An introduction to philosophy through study and critical discussion of selected philosophical classics and contemporary works. Topics may include: appearance and reality, minds and bodies, personal identity, death and immortality, free-will, the nature of God, perception, causation, space and time. This course is recommended, along with PHIL 101, both for students wishing a general introduction to philosophy and for those contemplating a philosophy major. Note: Not open to students with credit in PHIL 130 or 140.
PHIL 102: B1/J1 Second Term MWF 10:00-10:50 B. Hunter
Text: J. Feinberg and R. Shafer-Landau (eds.), Reason and
Responsibility (Wadsworth)
PHIL 102: B2/J2 Second Term TR 09:30-10:50 R. Burch
Texts: R. Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy;
Bertrand Russell, The Problems of Philosophy
(Amherst, NY: Prometheus, 1988); D. Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (Amherst, NY:
Prometheus, 1989); M. Heidegger, What is a Thing?
PHIL 102: B3/J3 Second Term MWF 13:00-13:50 J.A. Buijs
For more details on readings and requirements, see the course website
at jbuijs/phil102.htm
Texts: Knowledge and Reality; custom course material available from the University Bookstore;
Del Kiernan-Lewis, Learning to
Philosophize, A Primer (Belmont CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 2000)
PHIL 102: S1/T1 Second Term M
18:00-21:00 C. Panjvani Texts: TBA
PHIL 102: S2/T2 Second Term R 18:00-21:00 J.C. Wesselius Texts: TBA
PHIL 102: S3/T3 Second Term M 18:00-21:00 P. Boaheng
Texts: TBA