University of Alberta

Motor Control Laboratory

People in the Lab

Dr. Monica Gorassini, Principal Investigator


Ghazaleh MohammadAlinejad, Grad Student








Dr. David Bennett, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta

Dr. Karim Fouad, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta

Dr. Kemal TÜRKER, Koc University, Istanbul Turkey






Dr. Jaynie Yang, Department of Physical Therapy,  University of Alberta

Alex graduated with a PhD in Kinesiology from the University of British Columbia. Her research focuses on the investigation of performance and plasticity of the human neuromuscular system, as well as the exploration of spinal motoneuron physiology via non-invasive research techniques. She is interested in characterizing motoneuron function and mechanisms of action in healthy and impaired motor systems (i.e., cerebral palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). 

Ghazaleh has a background in signal processing and obtained her Bachelor of Bioelectric from the Sharif University of Technology. She is currently working on her Master's in the Department of Neuroscience. Her project is on doing research over intrinsic motoneuron properties in development with and without cerebral palsy

Current Project: Spinal development in cerebral palsy

Monica has a BSc in Human Biology and a PhD in Physiology. Her other passion besides motor control is music and yoga.

Dr. Francois Roy, Neurophysiologist, Department of Surgery, University of Alberta

Alexandra Yacyshyn, Post Doc

Krista Metz, Grad Student

Jasjit's training and experience as a physical therapist fueled her passion for research in the field of rehabilitation neuroscience. Her current graduate work in Dr. Gorassini's lab focuses on electrical stimulation for spasticity in spinal cord injury.


Current Project: Effect of TENS on motoneuron firing behaviour, muscle tone and graded force control in SCI




Jasjit Deol, Grad Student

Krista has a background in human kinetics and obtained her Bachelors of Kinesiology from the University of Regina.  She is currently finishing her PhD in the department of Neuroscience and examines how the flow of sensory inputs from the periphery to the spinal cord is controlled and how this changes after spinal cord injury.

Current Project: Presynaptic facilitation of Ia muscle afferents in humans


Image result for neuroscience imageBabak Afsharipour


Dr. Kathrina Quinlan, University of Rhode Island

Dr. Christopher Thomas, Temple University, Philadelphia USA

Dr. CJ Heckman, Northwestern University, Chicago USA


Dr. Babak Afsharipour, Post Doc

Babak has a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Politecnico di Torino. Babak’s main research interests include clinical applications of advanced technologies (signal and image processing). Specifically, he is interested in characterizing motor units after brain injury (stroke), Cerebral Palsy, spinal cord injury, assessment of motor injury, tracking alteration of muscle activity over time and space (muscle activity maps) and analyzing the complicated spatial data.



Jennifer Duchcherer, Technician

Jennifer has worked in both private and public sectors as a research and laboratory technician for over 20 years.  Her educational background consists of a Diploma in Biological Sciences from NAIT and a B.Sc. From the University of Lethbridge.  Jennifer’s responsibilities include managing the lab, working closely with graduate students and assisting with Monica’s research.
