Intro to pop culture & feminism:
(these notes are adapted from
Frances Bonner, Lizbeth Goodman, Richard Allen, Linda Janes and Catherine King , eds. Imagining Women: Cultural Representations and Gender London: Open University Press, 1992: 1-19.
what is "representation" versus "image"?
· thinking about the image as a part of the process of representation.
· the process of popular culture: a system of representations in circulation through 3 processes:
e.g. three aspects of cultural representation dealing with those who produce, disseminate and consume pop culture
1. production
2. dissemination
3. consumption ( look at harlequin romance readers, writers, distribution (in boxes of tide), consider the production of it)
On the other hand, fashion magazine editors and writers, many of them creative,
progressive women, have sought to address other women in the "women's world"
ultimately controlled by male-dominated publishing and advertising institutions,
and use the vast resources from advertising to provide feminism and minority
social movements a forum and a community. the future inquiry remains in these
two kinds of feminism, popular and academic, both working within structuresof
domination, and both seeking a way out.
talk about constance penley's k/s fanzines...the revenge of the reader...writing
back to the status quo.....queering the straight and narrow...etc.
© Janice Williamson, 1997
Last Updated: 5/1/98