Symmetric wave-ripple lamination, Horton Group, Tennecape |
Wave-ripple cross-lamination. These wave-ripple cross-laminations are less clearly symmetric. Each ripple migrated producing unidirectional cross-lamination. However the individual ripple cross-sections are symmetric, characteristic of wave action. |
Interference ripple sets, Silurian Clam Bank Formation, Port au Port Peninsula, Nfld |
Ladder ripples. This term applies to small ripple trains within the troughs of larger ripples, as seen here at Brule, NS. This configuration can be produced by waves or currents, typically under ebb tide conditions where water is draining from sand flats |
Herringbone cross-bedding. Tabular cross-beds produced by alternating flow directions can show this 'herringbone' configuration. Horton Group, Tennycape, NS. |
HCS: Storm waves produce this non-directional form of cross-bedding, known as hummocky cross-stratification or HCS. The scale is a metre stick about 3 cm wide. Arisaig NS. |