EDPS 590/X5
Foundations of Education: Perspectives on Canadian Issues

Winter 2003 - Mondays 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Education North

Department of
Policy Studies

Instructor: Jennifer R. Kelly
Office: 5-107       Ph: 492-4229
Email: jennifer.kelly@ualberta.ca
Office Hours: Mondays, 2:30-4:30pm or by appointment

This course introduces a variety of historical, philosophical, social and cultural perspectives. Its purpose is to explore a range of educational topics and disputes about social and economic reproduction; inequality and marginalization; cultural diversity and inclusion; the politics of schooling; individual-state relations; and the role of education in social change.

Course Objectives:
Course Process:

A variety of instructional methods will be explored: seminars, lecture, debates, small group discussion and videos. It is essential that students undertake assigned readings ahead of the classes since instructional methods are based on such expectations.

Topics will be chosen from:
  1. State-building and the British Imperial Project.
  2. Intellectual History of Western Education
  3. Aboriginal Education and the First Contact
  4. Early Canadian Public and Private Education
  5. Women, the Domestic Sphere and Education
  6. Working Class Education and the Industrial State
  7. Stranger at the Gate: Anglo-conformity and Immigrants
  8. Racialized discourse and New Immigrants
  9. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgendered Issues
  10. The Global Economy and the New Public Management

Evaluation will be based on a presentation, journal, and final paper.

Please contact the instructor about the required text.

Various articles available from instructor.

For further information please contact the instructor at the email address above.