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Total Sample

Six out of ten respondents (61% of the adult and youth samples combined) come from former Yugoslavia. This must be kept in mind when interpreting total sample results (see Chapter 2 for an explanation of this sampling outcome).

Most refugees can speak at least some English. Although two-thirds chose to do the interview in their first language, only 9% report they have no knowledge of English. The average age of adults is 36.7 years and 17.3 years for youth. Seventy-six percent of the adults are married and 17% are single. One-third (32%) of the total sample indicated they had spent time in a refugee camp (the average stay in a refugee camp was 37 months). Most respondents (72%) were government-sponsored, while 25% were privately sponsored. Only 32% have participated in a host program.

About 20% of the sample did not have a high school diploma when they arrived, and 42% indicate having completed post-secondary education. Sixty-five percent of respondents indicate they had some formal job training and 83% held a paying job in their home country. While 19% indicate they did not have an occupation before they arrived, 44% said they were managers or professionals, 15% were working in clerical/service occupations, and 22% were blue-collar workers.

Table 3-7
Total Sample
(Sample Size: 525 Adults and 91 Youth)

  1. Time of Arrival
    • 37% of the sample arrived in 1996/97, 44% arrived in 1994/95 and 19% arrived in 1992/93.
    • 61% of the respondents are from former Yugoslavia.
    • 9% of the respondents cannot speak any English.
    • 72% were government-sponsored, 25% were privately-sponsored, and 3% were sponsored in a 3/9 program.
    • 32% of respondents indicated they had taken part in a host program.
  2. Refugee Camp Experience
    • 32% have spent time in a refugee camp.
    • The mean number of months spent in a refugee camp is 37.
  3. Demographic Characteristics and Family Status
    • 51% are female and 49% are male.
    • Mean age of adults is 36.7 years; for youth the mean age is 17.3 years.
    • 15% of the sample are aged 15-21, 24% are aged 22-30, 38% are aged 31-40; 16% are 41-50, and 7% are over age 51.
    • 73% of adult refugees are married or living in a common-law relationship, 3% are married but have spouses living elsewhere; 7% are widowed or divorced, and 17% are single.
    • The average household size is 3.7 persons.
    • 31% live in Calgary, 22% live in Edmonton, 9% live in Red Deer, 12% live in Lethbridge, 10% live in Medicine Hat, 3% live in Grande Prairie or Fort McMurray, and 12% live elsewhere in Canada.
    • 86% arrived in Canada along with other family members.
    • 90% left family members behind.
    • 22% had family members in Canada when they arrived.
  4. Education and Occupation Prior to Arrival (Adult Refugees only)
    • 19% did not have a high school diploma upon arrival; 26% had completed high school, 12% had some post-secondary education and 42% had completed post-secondary education.
    • The mean years of schooling is 13.0.
    • 65% had some formal job training before they came to Canada.
    • 83% held a paying job in their home country.
    • 19% indicated they had no occupation prior to arrival, 44% worked as managers and professionals, 15% worked in clerical/service occupations, and 22% worked as blue-collar labourers.


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