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4. Employment

A. General comments

  2141   This is a nice country. But, as I have said, there should be more security for working people. It sometimes seems to me that they don't want you to make a start.
  1231   Everything is so unstable - jobs, life, cannot plan. If I plan, I have to be afraid all my life (mortgage, loans, jobs).
  3191   The hard time it was when I didn't have a job. I am happy now; I have a job.
  0801   I'd like a new job because in my country I never painted.
  1712   No demand for that occupation.
  1801   I want to stress the importance of work, to put people to work as soon as possible.
  1812   To help us more in finding a job.
  2351   I hope that I can find a job and wish Canadians would give me a chance to show them I can do the job.

B. Recognition of credentials/experience

  0941   How to start a job in a profession without school; for diplomas to be recognized.
  1780   When I applied for jobs here, on my resume it says I am a doctor. Then nobody will hire me. They tell me to go to the hospital. I had to take it off my resume that I am a doctor. I wrote that I cleaned the hospital, then the lodge gave me a cleaning job. I feel humiliated and depressed. All my years of education mean nothing at all in this country.
  1160   I would like to put a stress on diploma recognition / credit problem. I can't believe that experience of some engineer or doctor from my country is that worthless.
  1061   It is unfair that people who have professional degrees come to Canada and are not assisted in pursuing their profession. It is also unfair that people who are illiterate in Canada get good paying jobs and people that are well educated get only minimum wage positions. The professional associations should have courses for newcomers to prepare them for APEGGA exams. I applied to SAIT to do a diploma in engineering and was told I could not do a diploma in a certain field of engineering because I already have a degree in engineering. They said I should do something else, so I did hairdressing and because I had an exam at the same time as the APEGGA exam I then asked APEGGA if I could write the exam at a later date. They have not yet gotten back to me. It seems they don't want me to become an engineer and be successful in Canada.
  1221   Lots of people come with experience and diplomas. Here, everybody asks for Canadian experiences - we can't have that when we came.
  1361   People with education coming from my country should work better jobs than they are doing now (diplomas to be recognized).
  1363   I think it's absolutely disgraceful for this country to waste so many excellent professionals by thwarting them in all possible ways.
  1431   When Canadian Government let people come it takes care specific needs of people (people with education and experience should work in their profession) - it's frustrating. If that is not possible, then let them stay where they were.
  1992   Government should take better care of professional people with higher education, work experience from home country is not appreciated. Other than that, people who want to come to Canada should come very young.
  2671   Problem: newcomers search for job - the question of Canadian experience - newcomers cannot have Canadian experience. Experience is experience - it's the same all over the world.
  2271   Canada should accept people who have had a good education in their country and help them to work in that profession here. The USA is doing that.
  2561   They should have better programs for those who are highly qualified.
  3042   Provide jobs so refugees can work and pay taxes; recognize our past educational backgrounds; give us help to start small businesses.
  3051   Acknowledge and recognize education from our own countries.
  3032   If someone could help me find a job in Grande Prairie I would move back there because I think Grande Prairie was a small and nice community. I made some friends when I was there. Here, in Ontario I don't belong anywhere.
  3161   Make a system that will value education from other countries, use these people they have something valuable to offer.
  3162   Not recognizing our professional studies from back home; it's taking a long time to translate our papers and tell us where we are; I want to be a lawyer in this country, this is who I am.
  0390   Wants to know why it's so difficult to get certificate - approved/qualified. They should provide an exam to test what people know - it is the judge.
  0462   Issue about work experience and education from other countries very important to newcomers to Canada.
  0482   People who have had good education in their home country as soon as possible should get help to have their credentials assessed so they can work in their chosen field.
  0663   Very important issue is recognition of our training and diplomas.
  0750   Problems with recognition papers and documents from home country are making a real trouble for refugees in getting job.
  2542   To change attitude against educated people; to accept them as equal.
  1731   It is too bad that our people with a high education and big experience don't get a chance to show what they know. Our diplomas have no value here.
  1732   Very disappointed in knowledge of an average Canadian. They know nothing about education and system in other countries. Very disappointed in institutions such as settlement agencies or Immigration Centre. None of them provide some information about how to get recognition.
  1741   Issue such as not recognizing our education and work experience. Is very important in new life in Canada.
  1742   Canadian society should change something about issues such as recognizing diplomas and certificates from other countries.
  1863   Immigrants and refugees should receive more credit for their professions. Their credentials should be recognized.
  2781   My expectations for finding a job were too high, so I think something should be done about recognition of our diplomas.
  2831   This is a very nice country, but there is a problem with jobs. They don't trust our foreign certificates and experience. I see no justification for that.

C. Difficulty finding jobs

  1342   It is difficult for jobs. We need help to start business.
  0040   Jobs - we want to work and need help to get good jobs in Canada.
  0301   Very bad experience with Employment Centre.
  0151   There are few job choices here. We were not given information about student loan options. We were treated as if we knew nothing. There is immense pressure to work at Lakeside Meat Packing Plant, which is a place that Canadians do not want to work in.
  0302   Not enough help in job seeking.
  0162   It is hard to find a decent job for a woman. Money I got for this interview is the money I got the easiest way.
  2681   Help us get job, recognize and let me upgrade my education.

D. Job training and work experience

  2312   Volunteer job experience program - she cooked in a kitchen of a restaurant and washed vegetables in cold working condition - became ill from doing this for two weeks. This did not help her to find a job.
  1110   Should improve job training service; I am very dissatisfied with that service.
  1642   In my opinion some job-training programs are useless and job-training counsellors are inadequate but everything else related to services and help from settlement agencies was okay.

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