UbuntuUA.vmwarevm-2012-10-27.zipIt is big (approx 4G bytes), so don't download it unless you need to, it is faster to copy it to a memory stick in the lab. It contains tool chain version 2.2.1 and is ready to go.
, with a password of cmput296
. Remote logins to this vm are disable, so it should be relatively safe to use. You should change the password to something more secure. <CTL>-<ALT>-F7
key sequence will get you the login screen. cd ~
tar xvzf ~/Desktop/arduino-ua-ubuntu-...
where ... is the version info of the current file, and 'Desktop' might have to be replaced by 'Downloads' if you didn't save the file on the Desktop.
bin/how-to-setup-path.txtto make sure that your search paths include the arduino-ua/bin directory.
cd examples/Blink
make clean
make upload
and you should get blink running on your arduino provided it is plugged into /dev/ttyACM0
and is a full blown terminal emulator, so you will need to read the help. To avoid clobbering your boot loader, the terminal emulator creates a lock file and then the upload command checks for this file prior to doing an upload. No upload is attempted if the lock file is present. serial-mon
and serial-mon 0
do the same thing, open the serial monitor to the arduino on port 0. make upload-1
opens the serial monitor to the arduino on port 1. make upload
and make upload-0
do the same thing, upload to the arduino on port 0. make upload-1
uploads to the arduino on port 1. arduino-port-select
is used to map the serial ports that arduinos are plugged into, to the ports 0 and 1 used in the make file for selecting which arduino is being uploaded. perl -e "use YAML;"
If you do not get an error you are fine. If you do, then you need to do these steps sudo bash
Note: cpan will ask you a bunch of questions with default answers given in [ ] brackets. Simply hit return to pick this default answer. Eventually you will get to a bold face command prompt from cpan.
install YAML
23. Installation Instructions Tangible Computing / Version 3.20 2013-03-25 |