Funny Finds!

Need a laugh?

One night, when I couldn't sleep, I started going through all my old e-mails. Being a pack rat, I keep everything and still have e-mails around that I received over three years ago. What I noticed, while sifting through my mail, is that no one has sent out a joke for an amazingly long time...something I interpreted as us becoming much too stressed with no more time to take a break and laugh. In an attempt to ease our busy lives, I've pulled out some of the more humorous e-mails I received, and set them up here for everyone else to read. Other funnies on the site are ones that I found around my room, hiding in desk drawers or in folders on book shelves. I'm sure some people will recognize certain jokes or anecdotes, and hopefully they'll provide some relief from school stress.

Something to note: I have no idea who came up with these. If you know the name of the original creator or author of anything on this site, please tell me so that I can give credit where it's due.

Enjoy! Have a laugh!
