Appendix 2: Mizar MSE Grammar

2.1: Notation

Name (in italics) stands for a variable in the grammar, that is a non-terminal symbol.
token (in typewriter font) a token, that is a terminal symbol.
| separates alternative elements.
( ) groups elements together.
{ } zero or more occurrences of what is between braces.
{ }+ one or more occurrences of what is between braces.
[ ] zero or one occurrence of what is between brackets.

2.2: Grammar


Comment   ::=   == ArbitraryTextToEndOfLine


Article   ::=   environ Environment [ begin TextProper ]

Environment   ::=   {
Axiom ; |
Reservation ; |
GlobalConstantsDeclaration ;

TextProper   ::=   { Statement ; }+

Environment Items

Axiom   ::=   LabelId : Formula

Reservation   ::=   reserve Identifier { , Identiifier } for SortId

GlobalConstantsDeclaration   ::=   given QualifiedObjects

Text Proper Items

Statement   ::=   CompactStatement |
DistributedStatement |

CompactStatement   ::=   Proposition ( SimpleJustification | Proof )

DistributedStatement   ::=   [ LabelId : ] now Reasoning end

Choice   ::=   consider QualifiedObjects [ such that Proposition ] SimpleJustification

Proposition   ::=   [ LabelId : ] Formula

SimpleJustification   ::=   [ by Reference { , Reference } ]

Reference   ::=   LabelId

Reasonings and Proofs

Proof   ::=   proof Reasoning end

Reasoning   ::=   { SkeletonItem ; | Statement ; }+

SkeletonItem   ::=   Assumption |
Generalization |

Assumption   ::=   assume Proposition

Generalization   ::=   let ExplicitlyQualifiedObjects

Conclusion   ::=   thus CompactStatement


Formula   ::=   AndOrFormula |
ConditionalFormula |
BiconditionalFormula |

AndOrFormula   ::=   ConjunctiveFormula | DisjunctiveFormula

DisjunctiveFormula   ::=   ConjunctiveFormula { or ConjunctiveFormula }

ConjunctiveFormula   ::=   UnitFormula { & UnitFormula }

UnitFormula   ::=   { not } ( AtomicFormula | ( Formula ) )

AtomicFormula   ::=   Equality |
Inequality |
PredicativeFormula |
contradiction |

Equality   ::=   Term = Term

Inequality   ::=   Term <> Term

PredicativeFormula   ::=   PredicateId [ [ Term { , Term } ] ]

Term   ::=   ObjectId

ConditionalFormula   ::=   AndOrFormula implies AndOrFormula

BiconditionalFormula   ::=   AndOrFormula iff AndOrFormula

QuantifiedFormula   ::=   UniversalFormula | ExistentialFormula

UniversalFormula   ::=   for QualifiedObjects [ st Formula ] holds Formula |
for QualifiedObjects [ st Formula ] QuantifiedFormula

ExistentialFormula   ::=   ex QualifiedObjects st Formula

Object Declarations

QualifiedObjects   ::=   ImplicitlyQualifiedObjects |
ExplicitlyQualifiedObjects |
ExplicitlyQualifiedObjects , ImplicitlyQualifiedObjects

ImplicitlyQualifiedObjects   ::=   ObjectList

ExplicitlyQualifiedObjects   ::=   QualifiedSegment { , QualifiedSegement }

QualifiedSegment   ::=   ObjectList ( be | being ) SortId

ObjectList   ::=   ObjectId { , ObjectId }


LabelId   ::=   Identifier

SortId   ::=   Identifier

PredicateId   ::=   Identifier

ObjectId   ::=   Identifier

IdentifierChar   ::=   A..Z | a..z | 0..9 | _

Identifier   ::=   { IdentifierChar }+ { ' }


2.3: Problems with syntax

2.3.1: A question

== You are given a number of syntactically incorrect formulas.
== Your job is to make them syntactically correct by inserting parentheses
== (no other visible symbols are permitted)
== in such a way that the formulas become not only syntactically correct 
== but also are accepted by the Mizar checker (without any errors).
== That is, all formulas you obtain should be tautologies.

        given a being PERSON;

        == If you wish, you may understand the abbreviations as follows:
        == K[a]         a is a knight
        == N[a]         a is a knave
        == S[a]         a is short
        == T[a]         a is tall
        == H[a]         a is handsome
        == You should understand however that the above suggestion is
        == completely immaterial since tautologies are independent of the
        == interpretation.
        == Example. For the syntactically incorrect

        1: K[a] implies T[a] & T[a] implies H[a] & K[a] implies H[a];

        == the solution can be:

        1: ((K[a] implies T[a]) & (T[a] implies H[a]) & K[a]) implies H[a];

        == End of example

 1: K[a] implies S[a] iff S[a] or not K[a];
 2: K[a] implies T[a] implies T[a] implies H[a] implies K[a] implies H[a];
 3: K[a] implies T[a] & T[a] implies H[a] implies K[a] implies H[a];

 4: K[a] implies T[a] implies K[a] implies K[a];

 5: K[a] implies S[a] & N[a] implies T[a] implies K[a] & N[a] implies
                                                                  S[a] & T[a];

 6: K[a] implies S[a] & N[a] implies T[a] & K[a] or N[a] implies S[a] or T[a];

 7: K[a] implies S[a] & N[a] implies T[a] & K[a] or N[a] & not S[a] implies

 8: K[a] implies S[a] & S[a] implies K[a] iff K[a] iff S[a];

 9: K[a] & S[a] or not S[a] & not K[a] iff K[a] iff S[a];

2.3.2: Its answer

    given a being PERSON;
  1: K[a] implies (S[a] iff S[a] or not K[a]);
  2: (K[a] implies T[a]) implies 
               ((T[a] implies H[a]) implies (K[a] implies H[a]));
  3: ((K[a] implies T[a]) & (T[a] implies H[a])) 
               implies (K[a] implies H[a]);
  4: (K[a] implies T[a]) implies (K[a] implies K[a]);
  5: ((K[a] implies S[a]) & (N[a] implies T[a])) 
               implies (K[a] & N[a] implies S[a] & T[a]);
  6: ((K[a] implies S[a]) & (N[a] implies T[a]) & (K[a] or N[a])) 
               implies S[a] or T[a];
  7: ((K[a] implies S[a]) & (N[a] implies T[a]) & (K[a] or N[a]) 
               & not S[a]) implies T[a];
  8: ((K[a] implies S[a]) & (S[a] implies K[a])) iff (K[a] iff S[a]);
  9: (K[a] & S[a] or not S[a] & not K[a]) iff (K[a] iff S[a]);