Refereed Articles
| 1979
| 1980 | 1981
| 1982 | 1983
| 1984 | 1985
| 1986 | 1987
| 1988 | 1989
| 1990
| 1991 | 1992
| 1993 | 1994
| 1995~1996 |
1997 | 1998
| 1999 |
2000~2001 | 2002
| 2003 | 2004
| 2005 | 2006
Refereed Articles in Journals
"Towards a New Aesthetic," CSEA/SCEA, Annual Journal '79, #9, l979, pp. 32-38.
"Towards a New Aesthetic," Occasional Paper No, 12, Department of Secondary Education, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Alberta, 1979.
"Research Report," Canadian Review of Art Education Research, CSEA/SCEA, Annual Journal '80, #10, l980, pp. 10-13.
"Aesthetic Education Reconsidered or Please Don't Have an Aesthetic Experience," Art Education, Vol. 34, #3, May 1981, pp. 26-33.
"Art and Technology," Nova Scotia Teacher's Association Journal, November,#1, l981, pp. 26-31.
"Aesthetic Consciousness and Historical Criticism," Canadian Review of Art Education, Volume 8, l981, pp.59-61.
"Commentary: Art Education as Ethnography: Deceptive Democracy or a New Panacea," Studies in Art Education, Vol. 23, #3, l982, pp. 5-8.
jagodzinski, j. and Pearse, H. "Aesthetic as a Pure Dimension: A Dialogue on Aesthetic Education, " CSEA/SCEA. The Annual Journal '82, 1982, pp. 15-19.
"Problems Concerning Multi-Cultural Research in Art Education," United States Society for Education Through Art Newsletter, #6, l982, pp. 4-5.
"A Critique of Elliot Eisner's Educating Artistic Vision," Bulletin, #3, Caucus on Social Theory and Art Education, l982, pp.27-33.
"Future of the Caucus for Social Theory," Caucus for Social Theory Newsletter, #2, 2, 1983, pp.2-3.
"Reflections on the New Elementary Art Curriculum for Alberta," Art Education, Vol. 36, #4, September l984, pp.9-11.
"The Positive Dialectic of Art Education, " Newsletter of the Caucus for Social Theory and Art Education, March (3) #2, l985, pp. 6-9.
"Between Eros and Thanatos: Notes Towards a Cultural Democracy," Canadian Review of Art Education Research, Vol. 12, l985, pp. 49-57.
"Education, Technology, and Art: Raising the Issues," Elements, Volume XVII, Number 2, (Spring l986), pp. 19-23.
"Back to the Basics: Aesthetic Education or How I Came to Realize I had a Better Half." Elements, Volume 18, Number 1, (Fall 1986), pp. 17-21.
"Between Eros and Thanatos: Notes Towards a Cultural Democracy." Annual Journal: Saskatchewan Society for Education Through Art, l987. (reprint)
"Interview: Art Curriculum and Its Discontents." Connecticut Art Education Newsletter, April, l987, pp. 2-3.
"Lifting the Hood off the Child," Elements, Vol. 19, 1, l987. pp. 24-28.
"Reawakening Aesthetic Insight: The Archewriting on the Body," Phenomenology +Pedagogy, Vol. 6 , No. 3, 1988: 119-146.
Translation of Heinrich Kupffer "Interpretation moderner Bildwerke -was la©¬t sich Umgang mit Kunst Uberhaupt Verbalisieren? Universitas #433 (Januar 1987), pp. 65-73. In Buletin of the Caucus on Social Theory on Art Education, Volume 8, 1988,pp. 35-42.
"Commentary: The Postmodern Dilemma; The Relationship Between Word and Image," Bulletin of the Caucus on Social Theory and Art Education. Volume 8, 1988, pp. 42-48.
"Comments on "Radical Response To A High-Tech World," Leonardo, Volume 22, No. 2, 1989: 283-285.
"Editorial re(Mark)!: The Question of Voices," The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education. No. 9, 1989:10-11.
"The Path of the Initiate: In Search of the Holy Grail or is it the Golden Fleece?" The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, No. 9, 1989: 96-103.
"An Open Letter to Members of the Caucus," The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, No. 9, 1989:127-132.
"A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing/ A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing," Fine - Fine Arts Journal of the Alberta Teacher's Association, Winter, 1990: 4-20.
"Editorial: The Question of Representation," The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education. No. 10, 1990:3-5.
"Autobiographical Confessions of Cross-dressing and Re-dressing: Finding My Own Step Through the M(y)nefield of Pheminism in Art Education," The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, No. 10, 1990:43-56.
"A Para-critical/sitical/sightical Reading of Ralph Smith's "Excellence in Art Education, Journal of Social Theory in Art Education," No. 11, June (1991): 90- 137.
"The Poetics of Green Esthetics: Situating Green Criticism in the Postmodern Condition," Phenomenology + Pedagogy, Vol. 9, 1991: 91-122.
"The Nostalgia of Art Education: Back to the Future, Part Four," Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, No. 12, Sept. 1992: 35-56.
"The Social Caucus Agenda: Questions of Difference," National Art Education News, Vol. 33. No. 4, 1993:14.
"The War of Labels: An Art Educator in Search of A Sign," Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, No. 13, 1994: 87-112.
"Violence and Generation X: How the Right is Managing the Moral Panic through Television and Teen Films," Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, No. 14, 1995/96: 46-76.
jagodzinski, jan (1997). The Nostalgia of Art Education: Reinscribing the Master's Narrative, Studies in Art Education, Vol. 38 (2), 80-95.
jagodzinski, jan (1997). The Unsaid in Educational Narratology: Imposture and Masquerade: Power and Seduction of Pedagogical Authority, Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, Vol. 12 (3) (Fall): 26-35.
jagodzinski, jan (1997). The Perception of Non-perception: Lessons for Art Education With Downcast Eyes (Part 1: Trompe-L¢¥Oeil and the Question of Radical Evil), Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, No. 15, pp.117-140.
jagodzinski, jan (1997). White K(night) to the Rescue: Sir Arthur Defends the Colors of the Getty, Studies in Art Education: A Journal of Issues and Research, Vol. 39 (1), Fall: 92-94.
jagodzinski, jan and Hipfl, B. (1997). Youth Fantasies of Consumption. In Conference Proceedings: UNESCO Les Jeunes et Les Media Demain: Problematics et Perspectives (Youth and Media Today: Problems and Perspectives), Workshop No. 2 A/2/2, report no. A 2/2/3. UNESCO: Paris.
jagodzinski, jan and Hipfl, Brigitte (1997) Medienkonsum - Fantasien - Identitatskonstrutionen. Eine Fallstudie zum Umgang Jugenlicher mit Westlichen Fernsehangeboten in Tansania," Medien Journal: Zietschrift fur Komminikationskultur, 21 (nr. 4): 58-71.
jagodzinski, jan (1998) , "Art Education With Downcast Eyes: Part 2: Perception Through a Psychoanalytic Frame of Mind: Both As Poison and Cure", Journal of the Canadian Review for Art Research , Vol. 25 (1), pp.15-39.
jagodzinski, jan (1998), Deconstructing the Master Signifier of Community, The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, Vol. 18, pp. 4-20.
jagodzinski, jan (1998) Deconstructing the Master Signifier of Community: Between the Pre-modern and Modern Community of Organic Solidarity and The Postmodern Community of Technological Dissemination in Cyberspace (editorial), Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, no. 18, pp. 4-20.
jagodzinski, jan (1998) "Art Education With Downcast Eyes: Part 2: Perception Through a Psychoanalytic Frame of Mind: Both As Poison and Cure, Symposium", Canadian Review of Art Education: Research and Issues, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 15-39.
jagodzinski, jan (1999) "Reading Hollywood's Post-racism: Lessons for Art Education," Journal of Multicultural and Cross-cultural Research in Art Education, Vol. 17 (Fall):74-90.
jagodzinski, j (2001, Fall). "Recuperating the Flaccid Phallus: The Hysteria of Post-Oedipal Masculine Representation and the Return of the Anal Father, "Journal For The Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society, 6 (1), 29-39.
jagodzinski, j (2001, Fall). "The Best Teacher in America Stands and Delivers: The Case of Jaime Escalante," Journal For The Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society, 6 (2), 232-241.
jagodzinski, j, & Hipfl, B. (2001). "Youth Fantasies: Reading 'The X-Files' Psychoanalytically." SIMILE, Studies in Media & Information Literacy Education (University of Toronto Press e-journal), Volume 1 (Issue 2), N/A.
jagodzinski, j., & Hipfl, B. (Nov. 2001). "The Paranoiac Space of the X-Files," The International Journal of Media Education, 1 (1), Fall, 89-100.
jagodzinski, j. (2001). "Revisiting Social Theory in Art Education: Where Have We Been? Where are we today? Where ARE We Going? Where COULD We Go?" Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, 21 (1), 1-25.
jagodzinski, j., & Hipfl, B. (2002) "Kommissar Rex: The Guarantor of the Law," The European Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol. 5(1): 69-89.
jagodzinski, j. (2002 Winter). "The Ethics of the "Real" in Levinas, Lacan, and Buddhism: Pedagogical Implications," Educational Theory 52 (1): 81-96.
jagodzinski, j. (2002, Fall ). "The Drive Toward Piercing & Tattooing: Postmodern Bodies of Performative Excess," JPCS: Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society 7(2): 251-262.
jagodzinski, j. (2002). "9/11-The Last Shard Standing," Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, Vol. 22 (Winter): 5-23.
jagodzinski, j. (2002). "Editorial: At Long Last A Moment of Silence," Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, Vol. 22 (Winter): 1-4.
jagodzinski, jan (2003) "Editorial: Research, Visual Cultural Studies, Program," Journal of Social Theory in Art Education Vol. 23, pp. 1-10.
jagodzinski, jan (2003) "Women's Bodies of Performative Excess: Miming, Feigning, Refusing, and Rejecting the Phallus," Journal for Psychoanalysis for Society & Culture. 8(1): 23-41
jagodzinski, jan (2003) "The Jouissance of Authority: The Emotional Turmoil in Lean on Me," Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, Vol. 19 (1) (Spring): 65-86.
jagodzinski, jan (2003) "The Perversity of Reality TV: A Symptom of Our Age, " Journal for Psychoanalysis for Society & Culture, 8(2): 320-329.
jagodzinski, jan (2003) "Unromancing the Stone of "Resistance:" In Defense of a Continued Radical Politics in Visual Cultural Studies," Journal of Social Theory in Art Education Vol. 23, pp. 104-139.
jagodzinski, jan (2003) "The Instrumentalization of Lacanian Psychoanalysis for Media Analysis; Or, How I Stopped Worrying About Reductionism," Medien Journal; Zeitschrift fur Kommunikationskultur, 26 (4): 54-66.
jagodzinski, jan (2004) Teaching as Sinthome: An Ethics of the Real, Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, Vol. 20 (1), (Spring) 23-38.
jagodzinski, jan (2004) "Questioning Fantasies of Popular 'Resistance:' Democratic Populism and Radical Politics in Visual Cultural Studies," Journal of Social Theory in Art Education Vol. 24, pp.257-299.
jagodzinski, jan and Bill Wightman (2004). Editorial: Silence Under Erasure-The Silence of Silence," Journal of Social Theory in Art Education Vol. 24 , pp. 1-7.
jagodzinski, jan (2004) Fallen Bodies: On Perversion and Sex-Scandals in School and the Academy," Journal of Curriculum Theorizing (Summer) 20 (2): 99-113.
jagodzinski, jan (2005) The Truma(in press)n Show: A Symptom of Our Times? Or, A Cure For An Escape Attempt?" Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, 10(1), 61-78.
jagodzinski, jan (2005) Outsider Art: In the Realms of the 'Real', Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, April , Volume 25 pp. 225-254.
jagodzinski, jan (2005). ¡°Virtual Reality¡¯s Differential Perception: On the Significance of Deleuze (and Lacan) For the Future of Visual Art Education in a Machinic Age,¡± Visual Arts Research vol. 31 (1) (Special Issue edited by Karen Keiffer-Boyd, Intersections of Technology with Art education), pp. 129-144.
jagodzinski, jan (2005). ¡°Skorupa. Ostatni ¢¥Slad WTC,¡± Kultura Popularna 13 (3), 127-136. (translated by Maciek Zakowski)
jagodzinski, jan (2006, February). ¡°The Trauma of the Image: Prisoner 'Abuse' in Abu Ghraib Prison,¡± SIMILE: Studies in Media and Information Literacy Education, 6 (1)
jagodzinski, jan (2006). ¡°Grasping the Site/Sight/Cite of the Image: A Lacanian Explanation,¡± Journal of Social Theory in Art Education 25, 388-405
jagodzinski, jan (2006) ¡°Is There an Ethics of Diabolical Evil?? Sex Scandals, Seduction, and Power in the School & Academy,¡± Studies in Philosophy and Education, 25 (5), 335-362.?
jagodzinski, jan (Spring 2006). ¡°Boring,¡± Fifty3: About Visual Culture, 7(1), 18-19.
jagodzinski, jan (2006). ¡°Jacque Lacan as Queer Theorist: Is There a ¡®Beyond¡¯ to Identification Politics in Education?¡± Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, Fall, 22(3): 55-70.
jagodzinski, jan (2006). ¡°Exploring the Riddle of Sex/Gender: Lacan¡¯s Formulae of Sexuation in Queer Contexts,¡± Journal of Lacanian Studies 4(1):1-35.
jagodzinski, jan (2006). ¡°Video Game Cybersubjects, the Ethics of Violence and Addiction:? A Psychoanalytic Approach,¡± Psychoanalysis, Culture, & Society, 11(3), 282-303.
jagodzinski, jan (2007). ¡°Videogame Cybersubjects: Questioning the Myths of Violence and Identification For Educational Technologies,¡± AJER (Alberta Journal of Educational Research), Volume 53, Number 1: 45-62.
jagodzinski, jan. ¡°The Inverted Drive in Andrzej Zulawski's Szamanka: A Lacanian Reading of the Post Femme-Fatal.¡± Accepted for publication as a part of a special issue of Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Litterature Comparee? (accepted and in process)
jagodzinski, jan "Putting Art Education into the Third Frame, or An Escape Attempt with Truman Burbank." Submitted to Journal of Social Theory in Art Education (PENDING)
jagodzinski, jan. ¡°Did the Second Gulf War (¡®Really¡¯) Take Place: Revisiting and Reviewing the Media Spin.¡± SIMILE (accepted and in process)
jagodzinski, jan (2007) ¡°The E(thi)co-Political Aesthetics of Designer Water: The Need for a Strategic Visual Pedagogy.¡± Sent to Studies in Art Education, 48 (4): 341-359.
jagodzinski, jan. ¡°Between War and Edutainment: The Prosthetics Of Video Games; Or, Are We All Force-Fed Chicken Consumers?¡± Sent to Subject Matters: Cultural Studies, Education, and Subjectivity (in process)
jagodzinski, jan (Spring 2007). ¡°¡°W(h)ither Pain?¡± Fifty3: About Visual Culture, (accepted in process)
jagodzinski, jan, (2007, Dec. issue) ¡°Postmetaphysical Vision: Art Education¡¯s Challenge in An Age of Globalized Aesthetics.¡±? Studies in Art Education (accepted and in process)
jagodzinski, jan (2007) Without Title: On the Impossibility of Art Education: Art as Becoming-Posthuman , Canadian Journal of Education Through Art (accepted and in process).
Book Review
H. Pearse (Ed.), From Drawing to Visual Culture: A History of Art Education in Canada. vii, 304, $ 80.00
"The Question of a Name: Dirty Laundry and the Facade of Politics," Newsletter of the Caucus on Social Theory and Art Education, Vol. 11. No. 2 (Oct. 1991): 3-6 (non-refereed)
"The Benefits of facade leadership: Caucus Politics in An Age of Postmodernity," Newsletter of the Caucus on Social Theory and Art Education. Vol. 13, No. 1 (1992 Sept.): 1-3. (non-refereed)
"The Bad Cholesterol of Postmodernity: Baby Busters vs. Baby Boomers," Newsletter of the Caucus on Social Theory and Art Education, Vol. 13, No. 2 (1993 April): 3-5.(non-refereed)
Updated on May 26, 2006