Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Art and Design
One Artist Shows
1971 - One Artist Show, Lefebvere Gallery, April 1971
1972 - Edmonton Art Gallery One-Man Show
1977 - SUB Gallery One-Man Show
1978 - Latitude 53 Gallery One-Man Show
- Theatre Three Gallery One-Man Show
1981 - One-Man Show, Front Gallery, November
1984 - Front Gallery - one artist show
1988 - One Artist Show, Vik Gallery, 26 new works, May 1988
1991 - Vik Gallery, Edmonton, One Artist Show, 24 new sculptures
1993 - Multicultural Center, Opertshauser Gallery One Artist Show, 18 table works in Fired Clay
1994 - FAB Gallery, "The Human Condition", (one artist show), thirty-two life-sized or monumental clay fired sculpture, University of Alberta
1995 - One Artist Show, National Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery, "The Human Condition: Monolithic Ceramic Sculpture", Waterloo, Ontario, Feb.-Mar. 1995, four monumental works
1996 - One Artist Show, "Figure and Ground" Larger than Life-sized Figures and Torsos in Fired Clay, Twelve works. April to May 1996. Profiles Gallery, St. Albert, Ab.
1996 -One Artist Show " Garden Works" Smaller works in monolithic fired clay, Ten sculptures. October, 1996. Front Gallery, Edmonton, Ab.
1998 - One Artist Show “The Figure as Landscape” Abstracted figurative sculptures in fired clay and digitally -enhanced photography. June 1998, Fringe Gallery, Edmonton Ab.
1999-One Artist Show, "Garden Works," Front Gallery, Edmonton, April 1999. 12 new sculptures. invited.
1999-2000 Fringe Gallery, Edmonton, AB. " Figures in a Convoluted Landscape" Twelve clay sculptures and 70 digitally enhanced photographs shown via computer.
December 4-Jan 3 2000
2001-Fringe Gallery "Collaboration" 35 graphical images based on the drawings of Jamha. invited. Edmonton, AB December 2001.
2002-Fringe Gallery "Astronomical Eroticism" Photography.Edmonton, Ab. July, 2002
Group Shows and Exhibitions
1970 - Faculty show, SUB Gallery: works shown: 2 over life size sculptures, wall relief and 6 photographs
- All Alberta Show, Edmonton Art Gallery
- Studio D'Or Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta Artists
- Lefebvre Gallery, photographs
- Edmonton Art Gallery
- Studio D'Or Gallery, Alberta Artists
- Faculty show, SUB Gallery
- Studio D'Or, sculpture
1971 - Faculty show, SUB Gallery
- Studio D'Or, sculpture
- West '71 show, Edmonton Art Gallery (juried)
- Edmonton Art Gallery show
1972 - Ceramics International, Calgary
1973 - Kinetics & Sound Show, Ring House Gallery, Edmonton
- Latitude 53 Gallery, Edmonton, 2 pieces
- Faculty Show, Ring House Gallery, September
- Cultural Development Branch, Province of Alberta, "Recent Purchases" (Art Foundation) purchase award show, Glenbow Art Gallery, Calgary, Government of Alberta
- Sculpture '73, Edmonton Art Gallery, 2 ceramic sculptures
- Ceramics International, Calgary, prize
1974 - Latitude 53 Gallery, Edmonton, sculpture
- Ring House Gallery, University of Alberta, Edmonton, sculpture
- Glenbow Art Gallery, Calgary, sculpture
- Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, sculpture, sculpture '74
- Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, "Prairie" 1974
1975 - Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, spring, April, 2 works
- Edmonton Art Gallery, "History of Ceramics", summer 1975, 1 work
- Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, July-August, 2 works
- Faculty show
1976 - Ring House Gallery, University of Alberta, Edmonton
- Edmonton Art Gallery, June
- Glenbow Art Gallery, Calgary
- Latitude 53 Five "Sculptures", Edmonton
- Edmonton Art Gallery, April, 2 ceramic sculptures
- Edmonton Art Gallery, `Woman as a Sex Object', June
1977 - Glenbow Gallery, group show (Art Foundation), Calgary
1978 - Group Show, SUB Gallery, Edmonton
- Canadian Art to 1970 (Art Foundation), Jubilee Auditorium, July
- Norman McKenzie Gallery, "Rituals Controls Obsessions", Regina, 4 monumental works
- Faculty Show, SUB Gallery, October, Edmonton Group Show
1979 - Latitude 53 Gallery, Works in Clay, Edmonton, juried
- Beaver House Gallery, Edmonton, invited
- Hett Gallery, Edmonton
- Artcore Gallery, Vancouver
- Frans Wynans Gallery, Vancouver
- Art Foundation, Beaver House Gallery, Edmonton (permanent collection), 1 sculpture
- Art Foundation of Alberta (Ministry of Culture), Jubilee Auditorium, group show
- "Works in Clay", Latitude 53 Gallery, February
1980 - Art Workshop Gallery, Edmonton
- Frans Wynans Gallery, Vancouver
- Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton (works in clay), invited
- Move Gallery, Vancouver
- Hett Gallery, Edmonton
- Edmonton Art Gallery, January, 2 sculpture works in clay, group
- Hett Gallery, Edmonton, 2 sculptures
- Art Workshop, Edmonton, 6 sculptures, group
- Artcore Gallery/Frans Wymans Gallery, Vancouver, 2 sculptures, group
- Art Workshop Gallery, Edmonton, 3 sculptures
- Frans Wynans Gallery, Vancouver, 2 sculptures
- Art Workshop Gallery, Edmonton, 4 sculptures
- Edmonton Art Gallery, "Works in Clay", Edmonton, 2 sculptures, juried
- Move Gallery, Vancouver, 2 sculptures
- Hett Gallery, Edmonton, 2 sculptures
1981 - Move Gallery, Vancouver
- Art Workshop Gallery, Edmonton
- Front Gallery, Edmonton, December, group show
- Art Workshop Gallery, Edmonton Christmas Show, 3 sculptures
- Beaver House Gallery, Edmonton (Department of Culture) 2 sculptures
- Art Workshop Gallery, Edmonton, Summer-Spring, 5 sculptures
1982 - Beaver House Tour of Province
- Le Marchand Gallery, Edmonton, group show
- Front Gallery: Miniatures, Edmonton
- Front Gallery, Edmonton, 6 sculptures
- Gallery Quan, Toronto, October, 2 new large sculptures (lifesize)
1983 - Le Marchand Gallery, Edmonton, fall
- Choices, Gallery Show, Provincial Museum of Alberta, Alberta Art Foundation Show
- Front Gallery, Edmonton
- Gallery Quan, Toronto, September, 2 sculptures
- Front Gallery, Christmas show, Edmonton, 3 works
- Vanderleelie Gallery, Edmonton, 2 sculptures
1984 - Purchase prize in 2 categories - macquettes for 2 projects, Athabasca University, presentation and show
- Front Gallery, spring/summer, group exhibition
- Front Gallery, Christmas Show, December, Edmonton
- Rasputin Art Gallery, Edmonton
- Vanderleelie Gallery, Edmonton
- Yasminka Marcus, Toronto, Art Consultant, private exhibit, November
1985 - Front Gallery, Edmonton, March
- Front Gallery, Edmonton, Summer show
1986 - "The Works", Scotia Place, Edmonton
- Law Courts, Edmonton Art Gallery, Outdoor Sculpture Show, invitational
- Alberta Potters Assoc. Studio Ceramics III in Alberta Travelling Show (Alberta Clay Comes of Age). Edmonton, Calgary, Red Deer, Yukon, Lethbridge, etc.
- Edmonton Art Gallery, University of Alberta Faculty Show, Edmonton
- Front Gallery, Edmonton, summer show, 3 new pieces
- "The Works", Edmonton Centre, Edmonton, 4 new works (by invitation)
- "Sculpture for Yom Hoshoa", January, 2 new pieces, Jewish Community Centre
- "Sculpture by Invitation", Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, 1 new sculpture
1987 - Beaver House Gallery, Monumental Clay, Government of Alberta, Edmonton, 4 life size sculptures
- Edmonton Art Gallery, Gallery Watch, Edmonton, 3 new works
- "Sculpture by Invitation", Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, 1 life-size sculpture, Provincial Courts Garden, summer
- Vik Gallery, Edmonton, group show, 1 new work
- Edmonton Art Gallery, Contemporary Edmonton Artists, Edmonton, 2 sculptures, summer
- Vik Gallery, Edmonton, 1 life-size sculpture, Dec.
- Vik Gallery, AIDS Benefit Show, invitational
- FAB Gallery, University of Alberta, Faculty show, 2 life-size sculptures, October
- Beaver House Gallery, Dept. of Culture, Monumental Clay, group, 3 life-size sculptures, February
- Edmonton Art Gallery, "Sculpture by Invitation", summer, group, 1 life-size work, invitational
- Edmonton Art Gallery, "Contemporary Edmonton Art", June, 3 sculptures, invitational
- Visual Arts Branch Travelling Show (Edmonton, Lethbridge, Calgary, Grande Prairie), "Alberta Clay", 1 lifesize piece, invitational
- Edmonton Art Gallery, "Gallery Watch", August, 3 new works
1988 - Vik Gallery, Edmonton, February, 2 new works
- Vik Gallery, Edmonton, Summer show, 12 works, 6 new sculptures
- Vik Gallery, Edmonton, Christmas Show, 8 new works
- FAB Gallery, University of Alberta, Art of the Figure, 1 3/4 life-size sculpture
- Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, Summer Outdoor Sculpture Show, 1 new work
- Vik Gallery, Edmonton, group show, 6 works
- Edmonton Art Gallery, "The Works", Summer
- Vik Gallery, Edmonton, Fall show, October, 8 new works
1989 - Vik Gallery, AIDS Benefit Show, Edmonton, 1 new work
- Vik Gallery, Edmonton Summer show, 6 new sculptures
- Vik Gallery, Edmonton, Fall show, 4 new sculptures
1990 - Vik Gallery, Edmonton, Four Sculptures, summer show
- FAB Gallery, University of Alberta, Edmonton, The Treasury of Atreus, "One Minute After Hiroshima" and "David Meets the Video Matron". Life-sized sculptures, fired ceramic, polychromed and video
- Vik Gallery, Edmonton, Winter-Christmas show, 6 pieces of fired ceramic
- Vik Gallery, Edmonton, Winter/Spring, 4 sculptures
1991 Edmonton Art Gallery, "Sculpture by Invitation", Edmonton, Summer through fall
- "The Works", City Centre Building, Edmonton, monumental polychrome sculpture
- Vik Gallery, Edmonton, Christmas show, 6 new works
1992 - Vik Gallery, Edmonton, Spring show
- Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, "Sculpture by Invitation", double figure, life-sized
- Vik Gallery, Edmonton, Summer show, 4 new works
- Vik Gallery, Edmonton, Christmas show, 4 new works
- Sculpture at the Centre, City Centre Building, Edmonton
1993 - Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, "Sculpture by Invitation", monumental male head and torso in fired clay
1994 - Galerie Woltjen, Edmonton, three large sculptures, one monumental work all in fired clay
- Galerie Woltjen, Edmonton, five works in clay including two life size torsos
1995 - Burlington Art Centre (National Ceramic Sculpture Collection), Burlington, Ontario, April 1995 - present, 1 work, monumental
- Roger Woltjen Gallery, Edmonton, July, group show, 3 new works
- Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, "Sculpture by Invitation", Summer, 1 new work
- One life-size figure accepted into the permanent collection of the University of Alberta, Edmonton
1996 - Three large sculptures of the human figure, Fringe Gallery, Edmonton, Ab. 1996. {Group Show of myself and those whom I taught the figure}
1996 -Large winged figure, Front Gallery, Edmonton, Ab. December1996- January1997.
1997 - Group Show (four artists) “Sacred Sex” three large fired clay sculptures. Harcourt House Gallery April 1997, Edmonton, Ab.
1998 - Group Show “Sculpture by Invitation” Over life- sized fired clay figure. juried selection. Prince of Wales Armoury, June 1998-October 1998 ,Edmonton Ab.
1998 - Christmas Show (group) Front Gallery, Edmonton, December 1998. 1 new work. Invited.
1998- Sculpture Miniatures, Edmonton Art Gallery, Fall, 1998. 6 new sculptures. Invited.
1999- Christmas Show Front Gallery, Edmonton, Ab. One large clay sculpture, December 1999.
2000- FAB Gallery, juried, one monumental figure "Torso with the Golden Spine" January 2000.
2001-Sculpture: The works 2001, invited, Life-sized Torso and catalog
2001-Profiles Gallery, invited, table work in clay, September 2001
2001-Front Gallery, Christmas Show One work in clay half life sized.
December 2001.
1973-Edmonton Art Gallery catalogue
1979 -Artists of Alberta, University of Alberta Press, Linda Wedman
1986-Catalogue for "Monumental Clay", Dept. of Culture, February,1986
1993 "Larger Than Life-Size", in Ceramics Art and Perception, November 1993, 14, pp. 41-44, Sydney, Australia, article by N. Fiertel
1995 Contact Magazine, National Ceramics Magazine, "In the House of the Gnomes", article on ceramic sculpture, 1995 article by N. Fiertel (In press)
2000- Folio Magazine Summer/Fall edition. Article on Holocaust Conference and the commemorative sculpture Lodz Ghetto Memory with photograph and interview.
2001 Catalog with three pictures and essay-statement by artist "Sculpture, The works 2001"
Selected Reviews (by date)
1971 Alasdair Dunlop, Edmonton Journal, spring.
Arts Canada, June-July.
1977 Reviewed in Arts Canada, December, "Prairie Painting and Sculpture", page 107, by Ronald Nasgaard.
Reviews of sculpture show published in Contact magazine, July.
Edmonton Journal review by Prof. Ronald MacGregor and review by Prof. Allison Forbes in ArtsCanada.
Art Foundation Annual Report.
Photograph of large sculpture and the catalogue of the Glenbow Institute (catalogue photograph of sculpture.
1982 Art Magazine 58/59 May/June/July - vol. 13, Toronto. Review of sculpture - one artist show, Nov. 15 - Dec. 5, 1981 by Marytka Kosinski, page 60-61.
1984 Art Review: Edmonton Journal, May 1984, One Man Show, E. Matousek.
Art competitions, "Project One", Athabasca University, catalogue and statement, photo, documentation, p. 20, 38, 1984
1985 Article, The Edmonton Bullet, "Fiertel, Boyond funk and high tech", edited by Bente Roed Cochran, 2500 words, Vol. 3, No. 4, July, 1985, pp. 17-18.
Contact magazine, Frances Burke author, July 1985, review.
Bullet magazine, Bente cochran, Summer 1985, conversations with N. Fiertel (All articles feature myself and my work).
Art and Design Staff Exhibition Catalogue, documentation and statement by artist with additional critical article by Jetske Sybesma- Ironside, 1985.
International Ceramics Guild, Review of Canadian Ceramic Artists, Nashville, USA (works photographed and display), major lecture on several Canadian clay artists; myself being one of perhaps 15 artists in Canada, documented and criticized.
1986 International Ceramics Guild, work included in Review of Canadian Ceramics artists, Francis Burke narrator, Nashville, USA
1988 "Sculpture Expressive", review by Elizabeth Beauchamp of the Edmonton Journal, June 41, 1988, p. H-1.
"Sculpture by Invitation", review by Elizabeth Beauchamp of the Edmonton Journal, July, 1988, p. H-1.
1991 "Sculpture Garden", Edmonton Journal, June 14, 1991 by Elizabeth Beauchamp.
1994 "Sculptor Reinvents Classics", Edmonton Journal, Charles Mandel, March 17, 1994.
1997- See Magazine-Visual Arts Review by Maureen Fenniak , Show review "Sacred Sex" May 1997
1999 "AFA ART COLLECTION AT 25 , CDROM, Alberta Foundation for the Arts, One sculpture in clay.
2000- Lodz Ghetto Memory" Acquisition and review in Folio Magazine. Summer/ Fall, 2000
Public Acquisitions and Honours, Permanent Collections
1970-71 Honourable Mention, All Alberta Annual Show, Edmonton Art Gallery (judged)
1973 Province of Alberta, Cultural Development Branch "Recent Purchases", (Art Foundation), 1 work, large steel and fiberglass sculpture
1973-74 Commission purchase, Clinton Construction Co., Miami, Florida, U.S.A.
1975 Purchase by Government of Alberta, Alberta Culture, Youth and Recreation
Glenbow Art Gallery, Calgary
1976 Purchase award by Government of Alberta, Art Foundation
1977 Department of Intergovernmental Affairs (Alta), monumental sculpture
1979 Government of Alberta, Art Foundation, Purchase for the Permanent Collection (monumental)
1980-81 Purchase Award by the Government of Alberta Art Foundation selected by jury, one sculpture
1981 Government of Alberta, acquisition for the permanent collection (1 sculpture, monumental)
1983 Received University Endowment Fund for the Future Equipment Materials grant ($3,000.00)
1984 Two purchase prizes Athabasca University - macquettes for 2 projects in permanent collection
1984-85 Athabasca University finalist in two categories (sculpture) for new campus installation
1986 Alberta Art Foundation purchase of life-sized piece by committee selection
1988 Alberta Culture, Visual Arts, Studio Research Grant, award $1500.00
1990 Purchase by Government of Alberta Art Foundation (juried)
1994 Corporate sponsorship, Tucker Potter Supply, Burlington, Ontario; Plainsman Pottery Supply, Medicine Hat, Alberta for shipping and advertising of the exhibition Human Condition.
Sculpture accepted into Permanent Collection, Fall 1994, University of Alberta
1995 3 monumental sculptures acquired by National Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery, Waterloo, Ontario for their permanent collection
1 monumental sculpture acquired by the Burlington Art Centre, Burlington, Ontario for their permanent collection - National Ceramic Sculpture Collection
Work accepted into Permanent Collection, University of Waterloo (new work made for collection), March 1995
1 work accepted into the permanent collection of the University of Alberta
Numerous works in private collections
1996 Received a grant for the University of Alberta Endowment for the Future for the purchase of computer related equipment for a fine arts project in progress.
1999 Life-sized sculpture accepted by committee for the Law Library in commemoration of the Law Faculty Holocaust Symposium held at the University of Alberta.
Public and Professional Activities
1969 Summer program, Edmonton Public Library, "Role of Art in Social Change", "Civil Rights in Alabama"
1970-71 Free university course
Music in the 20th Century (Contemporary Classical and Electronic Music)
1971-72 Free university course
Music in the 20th Century (Contemporary Classical and Electronic Music)
1972-73 Music appreciation course - investigating 19th-20th century music (classical)
1973-74 High School Enrichment Program (Mar. '74)
3-D Sculpture display organization for FAB opening
1975 Participated as the representative of U.S. immigrants at the 1975 Citizen's Day ceremony for the Province of Alberta during which time I became a Canadian citizen
1979 University lecture, "Works in Progress", February
1981-82 Devon High School lecture on Art and Sculpture as a vocation
Organized public sculpture show of student work for Orientation Week
1983 EIN Hod Arts Community, Israel. Presented my portfolio to a group of professional sculptors and painters and gave a sculpture critique to them, June
Presentation made to YAD VASHEM Holocaust museum Trustees of my sculpture dedicated to the survivors. In absentia (written and photographs presented in June)
1984 Public lecture, slide and lecture of my sculpture activities over the past two years, Edmonton, University of Alberta, November
1985 Contributor to Etheopian Relief Art Auction, April
Invited speaker, Edmonton Art Gallery, November
1986-87 26 weekly television programs "Neil's Spiel", a part of Alberta Discoveries, produced by Raymond Harper for ACCESS Television and available as syndicated program for educational TV worldwide.
1987-88 Continuation of ACCESS program for second season (Neil's Spiel)
1988 Public seminar, View of the Artist, Edmonton Art Gallery, June 25 (Bill C-54)
1988 "Edmonton AM", CITV interview on Bill C-54, June
CBC Radio, Edmonton, Bill C-54 Implications, June
CISN Radio, Edmonton, Bill C-54 Implications, June
"Neil's Spiel", ACCESS, Alberta Discoveries, weekly, 26 weeks
Edmonton Art Gallery Seminar on Bill C-54 (role of artist regarding censorship)
1994 Three public lectures during the Fine Arts Building Gallery show
Fireworks 1994 - ceramics conference, University of Alberta, May, 1994
Lecture "The Human Condition", Fireworks 1994, ceramics conference, University of Alberta, May
1995 Canada Council Guest Artist, workshop (5 days)
Public lecture (Canada Council)
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, February 29, 1995
Public lecture, Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery, Waterloo, Ontario, February 28, 1995
Documentary video of my work in progress, University of Waterloo, presented to faculty and students
2000 Public lecture and presentation of Lodz Ghetto Memory Sculpture to the University Law Faculty at the University of Alberta.