ASTRO 430, Cosmology, Winter Semester, 2018

This page contains materials for the ASTRO430 Cosmology course. New items will appear or will be revised as the course progresses.
Course description and basic information:
Syllabus (html,pdf)
Code of Student Behaviour
Solutions to midterm
Lectures Assignments
Lecture 1
Olbers Paradox:
The night sky is Dark (Photo:
Faint galaxy counts (1991)
Faint galaxy counts - Durham group compilation (2010)
Lecture 2:
State of extragalactic observations
Imaging distant galaxies (photometry)
Messier Catalogue of Nebulae (orig 1758-1782, 110 extended objects)
NGC Catalogue (orig 1887-1908, 7840 extended objects )
Hubble Deep Field (1996) (HDF site with more information)
Hubble Ultra Deep Field (2004) (HUDF NASA site)
Combined image from GOODS Survey (2010) ( GOODS: The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey )
Structures on the 2D sky
Galaxy Cluster Abell 2218 (NASA site with more information), Hercules Cluster
Abell catalogue of Galaxy Clusters (1958-1989) ,
APM galaxy survey (APM quick reference)
Cluster surveys by South Pole Telescope (SPT), Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT)
Lecture 3:
State of extragalactic observations
Taking spectra of distant objects (spectroscopy)
Spectrum of a typical galaxy. Especially important are calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg, 5178A) and sodium (Na, 5891A) absorption lines.
Original Edwin Hubble Diagram, 1929
HST Hubble Diagram (2001) (HST Key Project Results on Hubble constant)
Hubble diagram for Supernovae (Conley et al 2011)
Combining imaging and spectrospic information in 3D galaxy catalogues
CfA (1977-1995),
2Df Galaxy redshift Survey (1997-2003), 2DF final Release map (2003)
Sload Digital Sky Survey (2000-), SDSS-III Data Release 10 (2013), SDSS galaxies as of completion of SDSS II (2008) , movie
Upcoming galaxy surveys
Euclid (>2019)
Lecture 4-5:
Observing diffuse radiation
Wikipedia timeline
Discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background (1965) (additional info)
Overall Isotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature (1992)
Cosmic Microwave Background frequency spectrum (1992) (COBE-FIRAS on )
Searching for inhomogenieties in the Cosmic Microwave Background
Relikt-I upper limits (1983)
COBE discovery of temperature fluctuations (1992)
CMB versus foreground radiation
Detailed mapping of CMB anisotropy (1999-)
TOCO, BOOMERanG, MAXIMA, CBI, ... (1999-2002)
WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe)(2003-2012) (WMAP site with more information)
DASI, SPT, ACT ... (2006-)
Planck Satellite (2013)
Comprehensive database of CMB experiments
Polarization of CMB
BICEP2 B-mode detection
Parameters of the Universe, modern perspective
recommendation from WMAP CMB experiment
Parameters of the Universe from Planck satellite ( 2013, 2015)
Lecture 6: GR, geometrical aspects
Spherical Geometry Primer
Differential geometry formulae (html,pdf)
Lecture 7:
Robertson-Walker metrics. Light propagation
Equations of cosmological evolution: Friedman and acceleration equations, equations of motion for the matter.
Assignment #1, Friday January 31st (html,pdf) Solutions: (html,pdf)
Lecture 8:
Time and distance measurements in GR, homogeneous and isotropic metrics
Lecture 9:
Description of the matter. Energy-momentum (stress-energy) tensor
Lecture 10:
Properties of Einstein equations for homogeneoues and isotropic Universes. Single component models of the Universe.
Assignment #2, due date Fri. Feb 7th (html,pdf) Solutions: (html,pdf)
Lecture 11:
Multi-component models of the Universe.
Lecture 12:
Multi-component models of the Universe, continued
Lecture 13:
Kinematic parameters of the expansion of the Universe. Angular-diameter and luminosity distances.
Lecture 14:
Classical tests for cosmological parameters
The angular diameter-redhift test using radio sources(Kellerman, 1993)
Modern use of radio sources (Guerra, Daly, Wan 2000) (Results) and in more(detail)
Galaxy number counts dN/dz
Newman, Davis, 2001: ( Deep2 redshift survey)
Dependence of the volume on cosmology
Projected cosmological limits)
The galaxy number-magnitude test N(m)
Ellis, 1997, evidence for evolution, blue excess
Durham group compilation
The apparent magnitude-redshift test m(z), Supernova Ia (Perlmutter,Reiss)
Latest results
Supernova Cosmology Project ( 2011 compilation paper)
High-z Supernova Search Team
Assignment #3, due date February 24th (html,pdf) Solutions: (html,pdf)
Lecture 15:
Thermal history of the Universe.
Components of the Standard Model.
Lecture 16:
Thermal history of the Universe, continued.
Lecture 17: Nucleosynthesis
Binding energy for light elements.
Stable nuclei. Good source of nuclide data is here.
Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis reactions.
Compare to hydrogen burning in a star.
Tytler et all limits, 2003.
Ned Wright summary.
Assignment #4, due date March14 th (html,pdf)
Solutions #4 (html,pdf)
Lecture 18: Large Scale Structure in the Universe
Local Universe in 3D (Mike Hudson, UWaterloo)
Local Universe in 3D (Clues Project, H. Courtois, D. Pomarade)
IRAS PCSz galaxy survey.
Lecture 19: Growth of the Large Scale Structure in the Universe
Growth of the structure I
Growth of the structure II
Growth of the structure III
Growth of the structure IV
Formation of a group of galaxies
Project Horizon (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
Dr. Andrey Kravtsov, U Chicago
Lecture 20: Linear Perturbation Theory
Evolution of an adiabatic perturbation mode
Comparison of three modes of different wavelengths
Evolution of the potential
Assignment #5, due date April 2nd (html,pdf) Solutions: (html,pdf)
Lecture 21: Random fields, correlations, spectra
SDSS (2003 power spectra
SDSS (2006) power spectra of galactic distribution
SDSS/BOSS (2012) power spectrum of galactic distribution
Lecture 22: Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Hot Universe.
Discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background (additional info)
Cosmic Microwave Background frequency spectrum (COBE-FIRAS homepage)
Overall Isotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature and COBE discovery of fluctuations
CMB anisotropy - theory
General Overview
pre 2004 Experiments
Evolution of DT/T
Recent experiments - WMAP
WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotorpy Probe)
WMAP temperature maps
WMAP polarization maps
WMAP polarization primer
WMAP-Planck comparison map
Recent experiments - Planck
Planck experiment
Overwiew of Planck results
CMB temperature power spectrum (Planck)
Planck power spectrum paper
Cosmological parameters from Planck
Planck CMB temperature map
Assignment #6, due date April 11th (html,pdf) Solutions: (html,pdf)