environ given S being STUDENT; given M being Money; begin (Need[M] implies Work[S] & Save[M]) implies (Need[M] implies Work[S]) & (not Save[M] implies not Need[M]) proof == II assume A:( Need[M] implies Work[S] & Save[M] ); == At this point we have to prove the consequent of the original formula. == It is a conjunction. The first conjunct is concluded by a thus. thus Need[M] implies Work[S] proof == II assume A1: Need[M]; 1a: Work[S] & Save[M] by A, A1; == IE thus Work[S] by 1a; == CE end; == At this point the second conjunct has to be concluded. == Since it is an implication we incorporate the proof of the implication == into the main proof. == We are really doing the implication introduction from here on. assume A1: not Save[M]; == What remains to be proven at this point is: not Need[M] 2a: now == II assume A2: Need[M]; 2b: Work[S] & Save[M] by A, A2; == IE thus Save[M] by 2b; == CE end; thus not Need[M] by A1, 2a; == MT end;