Tangible Computing
3. Bits, Bytes, and Modular Artithmetic

3.1 The Natural Numbers Are All You Have

You probably think that positive and negative integers, the real numbers, and the complex numbers actually exist. Sorry, they are all inventions of the mathemeticians. The only numbers that exist are the natural numbers, that is the set
N = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... }
and we will only ever see a small bit of them in our lifetime.

And don't even raise the question of whether 0 is a natural number or not. It is! Don't believe any mathematician who tells you otherwise. This was settled by the logician Giuseppe Peano with his Peano Axioms. If 0 is not a natural number then the foundation of all theory of computation vanishes, and the world disappears into a black hole.

We will now grant you the Integers, which are the set
Z = { ... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ... }
but won't tell you how to get them.

3.2 The Division Algorithm

The most important thing you probably have not learned about the natural numbers is the Division Algorithm, which states that for any natural number a, and for any positive natural number b (that is 0 < b), then there exist unique natural numbers q called the quotient and r called the remainder such that
a = b * q + r and 0 <= r < b
The Division Algorithm is usually stated for integers as follows:
for all integers a
for all integers b such that b > 0
there exist unique integers q, r such that
a = b * q + r and 0 <= r < b
We have stated this is a very formal way, as your first introduction to logic.

We also introduce two new operations div and mod that let you perform the division algorithm. They have the property that
for all integers a
for all integers b such that b > 0
a = b * (a div b) + (a mod b) and 0 <= (a mod b) < b
We say that a divides b if a mod b is 0. Basically, from above the r is the remainder you would get from mod and the d is the result from div. For example:
Let a = 25, b = 12
(a div b) = 25 div 12 = 2
(a mod b) = 25 mod 2 = 1
Therefore we can re-write 25 as:
a = b * (a div b) + (a mod b)
25 = 12 * (2) + (1)
Note: It gets a bit tricky to define the division algorithm when b < 0, and there a a few equally acceptable ways. If you write your program assuming one way, and the programmin language uses another way, you can be in for very unpleasant surprises that are very difficult to diagnose.

3.3 Greatest Common Divisor

If a and b are integers, with at least one non-zero, then their greatest common divisor is the largest number that divides both a and b. It can be computed with the following recursive equation.
and with Arduino program:


    int32_t gcd(int32_t a, int32_t b) {
      if (b == 0) {
        return a;
      if (b == 1) {
        return 1;
      return gcd(b, a % b);
    void setup() {
      Serial.println( gcd(36, 24) );
    void loop() {

3.4 Modular Arithmetic

Suppose n is a positive integer. Then arithmetic mod n is just normal integer arithmetic except that you are only allowed the operations of +, -, and * (multiplication), AND after every operation you take the result {mod n }.

Equality is also defined in terms of mod, and is sometimes called congruence.
a = b mod n if ((a-b) mod n) = 0
That is, a and b differ by a multiple of n.

Multiplicative inverse: b is an inverse of a mod n if (a * b) mod n = 0.

A general property of modular arithmetic is that you can take mod at any time prior to the final mod to keep your results small. For example
(a + (b * c) ) mod m = (a + ((b * c) mod m)) mod m
(a ** 3) mod m = ( (((a * a) mod m) * a) mod m)

((2 * 4) mod 3) = ( (2 mod 3) * (4 mod 3) ) mod 3
(8 mod 3) = ( (2) * (1) ) mod 3
2 = (2 mod 3) = 2
In general, for any op of the operations {+, -, * } we have that
(a op b) mod n = ((a mod m) op (b mod m) ) mod m

3.5 Binary Representations

A familiar computing science constant like 42 is normally written in decimal positional notation. That is, 42 represents the number
(4 * 10) + 2
where each of the decimal digits is from the set { 0, 1, 2, ..., 9 }. In base 10, each position goes up by a factor of 10 as you move from right to left. Numbering positions from right to left, starting with 0, the value of position i is 2 ** i. For example
4096 = (4 * 10**3) + (0 * 10**2) + (9 * 10**1) + (6 * 10**0)
And in general, if the n digits of our decimal number are
d[n-1] d[n-2] d[n-3] ... d[2] d[1] d[0]
then the number they represent in decimal (base 10) is
(d[n-1] * 10**(n-1)) + (d[n-2] * 10**(n-2)) + (d[n-3] * 10**(n-3)) +
... + (d[2] * 10**2) + (d[1] * 10**1) + (d[0] * 10**0)
But there is nothing special about our choice of digits. We could choose any base we like (provided it is bigger than 1). In binary, the base is 2, so we have the digits { 0, 1 }, and positions are powers of 2. These digits are commonly called bits

For example, the binary number with the bits 1101 is
(1 * 2**3) + (1 * 2**2) + (0 * 2**1) + (1 * 2**0)
= (8) + (4) + (0) + (1)
= 13

Binary Addition and Subtraction

To add two binary numbers, you use the usual addition algorithm but instead of carrying when you exceed 10, you do it on 2. For example:
The carries in binary addition can propagate quite a long distance.

Subtraction is also like the usual decimal algorithm, but we are borrowing 2 from the next column.

Bits, Bytes, and Length

When we do arithmetic on the hardware, the number of bits (i.e. binary digits) is usually fixed at a multiple of 8. A string of 8 bits is called a byte.

Every variable on the Arduino is a fixed number of bytes long. The size of variables is measured in bytes, so if you have a 2-byte number, it has 16 bits.

So when doing an operation like addition, the result can overflow and fall off the end of the representation. Repeating the example above, but restricting ourselves to n = 4 bits, we have:
0010 (without the final carry. Otherwise it would be 10010.)
So this example is 13 + 5 = 2. This may seem strange, but in fact it is just modular arithmetic, where the modulus is (2**n), which is the maximum number of bits we can use to represent our numbers, 4.
(2 ** 4) = 16
That is, (13 + 5) mod 16 = 2

Thus working with n-bit binary numbers is just doing modular arithmetic with a modulus of 2**n. This means that the maximum value you can represent in n bits is (2 ** n) - 1. For example, there are only 10 bits of precision in an Arduino analog input. This is why the maximum value you can read is 1023 = (2 ** 10) - 1.

Negative Numbers and 2's Complement

What about negative numbers? Since the arithmetic is modular, we don't really have negative numbers in binary arithmetic, we just interpret them that way.

For example, with n=4 in the example above,
1101 + 0101 = 0010
x + 5 = 2
where 1101, x, must be -3. We can interpret n-bit binary numbers either as modular, or as signed. The underlying arithmetic does not change. Since the mod-n negative of a number x is (n-x), we can think of the numbers in the range
0, 1, ..., (2**(n-1) - 1)
as non-negative. Note the leading bit is 0.

All the higher numbers have leading bit 1, so we can think of the numbers in the range
(2**n)-1, ...., 2**n
as the negative numbers
-1, -2, -3, ..., -(2**n)
Signed numbers are just the convention to take the numbers whose leftmost bit is 1 to be negative. This means that n-bit signed numbers are in the range
-(2**n), -(2**n) + 1, ..., -1, 0, 1, ,..., 2**(n-1)-1
Here is an example for 4-bit binary
binary decimal
0000 0 0
0001 1 1
0010 2 2
0011 3 3
0100 4 4
0101 5 5
0110 6 6
0111 7 7
1000 8 -8
1001 9 -7
1010 10 -6
1011 11 -5
1100 12 -4
1101 13 -3
1110 14 -2
1111 15 -1

Converting to negative numbers is easy. You flip the bits of the value you want to be negative, and then add one. For example:

0011, 3 in binary.
1100, bits flipped.
1101, added 1.
Converting back follows the same steps:

1101, -3.
0010, bits flipped.
0011, added 1.

3.6 Hexadecimal Notation

It can be annoying to write down strings of binary digits. They tend to get somewhat long. Hexadecimal notation simply groups the bits into blocks of 4, starting at the right. Each block of 4 bits is encoded as one of 16 possible digits:

binary hex
0000 0 0
0001 1 1
0010 2 2
0011 3 3
0100 4 4
0101 5 5
0110 6 6
0111 7 7
1000 8 8
1001 9 9
1010 a 10
1011 b 11
1100 c 12
1101 d 13
1110 e 14
1111 f 15

So the binary number 1101 0101 is
1101 0101
d 5
d5 in hex. To make it clear that a number is in hex, it is usually writen with a prefix of 0x just like 0xd5.

3.7 General Base-B Positional Representations

You can use any base B you want, so long as B > 1. The digits in the representation have to come from
{ 0, 1, 2, ..., B-1 }
Note for the digits bigger than 9 you need to introduce some symbols like we did for hex.

Numbering positions from right to left, starting with 0, the value of position i is B ** i. And in general, if the n digits of our base-B number are
d[n-1] d[n-2] d[n-3] ... d[2] d[1] d[0]
then the number they represent in base-B is

(d[n-1] * B**(n-1)) + (d[n-2] * B**(n-2)) + (d[n-3] * B**(n-3)) +
... + (d[2] * B**2) + (d[1] * B**1) + (d[0] * B**0)
Note that a base-B representation looks very much like a polynomial. To convert a base-B number you can use a shortcut for evaluating polynomials called Horner's rule. For example, in base 3, the number 1201 is
((( (1 * 3) + 2 ) * 3 + 0 ) * 3 + 1) = 46

Coverting Into Base-B

Now, to convert into Base-B, we exploit the property that
(B ** n) mod B = 0 if n > 0
So when we mod with the base B, all higher powers of B vanish, and we are left with the rightmost digit. So for any non-negative integer x, the rightmost digit in Base-B is x mod B.

For example, in Base 10, 217 mod 10 is 7. In binary (Base 2), 217 mod 2 is 1, which is consistent with the binary representation 1101 1001 for 217. Note in hex, 217 is 0xd9.
Check: (d * 16) + (9) = (13 * 16) + (9) = (208) + (9) = 217
So the rightmost hex digit of 217 is 217 mod 16 = 9

Now how do we get the rest of the digits? We use the property that
((x * B**n) div B) = (x * B**(n-1))
That is, dividing by the Base B shifts the entire number over one position.

For example, in Base 10, (217 div 10) is 21. In binary (Base 2), (217 div 2) is 108, which is consistent with shifting the binary representation 1101 1001 over one position, to get 0110 1100 for 108. Note in hex, 217 is 0xd9
Check: (d * 16) + (9) = (13 * 16) + (9)
So 217 div 16 = 13 = 0xd

3.8 Arduino Bit Code

Here is some Arduino code that extracts each digit and prints them in reverse order.


    void setup() 
      // prints title with ending line break 
      Serial.println("Base Conversion Example"); 
    uint16_t x = 217;
    uint16_t base = 2;
    void loop()
      uint16_t y;
      uint16_t digit;
      Serial.print("Converting ");
      Serial.print(x, DEC);
      Serial.print(" into base ");
      Serial.print(base, DEC);
      Serial.println(" with reversed digits!");
      y = x;
      while (y > 0) {
        // extract out rightmost base digit
        digit = y % base;
        y = y / base; 

The program below fixes the problem.


    void setup() 
      // prints title with ending line break 
      Serial.println("Base Conversion Example"); 
    uint16_t x;
    uint8_t base = 2;
    // where we will place the digits of x
    int16_t Digits[32];
    int16_t num_digits;
    void loop()
      uint16_t y;
      uint16_t digit;
      uint16_t dig_pos;
      x = -1;
      Serial.print("Converting ");
      Serial.print(x, DEC);
      Serial.print(" into base ");
      Serial.print(base, DEC);
      y = x;
      dig_pos = 0;
      num_digits = 0;
      while (y > 0) {
        // extract out rightmost base B digit
        digit = y % base;
        y = y / base; 
        // and put it into digit position dig_pos
        Digits[dig_pos] = digit;
        dig_pos++;  // next position
        num_digits++;  // count this digit
      // now print out the digits left to right
      for (dig_pos = num_digits-1; dig_pos--; dig_pos >=0) {
        Serial.print(Digits[dig_pos], DEC);
        Serial.print(" ");

3. Bits, Bytes, and Modular Artithmetic
Tangible Computing / Version 3.20 2013-03-25