Uses of the Indirect Antiglobulin Test

The IAT will detect IgG antibodies in the Rh, Kell, Kidd and Duffy systems. If clotted specimens and polyspecific AHG are used, it will also detect IgM antibodies that can bind C3 such as anti-Lea, anti-Leb, autoanti-I and anti-P1. Its applications relate to detecting in vitro sensitization in the following test situations:

  1. crossmatch (patient serum is incubated with donor red cells)
  2. antibody detection (patient serum is incubated with group O screen cells)
  3. antibody identification (patient serum is incubated with group O panel cells)
  4. antigen typing (commercial antiserum is incubated with patient or donor cells)

Uses of the Indirect Antiglobulin Test