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The Writing Resource Lesson Plan - Continued
Lesson Materials:

Pre-Task: Occurs in Lesson 1

  • Students will be introduced to all aspects of The Faculty of Extension computer lab including computers, printers and the lab projector.
  • Instructor will review basic computer skills such as logging on, connecting to the internet, using search engines, accessing the “Writing Resource Page” via the web, using the lab printers as well as using the audio and video software.
  • Students will then be asked to find the “Writing Resource” homepage and to practice bookmarking (the instructor will “bookmark” this page in the computer lab to ensure that all the students clearly understand the procedure). The students will be encouraged to bookmark this page on their home computers
  • They will then be asked to attempt to navigate to all of the links on the writing resource webpage. Once students have completed this “comprehensive webpage exploration”, the class will move on to the exercises.
  • The students will now complete 2 exercises of their choice.
  • Upon completion of the 2 exercises students will be asked which ones they intend on doing that week.

Task: Ongoing throughout the first month

  • Students will use this web-based writing resource to access a variety of writing sites that offer exercises which target specific writing problems.
  • Students will continue to work on the web writing exercises.
  • Students will submit printed versions of their exercises to the instructor every Friday.
  • Students will complete at least 2 exercises from each problem area found on the writing resource homepage.
  • The final exercise will be to look at the learning resource link “How to write a 5 paragraph essay.” Following the guidelines found on this website, students will write a 5 paragraph essay for homework.


  • The instructor will assess the students’ essays and determine their specific writing deficiencies. Depending on the outcome of this assessment the instructor will then determine subsequent exercises.

Aprox. 45 min

Collect exercises every Friday

The last week of January

Students’ exercises will be collected to log the exercises and to identify what the chosen problem areas were. The instructor will then compare the students’ choices of exercises with the instructors’ own impression of the students’ weak areas. Suggestions will be made to the student.
Student understanding about the uses of computers to find specific writing information will be assessed throughout the month.
Finally, using the online “5 paragraph essay” webpage as a guide, students will write a paper. The instructor will assess this paper keeping in mind the specific problem areas as identified on the writing resource. Writing recommendations will be made to the students.