observations
- Imaging distant galaxies (photometry)
- Messier Catalogue of Nebulae (orig 1758-1782, 110 extended objects)
- NGC Catalogue (orig 1887-1908, 7840 extended objects )
- Hubble Deep Field (1996)
(HDF site with more information)
- Hubble Ultra Deep Field (2004)
(HUDF NASA site)
- Combined image from GOODS Survey (2010)
( GOODS: The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey )
- Structures on the 2D sky
- Galaxy Cluster Abell 2218 (NASA site with more information),
Hercules Cluster
- Abell catalogue of Galaxy Clusters (1958-1989) ,
- APM galaxy survey
(APM quick reference)
- Cluster surveys by South Pole Telescope (SPT), Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT)
- Lecture 3:
- State of extragalactic observations
- Taking spectra of distant objects (spectroscopy)
- Spectrum of a typical galaxy. Especially important are calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg, 5178A) and sodium (Na, 5891A) absorption lines.
- Original Edwin Hubble Diagram, 1929
- HST Hubble Diagram (2001) (HST Key Project Results on Hubble constant)
- Hubble diagram for Supernovae (Conley et al 2011)
- Combining imaging and spectrospic information in 3D galaxy catalogues
- CfA (1977-1995),
- 2Df Galaxy redshift Survey (1997-2003), 2DF final Release map (2003)
- Sload Digital Sky Survey (2000-), SDSS-III Data Release 10 (2013), SDSS galaxies as of completion of SDSS II (2008) , movie
- Upcoming galaxy surveys
- Euclid (>2019)
- Lecture 4-5:
- Observing diffuse radiation
- Wikipedia timeline
- Discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background (1965)
(additional info)
- Overall Isotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature (1992)
- Cosmic Microwave Background frequency spectrum (1992)
(COBE-FIRAS on lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov )
- Searching for inhomogenieties in the Cosmic Microwave Background
- Relikt-I upper limits (1983)
- COBE discovery of temperature fluctuations (1992)
- CMB versus foreground radiation
- Detailed mapping of CMB anisotropy (1999-)
... (1999-2002)
- WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe)(2003-2012) (WMAP site with more information)
- DASI, SPT, ACT ... (2006-)
- Planck Satellite (2013)
- Comprehensive database of CMB experiments
- Polarization of CMB
- BICEP2 B-mode detection
- Parameters of the Universe, modern perspective
- recommendation from WMAP CMB experiment
- Parameters of the Universe from Planck satellite
( 2013, 2015)
- Lecture 6: GR, geometrical aspects
- Spherical Geometry Primer
- Differential geometry formulae
- Lecture 7:
- Robertson-Walker metrics. Light propagation
- Equations of cosmological evolution: Friedman and acceleration
equations, equations of motion for the matter.
- Assignment #1, Friday January 31st
- Lecture 8:
- Time and distance measurements in GR, homogeneous and isotropic metrics
- Lecture 9:
- Description of the matter. Energy-momentum (stress-energy) tensor
- Lecture 10:
- Properties of Einstein equations for homogeneoues and isotropic
Universes. Single component models of the Universe.
- Assignment #2, due date Fri. Feb 7th
- Lecture 11:
- Multi-component models of the Universe.
- Lecture 12:
- Multi-component models of the Universe, continued
- Lecture 13:
- Kinematic parameters of the expansion of the Universe.
Angular-diameter and luminosity distances.
- Lecture 14:
- Classical tests for cosmological parameters
- The angular diameter-redhift test using radio sources(Kellerman, 1993)
- Modern use of radio sources
(Guerra, Daly, Wan 2000)
and in more(detail)
- Galaxy number counts dN/dz
- Newman, Davis, 2001: ( Deep2 redshift survey)
- Dependence of the volume on cosmology
- Projected cosmological limits)
- The galaxy number-magnitude test N(m)
- Ellis, 1997, evidence for evolution, blue excess
- Durham group compilation
- The apparent magnitude-redshift test m(z), Supernova Ia
- Latest results
- Supernova Cosmology Project
( 2011 compilation paper)
- High-z Supernova Search Team
- Assignment #3, due date February 24th
- Lecture 15:
- Thermal history of the Universe.
- Components of the Standard Model.
- Lecture 16:
- Thermal history of the Universe, continued.
- Lecture 17: Nucleosynthesis
- Binding energy for light elements.
- Stable nuclei.
Good source of nuclide data is
- Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis reactions.
- Compare to hydrogen burning in a star.
- Tytler et all limits, 2003.
- Ned Wright summary.
- Assignment #4, due date March14 th
- Solutions #4
- Lecture 18: Large Scale Structure in the Universe
- Local Universe in 3D
(Mike Hudson, UWaterloo)
- Local Universe in 3D
(Clues Project, H. Courtois, D. Pomarade)
- IRAS PCSz galaxy survey.
- Lecture 19: Growth of the Large Scale Structure in the Universe
- Growth of the structure I
- Growth of the structure II
- Growth of the structure III
- Growth of the structure IV
- Formation of a group of galaxies
- Project Horizon (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
Dr. Andrey Kravtsov, U Chicago
- Lecture 20: Linear Perturbation Theory
- Evolution of an adiabatic perturbation mode
- Comparison of three modes of different wavelengths
- Evolution of the potential
- Assignment #5, due date April 2nd
- Lecture 21: Random fields, correlations, spectra
- SDSS (2003 power spectra
- SDSS (2006) power spectra of galactic distribution
- SDSS/BOSS (2012) power spectrum of galactic distribution
- Lecture 22: Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Hot Universe.
- Discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background
(additional info)
- Cosmic Microwave Background frequency spectrum
(COBE-FIRAS homepage)
- Overall Isotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature and COBE discovery of fluctuations
- CMB anisotropy - theory
- General Overview
- pre 2004 Experiments
- Evolution of DT/T
- Recent experiments - WMAP
- WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotorpy Probe)
- WMAP temperature maps
- WMAP polarization maps
- WMAP polarization primer
- WMAP-Planck comparison map
- Recent experiments - Planck
- Planck experiment
- Overwiew of Planck results
- CMB temperature power spectrum (Planck)
- Planck power spectrum paper
- Cosmological parameters from Planck
- Planck CMB temperature map
- Assignment #6, due date April 11th