Unit Plan Checklist

Evaluation Criteria - Each item below must be satisfactorily represented in the unit plan to receive credit for this assignment.

Unit Plan Item

Needs Work


Very Good

Accurate concept map of the unit


General goals are stated


Specific objectives are stated for each lesson


Identifies prerequisite-skills


Identifies the relevance of unit to student (STS connections)


Introductory lesson sketch


Developmental lesson sketches


Concluding/culminating lesson sketch


Unit plan evaluation is described


Overall the unit has a variety of techniques aimed at stimulation and motivation.  Unit is interesting and relevant. STS connections.


Effectively integrates technology


High level of student involvement is apparent. Constructivist approaches are used.


Learning activities are appropriate for the target audience


Evaluation blueprint reflects the intents and objectives of the unit


Evaluation blueprint reflects the time and emphasis spent in each area


A variety of approaches are used for assessment


Approaches to determine achievement (other than tests) are explained in sufficient detail (assignments, labs, participation, etc.)


Unit exam is based on a test blue print


Test items are clear and non-ambiguous




list of required materials




demonstrations (inquiry approach)


enrichment activities


remedial activities


background information for the teacher


overhead transparency masters


student handouts




games, puzzles, etc.


description of audiovisual materials (films, videos, CAI etc.) and how to get a hold of the material.


assignments, and evaluation criteria


test and answer key


Other  ?