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G. Canadian Popular Press

"Dispatch from Dixon (More than 4,000 Somali refugees are crowded into six high-rise condominiums on Dixon Road) Toronto Life, v.29(l 1) August, 1995 40-47.

"Ontario, BC want cash for services (Immigration settlement services)" Calgary Herald, February 28, 1997, A3.

US marines to build refugee settlement: safe haven in northern Iraq developed despite government objections. Globe and Mail (Toronto) - Metro edition, April 22, 1991 A9.

Van der Gaag Nikki. Trading places: the local people welcomed the refugees to their area, but things haven't gone quite as some of them had hoped New Internationalist, (283) September, 1996 20-2 1.

Van der Gaag, Nikki. Field of dreams (Sudanese refugee settlement in northern Uganda) New Internationalist 283. September, 1996 7-8.

Lindoff, D. New Canadians: their educational needs and adjustments (interview with the coordinator of Victoria’s refugee settlement program) Intermediate Teacher, 22:1: Fall 1986. 53-56.

"What’s wrong with being an "economic" refugee" Montreal Gazette, February 5, 1987: B3.

"Robillard wants crackdown on bogus refugees" Canadian Press Newswire, September 6, 1996.

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