IRSO will work towards providing relief and humanitarian assistance to victims of natural disasters.
The fundamental objective of IRSO is to provide financial support for the victims of natural disasters and channel it towards attenuating human sufferings without discrimination. IRSO will also promote mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and respect amongst its members.
IRSO will remain impartial to all its members and will not take side or engage at any time in controversies of political, racial or religious nature. IRSO is a voluntary relief organization and is not prompted in any manner by desire for gain or profit.
IRSO is happy to take advice and work coopertatively with University, bigger and establihed NGO groups in undertaking (1) Socio-economic and Scentific Research; (2) Development work in health, enviornmental engineering, Forestry, Education and Rural health; and (3) Student projects (using Bursaries etc).