
Folds may be classified in various ways. This page illustrates antiforms and synforms in a variety of orientations

Upright anticline, Middle Arm, Bay of Islands, Newfoundland

Upright antiform, Middle Arm, Bay of Islands, Newfoundland

Upright synform, Cheverie, Nova Scotia

Upright synform, Cheverie, Nova Scotia

Inclined antiform, Folding Mountain, Canadian Cordillera

Inclined antiform, David Thompson Highway, Rock Mountain Front Ranges, Alberta

Inclined synform, Black Point, Newfoundland

Inclined synform, Black Point, Newfoundland (Photo: G.S. Stockmal © 1998)

Recumbent fold, Port au Port Peninsula, Newfoundland

Recumbent fold, Port au Port Peninsula, Newfoundland