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Question #114: Is there anything else about your refugee experience, before or after coming to Canada, that you want to talk about?

1. Refugee camp and flight experiences

A. How experiences affect life in Canada

  0952   Life in refugee camp in Turkey very horrifying. Our food and water was poisoned. We were afraid to eat or drink too much. We are happy to be in Canada but Canadians must realize we are stateless. The Iraqis tried to kill us. We need all the help we can get. People need to be patient and understanding.
  1451   Canadians and Canadian society need to be understanding of our horrifying experiences in Iraq by Saddam and at the camps in Turkey. We were hardly fed properly and very oppressed.
  0350   I feel fortunate to come to Canada as I am from a war torn country and have lived in horrifying conditions in refugee camps in Saudi Arabia.
  2391   There are lots of things in my mind. I would like to talk about it, but I'd rather not until I can do something about it. Like the horrible life in the refugee camps.
  0281   I experienced a bad time while I was in a refugee camp in Serbia. We had a hard time living in camp, it was a struggle for our lives.
  0282   Problems during time in refugee camp, not enough food, no medical care.

B. Information received in refugee camps

  1090   People should have more information about Canada before they leave the refugee camp.
  1911   When they interview you in the refugee camps, they talk about training and what would you do in Canada. I have agricultural experience and I thought I was going to find a job in that area. The immigration officers in Kenya made me feel I could get a job here. But now they are asking for Canadian experience.
  0360   When I was in Saudi refugee camp I had a good idea about everything in Canada so I didn't really have problems when I came here.


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