Norman R. Brown

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Schweickart, O. & Brown, N. R. (in press). Magnitude comparison extended: How lack of knowledge informs comparative judgments under uncertainty. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

Zebian, S. & Brown, N. R. (in press). Living in history in Lebanon: The influence of chronic social upheaval on the organization of autobiographical memory. Memory.

Brown, N. R., Hansen, T. G. B., Lee, P. J., Vanderveen, S. A., & Conrad, F. G. (2012). Historically-defined autobiographical periods: Their origins and implications. In D. Berntsen & D. Rubin (Eds.). Understanding autobiographical memory: Theories and approaches (pp. 160-180). Cambridge: Cambridge.

Svob, C. & Brown, N. R. (2012). Intergenerational transmission of the reminiscence bump and biographical conflict knowledge. Psychological Science, 23, 1404-1409.

Uzer, T., Lee, P. J., & Brown, N. R. (2012). On the prevalence of directly retrieved autobiographical memories. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 38, 1296-1308.

Brown, N. R. & Tan, S. (2011). Magnitude comparison revisited: An alternative approach to binary decision making under uncertainty. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 18, 392-398.

Brown, N. R. & Lee, P. J. (2010). Public events and the organization of autobiographical memory: An overview of the Living-in-History Project. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, 2, 133–149.

Brown, N. R., Lee. P. J., Krslak, M., Conrad, F. G., Hansen, T., Havelka, J. & Reddon, J. (2009). Living in history: How war, terrorism, and natural disaster affect the organization of autobiographical memory. Psychological Science, 20, 399-405.

Brown, N. R (2008). How metastrategic considerations influence the selection of frequency estimation strategies. Journal of Memory and Language, 58, 3-18.

Bogart, L. M., Walt, L. C., Pavlovic, J. D., Ober, A. J., Brown, N.R., & Kalichman, S. C. (2007). Cognitive strategies affecting recall of sexual behavior among high-risk men and women. Health Psychology. 26, 787-793 .

Brown, N. R., Williams, R. L., Barker, E.T., & Galambos, N. L. (2007). Estimating frequencies of emotions and actions: A web-based diary study. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 21, 259-276.

Brown, N. R. (2005). On the prevalence of event clusters in autobiographical memory. Social Cognition, 23, 35-6.

Friedman, A., Kerkman, D., Brown, N. R. , Stea, D., & Cappello, H. (2005). Cross-cultural similarities and differences in North Americans' geographical location judgments. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 12, 1054-1060.

Lee, P. J., & Brown, N. R. (2004).The role of guessing and boundaries in the telescoping of public events. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 11, 748-754.

Conrad, F., Brown, N. R., & Dashen, M. (2003). Estimating the frequency of events from unnatural categories. Memory & Cognition, 31, 552-562.

Kerkman, D., Friedman, A., Brown, N. R., Stea, & Carmicheal, A. (2003). The development of geographic categories and biases. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 84, 265-285.

Lee, P. J. & Brown, N. R. (2003). Delay related changes in personal memories for September 11th 2001. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 17, 1007-1015,

Olsen, G. D., Pracejus, J. W., & Brown, N. R. (2003). When profit equals price: Consumer confusion about donation amounts in cause related marketing. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 22, 170-180.

Pracejus, J. W., Olsen, G. D., & Brown, N. R. (2003). On the prevalence and impact of vague quantifiers in the advertising of cause related marketing. Journal of Advertising, 32, 19-28.

Brown, N. R. (2002a). Encoding, representing, and estimating event frequencies: A multiple strategy perspective. In  P. Sedlmeier & T. Betsch (Eds.), Frequency processing and cognition (pp. 37-53). Oxford: Oxford.

Brown, N. R. (2002b). Real-world estimation: Estimation modes and seeding effects. In B. H. Ross (Ed.). Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Vol. 41 (pp 321-360). New York: Academic Press.

Brown, N. R., Cui, X., & Gordon, R. (2002). Estimating national populations: Cross-cultural differences and availability effects. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 16, 811-827.

Friedman, A., Brown, N. R., & McGaffey, A. (2002). A basis for bias in geographical judgements. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 9, 151-159.

Friedman, A., Kerkman, D., & Brown, N. R. (2002). Spatial location judgments: A cross-national comparison of estimation bias in subjective North American geography. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 9, 615-623.

Westbury, C, Buchanan, L., & Brown, N. R. (2002). Sounds of the neighborhood: False memories and the structure of the phonological lexicon. Journal of Memory and Language, 44, 621-651.

Brown, N. R. & Siegler, R. S. (2001). Seeds aren’t anchors. Memory & Cognition, 29, 405-412.

Brown, N. R., Buchanan, L., & Cabeza, R. (2000). Estimating the frequency of nonevents: The role of recollection failure in false recognition. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 7, 684-691.

Friedman, A., & Brown, N. R. (2000a). Reasoning about geography. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 129, 193-219.

Friedman, A., & Brown, N. R. (2000b). Updating geographical knowledge: Principles of coherence and inertia. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 26, 900-914.

Conrad, F. G, Brown, N. R., & Dashen, M. (2000). Estimating the frequency of events from unnatural categories. American Statistical Association, Proceedings of the Section on Survey Methods Research. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.

Brown, N. R. & Friedman, A. (1999) Assessing and improving geographical beliefs: A cognitive approach. Research in Geographic Education, 1, 1-13.

Brown, N. R. & Sinclair, R. C. (1999). Estimating number of lifetime sexual partners: Men and women do it differently. Journal of Sex Research, 36, 292-297.

Buchanan, L., Brown, N. R., Cabeza, R. & Maitson, C. (1999). False memories and semantic lexicon arrangement. Brain & Language, 68, 172-177.

Brown, N. R. & Schopflocher, D. (1998a). Event clusters: An organization of personal events in long-term memory. Psychological Science, 9, 470-475.

Brown, N. R. & Schopflocher, D. (1998b). Event cueing, event clusters, and the temporal distribution of autobiographical memories. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 12, 305-319.

Conrad, F., Brown, N. R., & Cashman, E. (1998). Strategies for estimating behavioral frequency in survey interviews. Memory, 6, 339-366.

Prohaska, V., Brown, N. R., & Belli, R. (1998). Forward telescoping: The question matters. Memory, 6, 455-465.

Brown, N. R. (1997). Context memory and the selection of frequency estimation strategies. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 23, 898-914.

Brown, N. R. & Siegler, R. S. (1996). Long-term benefits of seeding the knowledge-base. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 3, 385-388.

Conrad, F. G. & Brown, N. R. (1996).  Estimating frequency: A multiple strategy perspective. In D. Herrmann, M. Johnson, C. McEvoy, C. Hertzog, & P. Hertel (Eds.), Basic and applied memory: Research on Practical Aspects of Memory, Vol. 2 (pp. 167-178). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Brown, N. R. (1995). Estimation strategies and the judgment of event frequency. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 21, 1539-1553.

Brown, N. R. (1994). Quantitative estimation: From the real world to the psychology lab [Abstract]. Canadian Psychology, 35, 102-103.

Conrad, F. G. & Brown, N. R. (1994). Strategies for estimating category frequency: Effects of abstractness and distinctiveness. American Statistical Association, Proceedings of the Section on Survey Methods Research (pp. 1345-1350). Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.

Brown, N. R. (1993). Response times, retrieval strategies, and the investigation of autobiographical memory. In T. K. Srull & R. S. Wyer (Eds.), Mental representation of trait and autobiographical knowledge of the self: Advances in social cognition, Volume V (pp. 61-68). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Brown, N. R. & Siegler, R. S. (1993). Metrics and mappings: A framework for understanding real-world quantitative estimation. Psychological Review, 100, 511-534.

Conrad, F. G., Brown, N. R., & Cashman, E. (1993). How the memorability of events affects frequency judgments. American Statistical Association, Proceedings of the Section on Survey Methods Research, Volume 2 (pp. 1058-1063). Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.

Brown, N. R. & Siegler, R. S. (1992). The role of availability in the estimation of national populations. Memory & Cognition, 20, 406-412.

Campbell, R. L., Brown, N. R., & DiBello, L. A. (1992). The programmer's burden: Developing expertise in programming. In R. R. Hoffman (Ed.), The cognition of experts: Empirical approaches to knowledge evaluation (pp. 269-294). New York: Springer.

Brown, N. R. & Siegler, R. S. (1991a). Subjective organization of U.S. presidents. American Journal of Psychology, 104, 1-33.

Brown, N. R. & Siegler, R. S. (1991b). Understanding and improving real-world quantitative estimation. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 209-215). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Brown, N. R. (1990). Organization of public events in long-term memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 119, 297-314.

Brown, N. R., & Vosburgh, A. M. (1989). Evaluating the accuracy of a large-vocabulary speech recognition system. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting (pp. 296-300). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors Society.

Brown, N. R., Shevell, S. K., & Rips, L. J. (1986). Public events and their personal context. In D. C. Rubin (Ed.), Autobiographical memory (pp. 137-158). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Brown, N. R., Rips, L. J., & Shevell, S. K. (1985). Subjective dates of natural events in very long-term memory. Cognitive Psychology, 17, 139-177.


Technical Reports

Vosburgh, A. M., & Brown, N. R. (1989). An evaluation of a self-pacing enrollment interface for a large-vocabulary speech recognition system. (Research Report RC 14373). Yorktown Heights, NY: IBM.

Brown, N. R., & Brown, S. I. (1987). Estimating sales for Fortune 500 companies. (Research Report 12475). Yorktown Heights, NY: IBM.