Genetics Resources


Below are some genetics resources that you may want to review. Also see Suggested reading .

Online Resource
Central dogmaFrom MIT's Biology Hypertextbook, this page explains the central dogma of biology by answering the question: "How does the sequence of a strand of DNA correspond to the amino acid sequence of a protein?"
Fundamentals of geneticsFrom Washington State University.
Mendelian genetics Chapter on mendelian genetics from MIT's Biology Hypertextbook.
Human Genetics Problem SetInteresting set of problems and related tutorials from the University of Arizona.
DNA Chapters from a biotechnology course at Iowa State University. This site is a real winner.
CMBO Cell & Molecular Biology Online has links to all the hot sites.
Molecular genetics A primer on molecular genetics , this site has an extensive glossary and links to figures showing such things as DNA replication, DNA sequencing, cloning in plasmids, etc.
Molecular biologyAnother useful set of problems and tutorials from the University of Arizona.
MIT The entire MIT Biology Hypertextbook, including chemistry & immunology chapters
Medical genetics The Merck manual has many useful resources.