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6. Discrimination and racism

  0451   There are too many issues that make our adjustment to Canada harder and slower such as discrimination.
  3132   The experience with a friend of our building manager is the only bad experience that we have had in Canada, The only discrimination that we have ever experienced in Canada. On the other hand, we have very positive experience with teachers in schools; they are very helpful.
  1110   Discrimination exists in field of job search. Canadians are always privileged.
  0050   People here are afraid of Iraqis and won't hire us.
  0141   Here we are treated like we come from a country with no electricity. They think we come from a jungle.
  1701   There was a fire in the apartment building where we live and no one has come to clean it up as we are 'low budget' tenants, refugees, etc. And no one cares. I feel discriminated - lower quality of life.
  1863   I was told that I couldn't finish school because I was 19. This is discrimination. I had to start working because I couldn't get into college.
  1252   There is an age discrimination. Very upset with problem of aging, getting older. I think that Canadians are taking advantage of young people, and as old people they don't need more even if they had been working for 15 years. That is discrimination. Would that mean that I am not good to be hired because I am not very young?
  1261   I feel I am too old to find a job.
  1822   Older people have hard time here - talking about find a job, younger people get a job easier.
  2693   Older people should get some pension, earlier than determined [by Canadian law] right now. There should be no discrimination or racism because there's a place for everyone here.
  0191   There should be more human rights because discrimination is the same thing as making someone die a slow death. The government treats refugees like a business. After the first year they get all their money back.

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