#lang racket |
; Integers: |
(quotient 9 4) |
(remainder 9 4) |
(modulo 9 5) |
(modulo 9 -4) |
(modulo -9 5) |
(modulo -9 -4) |
(= 2 3) |
(not (= 2 3)) |
(< 3 4) |
; Lists: |
(define L '(1 2 3)) |
(first L) |
(car L) |
(rest L) |
(cdr L) |
(first (rest L)) |
(car (cdr L)) |
(cadr L) |
(cons (first L) (rest L)) |
(cons 42 L) |
(cons L L) |
(cons 1 1) |
(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '()))) |
(cons (cons (cons (cons 1 '()) '()) '()) '()) |
(list? L) |
(null? L) |
(null? (rest '(2))) |
(list? 1) |
(null? 1) |
(define LL '( (1 2 3) (4 5 6 (7 8) ))) |
(car (car LL)) |
(caar LL) |
(car (cdr LL)) |
(cadr LL) |
(car (cdr (cdr LL))) |
(caddr LL) |
(cdr (cdr (car (cdr LL)))) |
(cddadr LL) |
(car (cdr (cdr (car (cdr LL))))) |
(caddadr LL) |
; If you want the list consisting of the value of a and the value of b, then you |
; need to assemble it. So you start with the empty list |
'() |
; (this is a constant, so has a quote). Then you use the inductive definition |
; of list, and build the list containing b, by doing |
(cons b '()) |
; finally you add a to the front, by doing |
(cons a (cons b '())) |
; Definition and Quotation: |
(quote 1) |
'1 |
(quote ()) |
'() |
(define X (+ 1 2)) |
X |
(define Y '(+ 1 2)) |
Y |
(eval Y) |
; Abstraction: |
; the constant function of no arguments |
(define f1 (lambda () 42)) |
f1 |
(f1) |
; the unary function that doubles its argument |
(define f2 (lambda (x) (+ x x))) |
(f2 3) |
; the identity function |
(define ident (lambda (x) x)) |
(ident 42) |
; the function that builds a list around its argument |
(define list1 (lambda (x) (cons x '()) ) ) |
(list1 3) |
; a binary function that does addition |
(define add (lambda (x y) (+ x y))) |
(add 40 2) |
; Scheme doesn't do Currying automatically |
(add 40) |
; (addn n) builds a function that adds n to it's argument |
(define addn (lambda (n) (lambda (x) (+ x n)))) |
addn |
(addn 3) |
(define plus3 (addn 3)) |
plus3 |
(plus3 40) |
; Conditionals and Recursion: |
; in an imperative language, we would do something like this to |
; find the min of a list |
; def lmin(L): |
; min_val = None |
; for x in L: |
; if min_val is None or x < min_val: |
; min_val = x |
; return min_val |
; functionally, we do it like this |
; try tracing it in DrRacket |
(define lmin (lambda (L) |
(if (null? (rest L)) |
(first L) |
(min (first L) (lmin (rest L))) |
))) |
(lmin '(1 -3 4)) |
; sum over a list: note the base case, and induction/recursion |
(define lsum (lambda (L) |
(if (null? L) |
0 |
(+ (first L) (lsum (rest L))) |
))) |
(lsum '(1 -3 4)) |
; Evaluation |
(quote (+ 3 4)) |
(eval (quote (+ 3 4)) |
(define exp (cons (lambda (x) (+ x x)) '(3))) |
exp |
(eval exp) |
#lang racket |
; suppose that we want to compose a function fn with itself n times |
; applying it to argument x. |
; For example, function g composed 3 times on argument y is |
; g(g(g(y))) (in normal math notation), or |
; (g (g (g y))) as a Scheme expression |
; Function g composed 0 times on y is just y. |
(define fcompose (lambda (fn n x) |
(if (<= n 0) |
; base case, the identity function, just return x |
x |
; recursion, compute one application and then send it |
; to n-1 applications |
; note that fcompose is in tail-recursive position, so |
; this code is run as a loop with constant stack space |
; watch how the stack grows if instead this non-tail recursive |
; formulation is used: (fn (fcompose fn (-n 1) x)) |
(fcompose fn (- n 1) (fn x)) |
) |
)) |
; compute powers of two |
(define times2 (lambda (x) (* 2 x))) |
(fcompose times2 5 1) |
(fcompose times2 0 1) |
(define power2 (lambda (x) (fcompose times2 x 1))) |
(power2 4) |
(power2 0) |
; compute y ^ n |
(define yexpn (lambda (y n) |
(fcompose (lambda (p) (* y p)) n 1) |
)) |
(yexpn 2 5) |
(yexpn 5 3) |
; sum up the first n integers 1, 2, ..., n |
; we keep a state consisting of a list (sum i) of two elements |
; where sum is the sum so far, and i is the next element of the |
; sequence. |
; This corresponds to a loop body that looks something like this: |
; sum = sum + i |
; i = i + 1 |
; making lists with cons car and cdr is really annoying to read |
(define loop-body-ugly (lambda (state) |
; new state is updated sum and next i. Create a 2 element list |
(cons (+ (car state) (cadr state)) |
(cons (+ 1 (cadr state)) '() )) |
)) |
; which is why first, second, third, fourth are defined |
; and there is a list function which takes an arbitrary number of |
; arguments and wraps them into a list |
(define loop-body (lambda (state) |
; new state is updated sum and next i. Create a 2 element list |
(list |
(+ (first state) (second state)) |
(+ 1 (second state))) |
)) |
; run the loop 10 times, starting with initial state sum=0 i=1 |
(fcompose loop-body 10 '(0 1)) |
; a function to run the loop n times, starting with initial state sum=0 i=1 |
; this is exactly the loop |
; sum = 0 |
; i = 1 |
; for (index = 0; index < n; index++) { |
; sum = sum + i |
; i = i + 1 |
; } |
(define sum-of-n (lambda (n) |
(first (fcompose loop-body n '(0 1))) |
)) |
(sum-of-n 10) |
(sum-of-n 0) |
(sum-of-n 3) |