Be able to differentiate the following 4 ajnas: Hijaz, Nahawand, Rast,`Ajam

On the quiz you will simply be asked to name the jins: Hijaz, Nahawand, Rast, or `Ajam; you don't need to identify the direction (ascending or descending) or the base pitch (G or D or A):

Hijaz on D ascending

Hijaz on D descending

Nahawand on G ascending

Nahawand on G descending

Rast on G ascending

Rast on G descending

`Ajam on G ascending

`Ajam on G descending

Hijaz on A ascending

Hijaz on A descending

Be able to differentiate the following two maqams

You will simply be asked to name the maqam: Hijaz, or Hijaz Kar. Note that the proper name of the latter is Shahnaz (Hijaz Kar should start on C).

Ascending, Maqam Hijaz on D starts with Hijaz on D and continues with Rast on G (conjunct ajnas - they share the G), ending on the high D.
Descending, Maqam Hijaz starts on the high D, descends through Nahawand on G, then (again the two conjunct ajnas are linked by G) continues to descends through Hijaz on D.

Ascending, Maqam Hijaz Kar on D (=Shahnaz) starts with Hijaz on D and continues with Hijaz on A (disjunct ajnas - they don't share a note), ending on the high D.
Descending is exactly the same, but the tones come in the reverse order.

Maqam Hijaz on D - up and down

Maqam Hijaz Kar on D - up and down